Doctrine Data uses the Doctrine Parser for the dumping and loading of fixtures data so it is possible to use any of the formats available in the Parser. Currently yml is the only fully supported format but xml and others are next.
++ Exporting
You can export data to fixtures file in many different formats
<code type="php">
// A few ways exist for specifying where you export the data
// Dump to one large fixture file
Doctrine_Data::exportData('data.yml', 'yml');
// Dump to individual files. One file per model. 3rd argument true specifies to dump to individual files
$path = array('directory1', 'directory2', 'directory3'); // Array of directories which contain yml files. It will find all files with an extension of .yml
// Specify the format of the data you are importing
$format = 'yml';
$format = 'xml';
$format = 'csv';
$models = array('User', 'Phonenumber'); // you can optionally specify an array of the models you wish to import the data for, by default it loads data for all the available loaded models and the data that exists
The parser is built to allow dumping and loading from many different formats. Currently xml and yml are the only drivers but later other file formats such as csv may be added. You can specify the data to load/dump in with the $type argument on dump() and load()
The Doctrine Migration tools allow you to migrate databases and it issues alter table statements directly to your databases when you need to deploy database changes.
++ Writing Migration Classes
Migration classes consist of a simple class that extends from Doctrine_Migration. You can define a public up() and down() method that is meant for doing and undoing changes to a database for that migration step.
Here is a list of the available methods you can use to alter your database in your migration classes
<code type="php">
public function createTable($tableName, array $fields = array(), array $options = array())
public function dropTable($tableName)
public function renameTable($oldTableName, $newTableName)
public function addColumn($tableName, $columnName, $type, array $options = array())
public function renameColumn($tableName, $oldColumnName, $newColumnName)
public function changeColumn($tableName, $columnName, $type, array $options = array())
public function removeColumn($tableName, $columnName)
public function addIndex($tableName, $indexName, array $options = array())
public function removeIndex($tableName, $indexName)
+++ Altering Data
You can alter table directly in your up() and down() methods like you normally would by creating new model instances and calling save() or creating queries and deleting data.