## BC BREAK: Removed support for DB-generated UUIDs
The support for DB-generated UUIDs was removed as non-portable.
Please generate UUIDs on the application side (e.g. using [ramsey/uuid](https://packagist.org/packages/ramsey/uuid)).
## BC BREAK: Changes in the `Doctrine\DBAL\Connection` API
- The following methods have been removed as leaking internal implementation details: `::getHost()`, `::getPort()`, `::getUsername()`, `::getPassword()`.
## BC BREAK: Changes in the `Doctrine\DBAL\Event` API
-`ConnectionEventArgs::getDriver()`, `::getDatabasePlatform()` and `::getSchemaManager()` methods have been removed. The connection information can be obtained from the connection which is available via `::getConnection()`.
-`SchemaColumnDefinitionEventArgs::getDatabasePlatform()` and `SchemaIndexDefinitionEventArgs::getDatabasePlatform()` have been removed for the same reason as above.
## BC BREAK: Changes in obtaining the currently selected database name
- The `Doctrine\DBAL\Driver::getDatabase()` method has been removed. Please use `Doctrine\DBAL\Connection::getDatabase()` instead.
-`Doctrine\DBAL\Connection::getDatabase()` will always return the name of the database currently connected to, regardless of the configuration parameters and will initialize a database connection if it's not yet established.
- A call to `Doctrine\DBAL\Connection::getDatabase()`, when connected to an SQLite database, will no longer return the database file path.
## BC BREAK: `Doctrine\DBAL\Driver::getName()` removed
The `Doctrine\DBAL\Driver::getName()` has been removed.
## BC BREAK Removed previously deprecated features
* Removed `json_array` type and all associated hacks.
* Removed `Connection::TRANSACTION_*` constants.
* Removed `AbstractPlatform::DATE_INTERVAL_UNIT_*` and `AbstractPlatform::TRIM_*` constants.
and `Configuration::getFilterSchemaAssetsExpression()`.
*`SQLParserUtils::*_TOKEN` constants made private.
## BC BREAK changes the `Driver::connect()` signature
The method no longer accepts the `$username`, `$password` and `$driverOptions` arguments. The corresponding values are expected to be passed as the "user", "password" and "driver_options" keys of the `$params` argument respectively.
['SELECT @rank := 1 AS rank, :foo AS foo FROM :bar',[27=>'foo',44=>'bar']],// Ticket DBAL-398
['SELECT * FROM Foo WHERE bar > :start_date AND baz > :start_date',[30=>'start_date',52=>'start_date']],// Ticket GH-113
['SELECT foo::date as date FROM Foo WHERE bar > :start_date AND baz > :start_date',[46=>'start_date',68=>'start_date']],// Ticket GH-259
['SELECT `d.ns:col_name` FROM my_table d WHERE `d.date` >= :param1',[57=>'param1']],// Ticket DBAL-552
['SELECT [d.ns:col_name] FROM my_table d WHERE [d.date] >= :param1',[57=>'param1']],// Ticket DBAL-552
['SELECT * FROM foo WHERE jsonb_exists_any(foo.bar, ARRAY[:foo])',[56=>'foo']],// Ticket GH-2295
['SELECT * FROM foo WHERE jsonb_exists_any(foo.bar, array[:foo])',[56=>'foo']],
['SELECT table.field1, ARRAY[\'3\'] FROM schema.table table WHERE table.f1 = :foo AND ARRAY[\'3\']',[73=>'foo']],
['SELECT table.field1, ARRAY[\'3\']::integer[] FROM schema.table table WHERE table.f1 = :foo AND ARRAY[\'3\']::integer[]',[84=>'foo']],
['SELECT table.field1, ARRAY[:foo] FROM schema.table table WHERE table.f1 = :bar AND ARRAY[\'3\']',[27=>'foo',74=>'bar']],
