Commit 63bca659 authored by zYne's avatar zYne

huge bug fix for new hydration algorithm

parent 240fdee5
......@@ -766,6 +766,12 @@ class Doctrine_Hydrate implements Serializable
* parseData
* parses the data returned by statement object
* This is method defines the core of Doctrine object population algorithm
* hence this method strives to be as fast as possible
* The key idea is the loop over the rowset only once doing all the needed operations
* within this massive loop.
* @param mixed $stmt
* @return array
......@@ -788,9 +794,11 @@ class Doctrine_Hydrate implements Serializable
$array = $driver->getElementCollection($componentName);
$identifiable = array();
while ($data = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
$parse = true;
foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
if ( ! isset($cache[$key])) {
$e = explode('__', $key);
......@@ -808,7 +816,6 @@ class Doctrine_Hydrate implements Serializable
$tmp = array();
$alias = $cache[$key]['alias'];
$component = $cache[$key]['component'];
$componentName = $this->_aliasMap[$cache[$key]['alias']]['table']->getComponentName();
......@@ -818,125 +825,149 @@ class Doctrine_Hydrate implements Serializable
if ( ! isset($currData[$alias])) {
$currData[$alias] = array();
if ( ! isset($prevData[$alias])) {
$prevData[$alias] = array();
if ( ! isset($prevElement[$alias])) {
$prevElement[$alias] = array();
if ( ! isset($prev[$alias])) {
$prev[$alias] = array();
if ($alias !== $lastAlias || $parse) {
// component changed
$identifiable = $driver->isIdentifiable($currData[$alias], $table);
$skip = false;
if (($alias !== $lastAlias || $parse) && ! empty($currData[$alias])) {
// component changed
$element = $driver->getElement($currData[$alias], $componentName);
// map aggregate values (if any)
if ($this->mapAggregateValues($element, $currData[$alias], $alias)) {
$identifiable = true;
$this->mapAggregateValues($element, $currData[$alias], $alias);
if ($currData[$alias] !== $prevData[$alias] || $element !== $prevElement[$alias]) {
if ($identifiable) {
if ($alias === $rootAlias) {
// dealing with root component
if ($alias === $rootAlias) {
// dealing with root component
$index = $driver->search($element, $array);
if ($index === false) {
$array[] = $element;
$array[$index] = $element;
$prev[$alias] =& $array[$index];
} else {
$parent = $cache[$key]['parent'];
$relation = $this->_aliasMap[$cache[$key]['alias']]['relation'];
// check the type of the relation
if ( ! $relation->isOneToOne()) {
/*if ($prev[$parent][$component] instanceof Doctrine_Record) {
throw new Exception();
$prev[$parent][$component][] = $element;
} else {
$prev[$parent][$component] = $element;
$coll =& $array;
} else {
$parent = $cache[$key]['parent'];
$relation = $this->_aliasMap[$cache[$key]['alias']]['relation'];
// check the type of the relation
if ( ! $relation->isOneToOne()) {
// initialize the collection
if ($driver->initRelated($prev[$parent], $component)) {
if (is_array($prev[$parent][$component])) {
$prev[$alias] = end($prev[$parent][$component]);
} else {
$prev[$alias] = $prev[$parent][$component]->getLast();
// append element
if (isset($identifiable[$alias])) {
$index = $driver->search($element, $prev[$parent][$component]);
if ($index === false) {
$prev[$parent][$component][] = $element;
// register collection for later snapshots
if (isset($currData[$alias])) {
$prevData[$alias] = $currData[$alias];
} else {
$prev[$parent][$component] = $element;
$coll =& $prev[$parent][$component];
if ($index !== false) {
$prev[$alias] =& $coll[$index];
} else {
// first check the count (we do not want to get the last element
// of an empty collection/array)
if (count($coll) > 0) {
// check the type
if (is_array($coll)) {
$prev[$alias] =& $coll[key($coll)];
} else {
$prevData[$alias] = array();
$prev[$alias] = $coll->getLast();
$currData[$alias] = array();
$prevElement[$alias] = $element;
$currData[$alias] = array();
$identifiable[$alias] = null;
$field = $cache[$key]['field'];
$currData[$alias][$field] = $value;
$index = false;
if ($value !== null) {
$identifiable[$alias] = true;
$lastAlias = $alias;
$parse = false;
foreach ($currData as $alias => $data) {
$table = $this->_aliasMap[$alias]['table'];
$componentName = $table->getComponentName();
// component changed
$identifiable = $driver->isIdentifiable($currData[$alias], $table);
// component changed
$element = $driver->getElement($currData[$alias], $componentName, $identifiable);
$element = $driver->getElement($currData[$alias], $componentName);
// map aggregate values (if any)
if($this->mapAggregateValues($element, $currData[$alias], $alias)) {
$identifiable = true;
$this->mapAggregateValues($element, $currData[$alias], $alias);
if ( ! isset($prevData[$alias]) || (isset($currData[$alias]) && $currData[$alias] !== $prevData[$alias]) || $element !== $prevElement[$alias]) {
if ($identifiable) {
if ($alias === $rootAlias) {
// dealing with root component
$array[$index] = $element;
$prev[$alias] =& $array[$index];
if ($alias === $rootAlias) {
// dealing with root component
$index = $driver->search($element, $array);
if ($index === false) {
$array[] = $element;
$coll =& $array;
} else {
$parent = $this->_aliasMap[$alias]['parent'];
$relation = $this->_aliasMap[$alias]['relation'];
$componentAlias = $relation->getAlias();
// check the type of the relation
if ( ! $relation->isOneToOne()) {
// initialize the collection
if ($driver->initRelated($prev[$parent], $componentAlias)) {
// append element
if (isset($identifiable[$alias])) {
$index = $driver->search($element, $prev[$parent][$componentAlias]);
if ($index === false) {
$prev[$parent][$componentAlias][] = $element;
// register collection for later snapshots
} else {
$parent = $this->_aliasMap[$alias]['parent'];
$relation = $this->_aliasMap[$alias]['relation'];
$componentAlias = $relation->getAlias();
// check the type of the relation
$prev[$parent][$componentAlias] = $element;
$coll =& $prev[$parent][$componentAlias];
if ( ! $relation->isOneToOne()) {
$prev[$parent][$componentAlias][] = $element;
if ($index !== false) {
$prev[$alias] =& $coll[$index];
} else {
// first check the count (we do not want to get the last element
// of an empty collection/array)
if (count($coll) > 0) {
if (is_array($coll)) {
$prev[$alias] =& $coll[key($coll)];
} else {
$prev[$parent][$componentAlias] = $element;
$prev[$alias] = $coll->getLast();
if (isset($currData[$alias])) {
$prevData[$alias] = $currData[$alias];
} else {
$prevData[$alias] = array();
$index = false;
$currData[$alias] = array();
$prevElement[$alias] = $element;
......@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
* @version $Revision$
* @author Konsta Vesterinen <>
class Doctrine_Hydrate_Array
class Doctrine_Hydrate_Array
public function getElementCollection($component)
......@@ -48,6 +48,28 @@ class Doctrine_Hydrate_Array
public function registerCollection($coll)
public function initRelated(array &$data, $name)
if ( ! isset($data[$name])) {
$data[$name] = array();
return true;
public function search(array $element, array $data)
foreach ($data as $key => $val) {
$found = true;
foreach ($element as $k => $e) {
if ($val[$k] !== $e) {
$found = false;
if ($found) {
return $key;
return false;
public function flush()
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