Unverified Commit 4c258314 authored by Sergei Morozov's avatar Sergei Morozov

Merge branch '2.11.x' into 3.0.x

parents e27d6558 0bb2e66d
......@@ -130,6 +130,10 @@ Please use other database client applications for import, e.g.:
# Upgrade to 2.11
## Deprecated `EchoSQLLogger`
The `EchoSQLLogger` is has been deprecated. Implement your logger with the desired logic.
## Deprecated database platforms:
1. PostgreSQL 9.3 and older
......@@ -499,7 +499,7 @@ CREATE\sTABLE # Match "CREATE TABLE"
private function parseColumnCommentFromSQL(string $column, string $sql) : ?string
$pattern = '{[\s(,](?:\W' . preg_quote($this->_platform->quoteSingleIdentifier($column)) . '\W|\W' . preg_quote($column)
. '\W)(?:\(.*?\)|[^,(])*?,?((?:(?!\n))(?:\s*--[^\n]*\n?)+)}i';
. '\W)(?:\([^)]*?\)|[^,(])*?,?((?:(?!\n))(?:\s*--[^\n]*\n?)+)}i';
if (preg_match($pattern, $sql, $match) !== 1) {
return null;
......@@ -278,4 +278,19 @@ SQL;
// with an empty table, non autoincrement rowid is always 1
self::assertEquals(1, $lastUsedIdAfterDelete);
public function testOnlyOwnCommentIsParsed() : void
$table = new Table('own_column_comment');
$table->addColumn('col1', 'string', ['length' => 16]);
$table->addColumn('col2', 'string', ['length' => 16, 'comment' => 'Column #2']);
$table->addColumn('col3', 'string', ['length' => 16]);
$sm = $this->connection->getSchemaManager();
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