['SELECT table.field1, ARRAY[:foo]::integer[] FROM schema.table table WHERE table.f1 = :bar AND ARRAY[\'3\']::integer[]',[27=>'foo',85=>'bar']],
@@ -77,31 +89,45 @@ OR bar=''
OR bar=:a_param3
["SELECT data.age AS age, data.id AS id, data.name AS name, data.id AS id FROM test_data data WHERE (data.description LIKE :condition_0 ESCAPE '\\\\') AND (data.description LIKE :condition_1 ESCAPE '\\\\') ORDER BY id ASC",false,[121=>'condition_0',174=>'condition_1']],
['SELECT data.age AS age, data.id AS id, data.name AS name, data.id AS id FROM test_data data WHERE (data.description LIKE :condition_0 ESCAPE "\\\\") AND (data.description LIKE :condition_1 ESCAPE "\\\\") ORDER BY id ASC',false,[121=>'condition_0',174=>'condition_1']],
['SELECT data.age AS age, data.id AS id, data.name AS name, data.id AS id FROM test_data data WHERE (data.description LIKE :condition_0 ESCAPE "\\\\") AND (data.description LIKE :condition_1 ESCAPE \'\\\\\') ORDER BY id ASC',false,[121=>'condition_0',174=>'condition_1']],
['SELECT data.age AS age, data.id AS id, data.name AS name, data.id AS id FROM test_data data WHERE (data.description LIKE :condition_0 ESCAPE `\\\\`) AND (data.description LIKE :condition_1 ESCAPE `\\\\`) ORDER BY id ASC',false,[121=>'condition_0',174=>'condition_1']],
['SELECT data.age AS age, data.id AS id, data.name AS name, data.id AS id FROM test_data data WHERE (data.description LIKE :condition_0 ESCAPE \'\\\\\') AND (data.description LIKE :condition_1 ESCAPE `\\\\`) ORDER BY id ASC',false,[121=>'condition_0',174=>'condition_1']],
["SELECT * FROM Foo WHERE (foo.bar LIKE :condition_0 ESCAPE '\') AND (foo.baz = :condition_1) AND (foo.bak LIKE :condition_2 ESCAPE '\')",false,[38=>'condition_0',78=>'condition_1',110=>'condition_2']],
["SELECT data.age AS age, data.id AS id, data.name AS name, data.id AS id FROM test_data data WHERE (data.description LIKE :condition_0 ESCAPE '\\\\') AND (data.description LIKE :condition_1 ESCAPE '\\\\') ORDER BY id ASC",[121=>'condition_0',174=>'condition_1']],
['SELECT data.age AS age, data.id AS id, data.name AS name, data.id AS id FROM test_data data WHERE (data.description LIKE :condition_0 ESCAPE "\\\\") AND (data.description LIKE :condition_1 ESCAPE "\\\\") ORDER BY id ASC',[121=>'condition_0',174=>'condition_1']],
['SELECT data.age AS age, data.id AS id, data.name AS name, data.id AS id FROM test_data data WHERE (data.description LIKE :condition_0 ESCAPE "\\\\") AND (data.description LIKE :condition_1 ESCAPE \'\\\\\') ORDER BY id ASC',[121=>'condition_0',174=>'condition_1']],
['SELECT data.age AS age, data.id AS id, data.name AS name, data.id AS id FROM test_data data WHERE (data.description LIKE :condition_0 ESCAPE `\\\\`) AND (data.description LIKE :condition_1 ESCAPE `\\\\`) ORDER BY id ASC',[121=>'condition_0',174=>'condition_1']],
['SELECT data.age AS age, data.id AS id, data.name AS name, data.id AS id FROM test_data data WHERE (data.description LIKE :condition_0 ESCAPE \'\\\\\') AND (data.description LIKE :condition_1 ESCAPE `\\\\`) ORDER BY id ASC',[121=>'condition_0',174=>'condition_1']],
["SELECT * FROM Foo WHERE (foo.bar LIKE :condition_0 ESCAPE '\') AND (foo.baz = :condition_1) AND (foo.bak LIKE :condition_2 ESCAPE '\')",[38=>'condition_0',78=>'condition_1',110=>'condition_2']],