Commit 700060cf authored by Benjamin Eberlei's avatar Benjamin Eberlei

DDC-510 Refactored all Command Tools to use ClassMetadataFactory instead of ClassMetadataReader

parent 6e5b1bbe
......@@ -23,7 +23,9 @@ namespace Doctrine\ORM\Tools\Console\Command;
use Symfony\Components\Console\Input\InputArgument,
* Command to convert a Doctrine 1 schema to a Doctrine 2 mapping file.
......@@ -23,7 +23,9 @@ namespace Doctrine\ORM\Tools\Console\Command;
use Symfony\Components\Console\Input\InputArgument,
* Command to convert your mapping information between the various formats.
......@@ -48,8 +50,9 @@ class ConvertMappingCommand extends Console\Command\Command
->setDescription('Convert mapping information between supported formats.')
new InputArgument(
'from-path', InputArgument::REQUIRED, 'The path of mapping information.'
new InputOption(
'filter', null, InputOption::PARAMETER_REQUIRED | InputOption::PARAMETER_IS_ARRAY,
'A string pattern used to match entities that should be processed.'
new InputArgument(
'to-type', InputArgument::REQUIRED, 'The mapping type to be converted.'
......@@ -58,10 +61,8 @@ class ConvertMappingCommand extends Console\Command\Command
'dest-path', InputArgument::REQUIRED,
'The path to generate your entities classes.'
new InputOption(
'from', null, InputOption::PARAMETER_REQUIRED | InputOption::PARAMETER_IS_ARRAY,
'Optional paths of mapping information.',
new InputArgument(
'from-database', InputArgument::OPTIONAL, 'The path of mapping information.'
new InputOption(
'extend', null, InputOption::PARAMETER_OPTIONAL,
......@@ -84,37 +85,16 @@ EOT
protected function execute(Console\Input\InputInterface $input, Console\Output\OutputInterface $output)
$em = $this->getHelper('em')->getEntityManager();
$cme = new ClassMetadataExporter();
// Process source directories
$fromPath = $input->getArgument('from-path');
if (strtolower($fromPath) !== 'database') {
$fromPaths = array_merge(array($fromPath), $input->getOption('from'));
foreach ($fromPaths as &$dirName) {
$dirName = realpath($dirName);
if ( ! file_exists($dirName)) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException(
sprintf("Mapping directory '<info>%s</info>' does not exist.", $dirName)
} else if ( ! is_readable($dirName)) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException(
sprintf("Mapping directory '<info>%s</info>' does not have read permissions.", $dirName)
$metadatas = $em->getMetadataFactory()->getAllMetadata();
$metadatas = MetadataFilter::filter($metadatas, $input->getOption('filter'));
} else {
if ($input->getArgument('from-database') === true) {
new \Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Driver\DatabaseDriver(
// Process destination directory
......@@ -132,6 +112,7 @@ EOT
$toType = strtolower($input->getArgument('to-type'));
$cme = new ClassMetadataExporter();
$exporter = $cme->getExporter($toType, $destPath);
if ($toType == 'annotation') {
......@@ -145,9 +126,7 @@ EOT
$metadatas = $cme->getMetadatas();
if ($metadatas) {
if (count($metadatas)) {
foreach ($metadatas as $metadata) {
$output->write(sprintf('Processing entity "<info>%s</info>"', $metadata->name) . PHP_EOL);
......@@ -156,7 +135,7 @@ EOT
$output->write(PHP_EOL . sprintf(
'Exporting "<info>%s</info>" mapping information to "<info>%s</info>"', $toType, $destPath
'Exporting "<info>%s</info>" mapping information to "<info>%s</info>"' . PHP_EOL, $toType, $destPath
} else {
$output->write('No Metadata Classes to process.' . PHP_EOL);
......@@ -23,7 +23,9 @@ namespace Doctrine\ORM\Tools\Console\Command;
use Symfony\Components\Console\Input\InputArgument,
* Command to generate entity classes and method stubs from your mapping information.
......@@ -48,17 +50,13 @@ class GenerateEntitiesCommand extends Console\Command\Command
->setDescription('Generate entity classes and method stubs from your mapping information.')
new InputArgument(
'from-path', InputArgument::REQUIRED, 'The path of mapping information.'
new InputOption(
'filter', null, InputOption::PARAMETER_REQUIRED | InputOption::PARAMETER_IS_ARRAY,
'A string pattern used to match entities that should be processed.'
new InputArgument(
'dest-path', InputArgument::REQUIRED, 'The path to generate your entity classes.'
