- '~^(Used )?(Function|Constant) sasql_\S+ not found\.\z~i'
# removing it would be BC break
# removing it would be BC break
- '~^Constructor of class Doctrine\\DBAL\\Schema\\Table has an unused parameter \$idGeneratorType\.\z~'
- '~^Constructor of class Doctrine\\DBAL\\Schema\\Table has an unused parameter \$idGeneratorType\.\z~'
# changing these would be a BC break, to be done in next major
# changing these would be a BC break, to be done in next major
- "~^Casting to bool something that's already bool.~"
- "~^Casting to bool something that's already bool.~"
- '~^Property Doctrine\\DBAL\\Schema\\Table::\$_primaryKeyName \(string\) does not accept (default value of type )?false\.\z~'
- '~^Property Doctrine\\DBAL\\Schema\\Schema::\$_schemaConfig \(Doctrine\\DBAL\\Schema\\SchemaConfig\) does not accept default value of type false\.\z~'
- '~^Property Doctrine\\DBAL\\Schema\\Schema::\$_schemaConfig \(Doctrine\\DBAL\\Schema\\SchemaConfig\) does not accept default value of type false\.\z~'
- '~^Method Doctrine\\DBAL\\Schema\\ForeignKeyConstraint::onEvent\(\) should return string\|null but returns false\.\z~'
- '~^Method Doctrine\\DBAL\\Schema\\(Oracle|PostgreSql|SQLServer)SchemaManager::_getPortableTableDefinition\(\) should return array but returns string\.\z~'
- '~^Method Doctrine\\DBAL\\Driver\\OCI8\\OCI8Connection::lastInsertId\(\) should return string but returns (int|false)\.\z~'
- '~^Return type \(int\|false\) of method Doctrine\\DBAL\\Driver\\OCI8\\OCI8Connection\:\:lastInsertId\(\) should be compatible with return type \(string\) of method Doctrine\\DBAL\\Driver\\Connection::lastInsertId\(\)~'
- '~^Return type \(int\|false\) of method Doctrine\\DBAL\\Driver\\OCI8\\OCI8Connection\:\:lastInsertId\(\) should be compatible with return type \(string\) of method Doctrine\\DBAL\\Driver\\Connection::lastInsertId\(\)~'
# https://github.com/phpstan/phpstan/issues/3527
message: '~^Call to private method sqliteCreateFunction\(\) of parent class PDO\.$~'
# The ReflectionException in the case when the class does not exist is acceptable and does not need to be handled
- '~^Parameter #1 \$argument of class ReflectionClass constructor expects class-string<T of object>\|T of object, string given\.$~'
# https://github.com/phpstan/phpstan/issues/3132
# https://github.com/phpstan/phpstan/issues/3132
message: '~^Call to function in_array\(\) with arguments Doctrine\\DBAL\\Schema\\Column, array<string> and true will always evaluate to false\.$~'
message: '~^Call to function in_array\(\) with arguments Doctrine\\DBAL\\Schema\\Column, array<string> and true will always evaluate to false\.$~'
@@ -81,55 +62,6 @@ parameters:
@@ -81,55 +62,6 @@ parameters:
# Needs Generics
# Needs Generics
- '~Method Doctrine\\DBAL\\Schema\\SchemaDiff::getNewTablesSortedByDependencies\(\) should return array<Doctrine\\DBAL\\Schema\\Table> but returns array<object>.~'
- '~Method Doctrine\\DBAL\\Schema\\SchemaDiff::getNewTablesSortedByDependencies\(\) should return array<Doctrine\\DBAL\\Schema\\Table> but returns array<object>.~'
# This is deprecated code. Fixing the issue may cause a BC break.
# TODO: remove in 3.0.0
message: '~^Return type \(Doctrine\\DBAL\\Platforms\\DrizzlePlatform\) of method Doctrine\\DBAL\\Driver\\DrizzlePDOMySql\\Driver::getDatabasePlatform\(\) should be compatible with return type \(Doctrine\\DBAL\\Platforms\\MySqlPlatform\) of method Doctrine\\DBAL\\Driver\\AbstractMySQLDriver::getDatabasePlatform\(\)$~'
# This is deprecated code. Fixing the issue may cause a BC break.
# TODO: remove in 3.0.0
message: '~^Return type \(Doctrine\\DBAL\\Schema\\DrizzleSchemaManager\) of method Doctrine\\DBAL\\Driver\\DrizzlePDOMySql\\Driver::getSchemaManager\(\) should be compatible with return type \(Doctrine\\DBAL\\Schema\\MySqlSchemaManager\) of method Doctrine\\DBAL\\Driver\\AbstractMySQLDriver::getSchemaManager\(\)$~'
# This is deprecated code. Fixing the issue may cause a BC break.
# TODO: remove in 3.0.0
message: '~^Return type \(int\) of method Doctrine\\DBAL\\Driver\\Mysqli\\MysqliConnection::errorCode\(\) should be compatible with return type \(string\|null\) of method Doctrine\\DBAL\\Driver\\Connection::errorCode\(\)$~'
# This is deprecated code. Fixing the issue may cause a BC break.
# TODO: remove in 3.0.0
message: '~^Return type \(string\) of method Doctrine\\DBAL\\Driver\\Mysqli\\MysqliConnection::errorInfo\(\) should be compatible with return type \(array\) of method Doctrine\\DBAL\\Driver\\Connection::errorInfo\(\)$~'
# This is deprecated code. Fixing the issue may cause a BC break.
# TODO: remove in 3.0.0
message: '~^Return type \(string\) of method Doctrine\\DBAL\\Driver\\Mysqli\\MysqliStatement::errorInfo\(\) should be compatible with return type \(array\) of method Doctrine\\DBAL\\Driver\\Statement::errorInfo\(\)$~'
message: '~^Call to static method PHPUnit\\Framework\\Assert::assertSame\(\) with Doctrine\\DBAL\\Types\\Type and Doctrine\\DBAL\\Types\\Type will always evaluate to true\.$~'
message: '~^Call to static method PHPUnit\\Framework\\Assert::assertSame\(\) with Doctrine\\DBAL\\Types\\Type and Doctrine\\DBAL\\Types\\Type will always evaluate to true\.$~'
@@ -139,7 +71,6 @@ parameters:
@@ -139,7 +71,6 @@ parameters:
message: '~^Construct empty\(\) is not allowed. Use more strict comparison\.~'
message: '~^Construct empty\(\) is not allowed. Use more strict comparison\.~'
message: '~Return type \(Doctrine\\DBAL\\Portability\\Statement\) of method Doctrine\\DBAL\\Portability\\Connection::prepare\(\) should be compatible with return type \(Doctrine\\DBAL\\Statement\) of method Doctrine\\DBAL\\Connection::prepare\(\)~'
message: '~Return type \(Doctrine\\DBAL\\Portability\\Statement\) of method Doctrine\\DBAL\\Portability\\Connection::prepare\(\) should be compatible with return type \(Doctrine\\DBAL\\Statement\) of method Doctrine\\DBAL\\Connection::prepare\(\)~'