Commit 6ace93c9 authored by Benjamin Eberlei's avatar Benjamin Eberlei

Merge pull request #175 from wimvds/DBAL-172

Fix for DBAL-172
parents 74c76161 edf28438
......@@ -946,26 +946,33 @@ class QueryBuilder
$query = 'SELECT ' . implode(', ', $this->sqlParts['select']) . ' FROM ';
$fromClauses = array();
$joinsPending = true;
$joinAliases = array();
// Loop through all FROM clauses
foreach ($this->sqlParts['from'] as $from) {
$fromClause = $from['table'] . ' ' . $from['alias'];
if (isset($this->sqlParts['join'][$from['alias']])) {
foreach ($this->sqlParts['join'][$from['alias']] as $join) {
if ($joinsPending && isset($this->sqlParts['join'][$from['alias']])) {
foreach ($this->sqlParts['join'] as $joins) {
foreach ($joins as $join) {
$fromClause .= ' ' . strtoupper($join['joinType'])
. ' JOIN ' . $join['joinTable'] . ' ' . $join['joinAlias']
. ' ON ' . ((string) $join['joinCondition']);
$joinAliases[$join['joinAlias']] = true;
$joinsPending = false;
$fromClauses[$from['alias']] = $fromClause;
// loop through all JOIN clauses for validation purpose
$knownAliases = array_merge($fromClauses,$joinAliases);
foreach ($this->sqlParts['join'] as $fromAlias => $joins) {
if ( ! isset($fromClauses[$fromAlias]) ) {
throw QueryException::unknownFromAlias($fromAlias, array_keys($fromClauses));
if ( ! isset($knownAliases[$fromAlias]) ) {
throw QueryException::unknownAlias($fromAlias, array_keys($knownAliases));
......@@ -29,12 +29,10 @@ use Doctrine\DBAL\DBALException;
class QueryException extends DBALException
static public function unknownFromAlias($alias, $registeredAliases)
static public function unknownAlias($alias, $registeredAliases)
return new self("The given alias '" . $alias . "' is not part of " .
"any FROM clause table. The currently registered FROM-clause " .
"aliases are: " . implode(", ", $registeredAliases) . ". Join clauses " .
"are bound to from clauses to provide support for mixing of multiple " .
"from and join clauses.");
"any FROM or JOIN clause table. The currently registered " .
"aliases are: " . implode(", ", $registeredAliases) . ".");
......@@ -556,17 +556,32 @@ class QueryBuilderTest extends \Doctrine\Tests\DbalTestCase
$qb = new QueryBuilder($this->conn);
$qb->select("", "mdsh.xcode", "mdso.xcode")
->from("location_tree", "l")
->join("l", "location_tree_pos", "p", " = p.tree_id")
->rightJoin("l", "hotel", "h", "h.location_id =")
->leftJoin("l", "offer_location", "ol", "")
->leftJoin("ol", "mds_offer", "mdso", "ol.offer_id = mdso.offer_id")
->leftJoin("h", "mds_hotel", "mdsh", " = mdsh.hotel_id")
->where("p.parent_id IN (:ids)")
->andWhere("(mdso.xcode IS NOT NULL OR mdsh.xcode IS NOT NULL)");
$this->setExpectedException('Doctrine\DBAL\Query\QueryException', "The given alias 'ol' is not part of any FROM clause table. The currently registered FROM-clause aliases are: l");
->from('cb_newspages', 'news')
->innerJoin('news', 'nodeversion', 'nv', 'nv.refId = AND nv.refEntityname=\'News\'')
->innerJoin('invalid', 'nodetranslation', 'nt', 'nv.nodetranslation =')
->innerJoin('nt', 'node', 'n', 'nt.node =')
->where('nt.lang = :lang AND n.deleted != 1');
$this->setExpectedException('Doctrine\DBAL\Query\QueryException', "The given alias 'invalid' is not part of any FROM or JOIN clause table. The currently registered aliases are: news, nv, nt, n.");
$this->assertEquals('', $qb->getSQL());
* @group DBAL-172
public function testSelectFromMasterWithWhereOnJoinedTables()
$qb = new QueryBuilder($this->conn);
->from('newspages', 'news')
->innerJoin('news', 'nodeversion', 'nv', "nv.refId = AND nv.refEntityname='Entity\\News'")
->innerJoin('nv', 'nodetranslation', 'nt', 'nv.nodetranslation =')
->innerJoin('nt', 'node', 'n', 'nt.node =')
->where('nt.lang = ?')
->andWhere('n.deleted = 0');
$this->assertEquals("SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT FROM newspages news INNER JOIN nodeversion nv ON nv.refId = AND nv.refEntityname='Entity\\News' INNER JOIN nodetranslation nt ON nv.nodetranslation = INNER JOIN node n ON nt.node = WHERE (nt.lang = ?) AND (n.deleted = 0)", $qb->getSQL());
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