new InputOption(
'from', null, InputOption::PARAMETER_REQUIRED | InputOption::PARAMETER_IS_ARRAY,
'Optional paths of mapping information.',
new InputOption(
'generate-annotations', null, InputOption::PARAMETER_OPTIONAL,
'Flag to define if generator should generate annotation metadata on entities.', false
......@@ -97,27 +95,8 @@ EOT
$em = $this->getHelper('em')->getEntityManager();
$reader = new ClassMetadataReader();
// Process source directories
$fromPaths = array_merge(array($input->getArgument('from-path')), $input->getOption('from'));
foreach ($fromPaths as $dirName) {
$dirName = realpath($dirName);
if ( ! file_exists($dirName)) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException(
sprintf("Mapping directory '<info>%s</info>' does not exist.", $dirName)
} else if ( ! is_readable($dirName)) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException(
sprintf("Mapping directory '<info>%s</info>' does not have read permissions.", $dirName)
$metadatas = $em->getMetadataFactory()->getAllMetadata();
$metadatas = MetadataFilter::filter($metadatas, $input->getOption('filter'));
// Process destination directory
$destPath = realpath($input->getArgument('dest-path'));
......@@ -132,6 +111,7 @@ EOT
if ( count($metadatas)) {
// Create EntityGenerator
$entityGenerator = new EntityGenerator();
......@@ -145,10 +125,6 @@ EOT
// Retrieving ClassMetadatas
$metadatas = $reader->getMetadatas();
if ( ! empty($metadatas)) {
foreach ($metadatas as $metadata) {
sprintf('Processing entity "<info>%s</info>"', $metadata->name) . PHP_EOL
......@@ -23,7 +23,8 @@ namespace Doctrine\ORM\Tools\Console\Command;
use Symfony\Components\Console\Input\InputArgument,
* Command to (re)generate the proxy classes used by doctrine.
......@@ -48,18 +49,14 @@ class GenerateProxiesCommand extends Console\Command\Command
->setDescription('Generates proxy classes for entity classes.')
new InputArgument(
'from-path', InputArgument::REQUIRED, 'The path of mapping information.'
new InputOption(
'filter', null, InputOption::PARAMETER_REQUIRED | InputOption::PARAMETER_IS_ARRAY,
'A string pattern used to match entities that should be processed.'
new InputArgument(
'dest-path', InputArgument::OPTIONAL,
'The path to generate your proxy classes. If none is provided, it will attempt to grab from configuration.'
new InputOption(
'from', null, InputOption::PARAMETER_REQUIRED | InputOption::PARAMETER_IS_ARRAY,
'Optional paths of mapping information.',
Generates proxy classes for entity classes.
......@@ -74,27 +71,8 @@ EOT
$em = $this->getHelper('em')->getEntityManager();
$reader = new ClassMetadataReader();
// Process source directories
$fromPaths = array_merge(array($input->getArgument('from-path')), $input->getOption('from'));
foreach ($fromPaths as $dirName) {
$dirName = realpath($dirName);
if ( ! file_exists($dirName)) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException(
sprintf("Mapping directory '<info>%s</info>' does not exist.", $dirName)
} else if ( ! is_readable($dirName)) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException(
sprintf("Mapping directory '<info>%s</info>' does not have read permissions.", $dirName)
$metadatas = $em->getMetadataFactory()->getAllMetadata();
$metadatas = MetadataFilter::filter($metadatas, $input->getOption('filter'));
// Process destination directory
if (($destPath = $input->getArgument('dest-path')) === null) {
......@@ -113,10 +91,7 @@ EOT
// Retrieving ClassMetadatas
$metadatas = $reader->getMetadatas();
if ( ! empty($metadatas)) {
if ( count($metadatas)) {
foreach ($metadatas as $metadata) {
sprintf('Processing entity "<info>%s</info>"', $metadata->name) . PHP_EOL
......@@ -23,7 +23,8 @@ namespace Doctrine\ORM\Tools\Console\Command;
use Symfony\Components\Console\Input\InputArgument,
* Command to generate repository classes for mapping information.
......@@ -65,16 +66,12 @@ class <className> extends EntityRepository
->setDescription('Generate repository classes from your mapping information.')
new InputArgument(
'from-path', InputArgument::REQUIRED, 'The path of mapping information.'
new InputOption(
'filter', null, InputOption::PARAMETER_REQUIRED | InputOption::PARAMETER_IS_ARRAY,
'A string pattern used to match entities that should be processed.'
new InputArgument(
'dest-path', InputArgument::REQUIRED, 'The path to generate your repository classes.'
new InputOption(
'from', null, InputOption::PARAMETER_REQUIRED | InputOption::PARAMETER_IS_ARRAY,
'Optional paths of mapping information.',
......@@ -90,27 +87,8 @@ EOT
$em = $this->getHelper('em')->getEntityManager();
$reader = new ClassMetadataReader();
// Process source directories
$fromPaths = array_merge(array($input->getArgument('from-path')), $input->getOption('from'));
foreach ($fromPaths as $dirName) {
$dirName = realpath($dirName);
if ( ! file_exists($dirName)) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException(
sprintf("Mapping directory '<info>%s</info>' does not exist.", $dirName)
} else if ( ! is_readable($dirName)) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException(
sprintf("Mapping directory '<info>%s</info>' does not have read permissions.", $dirName)
$metadatas = $em->getMetadataFactory()->getAllMetadata();
$metadatas = MetadataFilter::filter($metadatas, $input->getOption('filter'));
// Process destination directory
$destPath = realpath($input->getArgument('dest-path'));
......@@ -125,10 +103,7 @@ EOT
// Retrieving ClassMetadatas
$metadatas = $reader->getMetadatas();
if ( ! empty($metadatas)) {
if ( count($metadatas)) {
$numRepositories = 0;
foreach ($metadatas as $metadata) {
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