Commit b014566e authored by zYne's avatar zYne

Refactored DQL classes

parent 4cd29eaf
......@@ -392,6 +392,8 @@ abstract class Doctrine_Hydrate extends Doctrine_Access {
$alias = $this->getPathAlias($path);
// map each aggregate value
foreach($row as $index => $value) {
$agg = false;
......@@ -458,10 +458,8 @@ class Doctrine_Query extends Doctrine_Hydrate implements Countable {
$str = 'DISTINCT ';
$q = "SELECT ".$str.implode(", ",$this->parts["select"]).
" FROM ";
$q = 'SELECT '.$str.implode(", ",$this->parts["select"]).
' FROM ';
$q = $this->getQueryBase();
foreach($this->parts["from"] as $tname => $bool) {
......@@ -469,31 +467,10 @@ class Doctrine_Query extends Doctrine_Hydrate implements Countable {
$q .= implode(", ",$a);
$subquery = 'SELECT DISTINCT ' . $table->getTableName()
. '.' . $table->getIdentifier()
. ' FROM '.$table->getTableName();
if( ! empty($this->parts['join'])) {
foreach($this->parts['join'] as $part) {
$q .= " ".implode(' ', $part);
if($needsSubQuery) {
foreach($this->parts['join'] as $parts) {
foreach($parts as $part) {
if(substr($part,0,9) === 'LEFT JOIN') {
$e = explode(' ', $part);
if( ! in_array($e[2],$this->subqueryAliases))
$subquery .= " ".$part;
$string = $this->applyInheritance();
......@@ -501,18 +478,13 @@ class Doctrine_Query extends Doctrine_Hydrate implements Countable {
if( ! empty($string))
$this->parts['where'][] = '('.$string.')';
if($needsSubQuery) {
// all conditions must be preserved in subquery
$subquery .= ( ! empty($this->parts['where']))?" WHERE ".implode(" AND ",$this->parts["where"]):'';
$subquery .= ( ! empty($this->parts['groupby']))?" GROUP BY ".implode(", ",$this->parts["groupby"]):'';
$subquery .= ( ! empty($this->parts['having']))?" HAVING ".implode(" ",$this->parts["having"]):'';
$modifyLimit = true;
if( ! empty($this->parts["limit"]) || ! empty($this->parts["offset"])) {
if($needsSubQuery) {
$subquery = $this->connection->modifyLimitQuery($subquery,$this->parts["limit"],$this->parts["offset"]);
$subquery = $this->getLimitSubquery();
$dbh = $this->connection->getDBH();
// mysql doesn't support LIMIT in subqueries
......@@ -525,12 +497,13 @@ class Doctrine_Query extends Doctrine_Hydrate implements Countable {
$q .= ( ! empty($this->parts['where']))?" WHERE ".implode(" AND ",$this->parts["where"]):'';
$q .= ( ! empty($this->parts['groupby']))?" GROUP BY ".implode(", ",$this->parts["groupby"]):'';
$q .= ( ! empty($this->parts['having']))?" HAVING ".implode(" ",$this->parts["having"]):'';
$q .= ( ! empty($this->parts['orderby']))?" ORDER BY ".implode(" ",$this->parts["orderby"]):'';
$q .= ( ! empty($this->parts['where']))? ' WHERE ' . implode(' AND ', $this->parts['where']):'';
$q .= ( ! empty($this->parts['groupby']))? ' GROUP BY ' . implode(', ', $this->parts['groupby']):'';
$q .= ( ! empty($this->parts['having']))? ' HAVING ' . implode(' ', $this->parts['having']):'';
$q .= ( ! empty($this->parts['orderby']))? ' ORDER BY ' . implode(' ', $this->parts['orderby']):'';
$q = $this->connection->modifyLimitQuery($q,$this->parts["limit"],$this->parts["offset"]);
$q = $this->connection->modifyLimitQuery($q, $this->parts['limit'], $this->parts['offset']);
// return to the previous state
if( ! empty($string))
......@@ -540,6 +513,47 @@ class Doctrine_Query extends Doctrine_Hydrate implements Countable {
return $q;
* this is method is used by the record limit algorithm
* when fetching one-to-many, many-to-many associated data with LIMIT clause
* an additional subquery is needed for limiting the number of returned records instead
* of limiting the number of sql result set rows
* @return string the limit subquery
public function getLimitSubquery() {
$k = array_keys($this->tables);
$table = $this->tables[$k[0]];
$subquery = 'SELECT DISTINCT ' . $table->getTableName()
. '.' . $table->getIdentifier()
. ' FROM '.$table->getTableName();
foreach($this->parts['join'] as $parts) {
foreach($parts as $part) {
// preserve LEFT JOINs only if needed
if(substr($part,0,9) === 'LEFT JOIN') {
$e = explode(' ', $part);
if( ! in_array($e[2],$this->subqueryAliases))
$subquery .= ' '.$part;
// all conditions must be preserved in subquery
$subquery .= ( ! empty($this->parts['where']))? ' WHERE ' . implode(' AND ',$this->parts['where']):'';
$subquery .= ( ! empty($this->parts['groupby']))? ' GROUP BY ' . implode(', ',$this->parts['groupby']):'';
$subquery .= ( ! empty($this->parts['having']))? ' HAVING ' . implode(' ',$this->parts['having']):'';
// add driver specific limit clause
$subquery = $this->connection->modifyLimitQuery($subquery, $this->parts['limit'], $this->parts['offset']);
return $subquery;
......@@ -135,6 +135,15 @@ class Doctrine_Query_Where extends Doctrine_Query_Condition {
return $where;
* parses a literal value and returns the parsed value
* boolean literals are parsed to integers
* components are parsed to associated table aliases
* @param string $value literal value to be parsed
* @return string
public function parseLiteralValue($value) {
// check that value isn't a string
if(strpos($value, '\'') === false) {
......@@ -161,6 +170,13 @@ class Doctrine_Query_Where extends Doctrine_Query_Condition {
return $value;
* parses an EXISTS expression
* @param string $where query where part to be parsed
* @param boolean $negation whether or not to use the NOT keyword
* @return string
public function parseExists($where, $negation) {
$operator = ($negation) ? 'EXISTS' : 'NOT EXISTS';
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