Commit ae39a5d3 authored by Roman S. Borschel's avatar Roman S. Borschel

Fixed svn dependency in build file and some weird issues where the oci8 driver...

Fixed svn dependency in build file and some weird issues where the oci8 driver loses spaces in the sql while transforming positional to named parameters.
parent 025735e7
......@@ -142,16 +142,16 @@
<nativephpunit testfile="./tests/Doctrine/Tests/ORM/Performance/AllTests.php" testdirectory="./tests" haltonfailure="false" haltonerror="false" />
<svnlastrevision svnpath="${svn.path}" workingcopy="." propertyname="svn.lastrevision"/>
<copy file="${build.dir}/logs/testsuites.xml" tofile="${log.archive.dir}/${svn.lastrevision}/log.xml" overwrite="true"/>
<!--<svnlastrevision svnpath="${svn.path}" workingcopy="." propertyname="svn.lastrevision"/>-->
<copy file="${build.dir}/logs/testsuites.xml" tofile="${log.archive.dir}/latest/log.xml" overwrite="true"/>
<if><equals arg1="${test.pmd_reports}" arg2="1" />
<exec command="${test.pdepend_exec} --jdepend-xml=${build.dir}/logs/jdepend.xml ./lib/Doctrine" />
<exec command="${test.phpmd_exec} ./lib/Doctrine xml codesize --reportfile ${build.dir}/logs/phpmd.xml" />
<copy file="${build.dir}/logs/jdepend.xml" tofile="${log.archive.dir}/${svn.lastrevision}/jdepend.xml" overwrite="true"/>
<copy file="${build.dir}/logs/phpmd.xml" tofile="${log.archive.dir}/${svn.lastrevision}/phpmd.xml" overwrite="true"/>
<copy file="${build.dir}/logs/jdepend.xml" tofile="${log.archive.dir}/latest/jdepend.xml" overwrite="true"/>
<copy file="${build.dir}/logs/phpmd.xml" tofile="${log.archive.dir}/latest/phpmd.xml" overwrite="true"/>
......@@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ class OCI8Statement implements \Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\Statement
* placeholders and converted to a named parameter.
* @param string $statement The SQL statement to convert.
* @todo review and test for lost spaces. we experienced missing spaces with oci8 in some sql statements.
private function _convertPositionalToNamedPlaceholders($statement)
......@@ -815,7 +815,7 @@ class BasicEntityPersister
: $baseTableAlias;
$columnName = $this->_class->getQuotedColumnName($fieldName, $this->_platform);
$orderBySql .= $orderBySql ? ', ' : 'ORDER BY ';
$orderBySql .= $orderBySql ? ', ' : ' ORDER BY ';
$orderBySql .= $tableAlias . '.' . $columnName . ' ' . $orientation;
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