Independent tests for introspection and insert

parent 87c417fd
......@@ -1407,43 +1407,55 @@ class SchemaManagerFunctionalTestCase extends \Doctrine\Tests\DbalFunctionalTest
* @return array
public function getEscapedLiterals(): array
private function getEscapedLiterals(): array
return [
'An ASCII NUL (X\'00\')' => ["\\0"],
'Single quote, C-style' => ["\\'"],
'Single quote, doubled-style' => ["''"],
'Double quote, C-style' => ['\\"'],
'Double quote, double-style' => ['""'],
'Backspace' => ['\\b'],
'New-line' => ['\\n'],
'Carriage return' => ['\\r'],
'Tab' => ['\\t'],
'ASCII 26 (Control+Z)' => ['\\Z'],
'Backslash (\)' => ['\\\\'],
'Percent (%)' => ['\\%'],
'Underscore (_)' => ['\\_'],
['An ASCII NUL (X\'00\')', "foo\\0bar"],
['Single quote, C-style', "foo\\'bar"],
['Single quote, doubled-style', "foo''bar"],
['Double quote, C-style', 'foo\\"bar'],
['Double quote, double-style', 'foo""bar'],
['Backspace', 'foo\\bbar'],
['New-line', 'foo\\nbar'],
['Carriage return', 'foo\\rbar'],
['Tab', 'foo\\tbar'],
['ASCII 26 (Control+Z)', 'foo\\Zbar'],
['Backslash (\)', 'foo\\\\bar'],
['Percent (%)', 'foo\\%bar'],
['Underscore (_)', 'foo\\_bar'],
* @dataProvider getEscapedLiterals
* @param string $value
public function testEscapedDefaultValueMustBePreserved(string $value) : void
private function createTableForDefaultValues(): void
$value = 'foo' . $value . 'bar';
$table = new Table('string_escaped_default_value');
$table->addColumn('def_string', 'string', array('default' => $value));
foreach ($this->getEscapedLiterals() as $i => $literal) {
$table->addColumn('field' . $i, 'string', ['default' => $literal[1]]);
$table->addColumn('def_foo', 'string');
public function testEscapedDefaultValueCanBeIntrospected(): void
$onlineTable = $this->_sm->listTableDetails('string_escaped_default_value');
self::assertSame($value, $onlineTable->getColumn('def_string')->getDefault(), 'should be able introspect the value of default');
foreach ($this->getEscapedLiterals() as $i => $literal) {
self::assertSame($literal[1], $onlineTable->getColumn('field' . $i)->getDefault(), 'should be able introspect the value of default for: ' . $literal[0]);
$this->_conn->insert('string_escaped_default_value', array('def_foo' => 'foo'));
$row = $this->_conn->fetchAssoc('SELECT def_string FROM string_escaped_default_value');
self::assertSame($value, $row['def_string'], 'inserted default value should be the configured default value');
public function testEscapedDefaultValueCanBeInserted(): void
$this->_conn->insert('string_escaped_default_value', ['def_foo' => 'foo']);
$row = $this->_conn->fetchAssoc('SELECT * FROM string_escaped_default_value');
foreach ($this->getEscapedLiterals() as $i => $literal) {
self::assertSame($literal[1], $row['field' . $i], 'inserted default value should be the configured default value for: ' . $literal[0]);
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