Commit 4319d095 authored by zYne's avatar zYne

little sequence handling fix

parent 360c8ea2
......@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ class Doctrine_Cache
* @param string $query sql query string
* @return void
public function process($query)
public function addQuery($query)
$this->queries[] = $query;
......@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ class Doctrine_Cache
* @return boolean
public function save()
public function processAll()
$content = file_get_contents($this->_statsFile);
$queries = explode("\n", $content);
......@@ -97,6 +97,10 @@ abstract class Doctrine_Connection extends Doctrine_Configurable implements Coun
'wildcards' => array('%', '_')
* @var array $serverInfo
protected $serverInfo = array();
* @var array $availibleDrivers an array containing all availible drivers
......@@ -146,14 +146,14 @@ class Doctrine_Connection_Mssql extends Doctrine_Connection
public function getServerVersion($native = false)
if ($this->connected_server_info) {
$serverInfo = $this->connected_server_info;
if ($this->serverInfo) {
$serverInfo = $this->serverInfo;
} else {
$query = 'SELECT @@VERSION';
$serverInfo = $this->fetchOne($query);
// cache server_info
$this->connected_server_info = $serverInfo;
$this->serverInfo = $serverInfo;
if ( ! $native) {
if (preg_match('/([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)/', $serverInfo, $tmp)) {
$serverInfo = array(
......@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ class Doctrine_Sequence_Firebird extends Doctrine_Sequence
$query = 'SELECT GEN_ID(' . $sequenceName . ', 1) as the_value FROM RDB$DATABASE';
try {
$result = $this->queryOne($query, 'integer');
$result = $this->conn->fetchOne($query, 'integer');
} catch(Doctrine_Connection_Exception $e) {
if ($onDemand && $e->getPortableCode() == Doctrine::ERR_NOSUCHTABLE) {
......@@ -75,9 +75,9 @@ class Doctrine_Sequence_Firebird extends Doctrine_Sequence
* @param string name of the table into which a new row was inserted
* @param string name of the field into which a new row was inserted
public function lastInsertID($table = null, $field = null)
public function lastInsertId($table = null, $field = null)
throw new Doctrine_Sequence_Exception('method not implemented');
return $this->conn->getDbh()->lastInsertId();
* Returns the current id of a sequence
......@@ -86,14 +86,14 @@ class Doctrine_Sequence_Firebird extends Doctrine_Sequence
* @return integer current id in the given sequence
public function currID($seqName)
public function currId($seqName)
$sequenceName = $this->conn->quoteIdentifier($this->getSequenceName($seqName), true);
$query = 'SELECT GEN_ID(' . $sequenceName . ', 0) as the_value FROM RDB$DATABASE';
try {
$value = $this->queryOne($query);
$value = $this->conn->fetchOne($query);
} catch(Doctrine_Connection_Exception $e) {
throw new Doctrine_Sequence_Exception('Unable to select from ' . $seqName);
......@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ class Doctrine_Sequence_Mssql extends Doctrine_Sequence
* @return integer next id in the given sequence
public function nextID($seqName, $ondemand = true)
public function nextId($seqName, $ondemand = true)
$sequenceName = $this->conn->quoteIdentifier($this->getSequenceName($seqName), true);
$seqcolName = $this->conn->quoteIdentifier($this->getAttribute(Doctrine::ATTR_SEQCOL_NAME), true);
......@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ class Doctrine_Sequence_Mssql extends Doctrine_Sequence
$value = $this->lastInsertID($sequenceName);
$value = $this->lastInsertId($sequenceName);
if (is_numeric($value)) {
$query = 'DELETE FROM ' . $sequenceName . ' WHERE ' . $seqcolName . ' < ' . $value;
......@@ -92,9 +92,9 @@ class Doctrine_Sequence_Mssql extends Doctrine_Sequence
* @param string name of the table into which a new row was inserted
* @param string name of the field into which a new row was inserted
public function lastInsertID($table = null, $field = null)
public function lastInsertId($table = null, $field = null)
$serverInfo = $this->getServerVersion();
$serverInfo = $this->conn->getServerVersion();
if (is_array($serverInfo)
&& ! is_null($serverInfo['major'])
&& $serverInfo['major'] >= 8) {
......@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ class Doctrine_Sequence_Mssql extends Doctrine_Sequence
$query = 'SELECT @@IDENTITY';
return $this->fetchOne($query);
return $this->conn->fetchOne($query);
* Returns the current id of a sequence
......@@ -114,10 +114,10 @@ class Doctrine_Sequence_Mssql extends Doctrine_Sequence
* @return integer current id in the given sequence
public function currID($seqName)
public function currId($seqName)
$this->warnings[] = 'database does not support getting current
sequence value, the sequence value was incremented';
return $this->nextID($seqName);
return $this->nextId($seqName);
......@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ class Doctrine_Sequence_Sqlite extends Doctrine_Sequence
public function lastInsertId($table = null, $field = null)
return $this->conn->getDbh()->lastInsertID();
return $this->conn->getDbh()->lastInsertId();
* Returns the current id of a sequence
ini_set('max_execution_time', 900);
function autoload($class) {
if(strpos($class, 'TestCase') === false)
......@@ -135,7 +135,6 @@ $test->addTestCase(new Doctrine_Expression_Pgsql_TestCase());
$test->addTestCase(new Doctrine_Expression_Oracle_TestCase());
$test->addTestCase(new Doctrine_Expression_Sqlite_TestCase());
// Core
$test->addTestCase(new Doctrine_Access_TestCase());
......@@ -197,14 +196,11 @@ $test->addTestCase(new Doctrine_Query_MultiJoin_TestCase());
$test->addTestCase(new Doctrine_Query_ReferenceModel_TestCase());
$test->addTestCase(new Doctrine_Query_Condition_TestCase());
$test->addTestCase(new Doctrine_Query_ComponentAlias_TestCase());
$test->addTestCase(new Doctrine_Query_Subquery_TestCase());
$test->addTestCase(new Doctrine_Query_TestCase());
$test->addTestCase(new Doctrine_Query_ShortAliases_TestCase());
$test->addTestCase(new Doctrine_Query_Delete_TestCase());
$test->addTestCase(new Doctrine_Query_Where_TestCase());
$test->addTestCase(new Doctrine_Query_Limit_TestCase());
$test->addTestCase(new Doctrine_Query_IdentifierQuoting_TestCase());
$test->addTestCase(new Doctrine_Query_Update_TestCase());
......@@ -219,8 +215,9 @@ $test->addTestCase(new Doctrine_Query_JoinCondition_TestCase());
$test->addTestCase(new Doctrine_ColumnAlias_TestCase());
$test->addTestCase(new Doctrine_Query_Subquery_TestCase());
$test->addTestCase(new Doctrine_Query_Orderby_TestCase());
// Cache tests
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