Commit b959fa3d authored by Fabio B. Silva's avatar Fabio B. Silva

support for bit comparison

parent 23d2950c
......@@ -786,6 +786,30 @@ abstract class AbstractPlatform
throw DBALException::notSupported(__METHOD__);
* Gets SQL bit and comparison expression
* @param string $value1
* @param string $value2
* @return string
public function getBitAndComparisonExpression($value1, $value2)
return '(' . $value1 . ' & ' . $value2 . ')';
* Gets SQL bit and comparison expression
* @param string $value1
* @param string $value2
* @return string
public function getBitOrComparisonExpression($value1, $value2)
return '(' . $value1 . ' | ' . $value2 . ')';
public function getForUpdateSQL()
return 'FOR UPDATE';
......@@ -116,26 +116,56 @@ class OraclePlatform extends AbstractPlatform
return "TRUNC(TO_NUMBER(SUBSTR((" . $date1 . "-" . $date2 . "), 1, INSTR(" . $date1 . "-" . $date2 .", ' '))))";
* {@inheritdoc}
public function getDateAddDaysExpression($date, $days)
return '(' . $date . '+' . $days . ')';
* {@inheritdoc}
public function getDateSubDaysExpression($date, $days)
return '(' . $date . '-' . $days . ')';
* {@inheritdoc}
public function getDateAddMonthExpression($date, $months)
return "ADD_MONTHS(" . $date . ", " . $months . ")";
* {@inheritdoc}
public function getDateSubMonthExpression($date, $months)
return "ADD_MONTHS(" . $date . ", -" . $months . ")";
* {@inheritdoc}
public function getBitAndComparisonExpression($value1, $value2)
return 'BITAND('.$value1 . ', ' . $value2 . ')';
* {@inheritdoc}
public function getBitOrComparisonExpression($value1, $value2)
return '(' . $value1 . '-' .
$this->getBitAndComparisonExpression($value1, $value2)
. '+' . $value2 . ')';
* Gets the SQL used to create a sequence that starts with a given value
* and increments by the given allocation size.
......@@ -131,6 +131,34 @@ abstract class AbstractPlatformTestCase extends \Doctrine\Tests\DbalTestCase
$this->assertEquals($this->getGenerateConstraintForeignKeySql(), $sql);
protected function getBitAndComparisonExpressionSql($value1, $value2)
return '(' . $value1 . ' & ' . $value2 . ')';
* @group DDC-1213
public function testGeneratesBitAndComparisonExpressionSql()
$sql = $this->_platform->getBitAndComparisonExpression(2, 4);
$this->assertEquals($this->getBitAndComparisonExpressionSql(2, 4), $sql);
protected function getBitOrComparisonExpressionSql($value1, $value2)
return '(' . $value1 . ' | ' . $value2 . ')';
* @group DDC-1213
public function testGeneratesBitOrComparisonExpressionSql()
$sql = $this->_platform->getBitOrComparisonExpression(2, 4);
$this->assertEquals($this->getBitOrComparisonExpressionSql(2, 4), $sql);
public function getGenerateConstraintUniqueIndexSql()
return 'ALTER TABLE test ADD CONSTRAINT constraint_name UNIQUE (test)';
......@@ -204,4 +204,16 @@ class OraclePlatformTest extends AbstractPlatformTestCase
"COMMENT ON COLUMN mytable.baz IS 'B comment'",
public function getBitAndComparisonExpressionSql($value1, $value2)
return 'BITAND('.$value1 . ', ' . $value2 . ')';
public function getBitOrComparisonExpressionSql($value1, $value2)
return '(' . $value1 . '-' .
$this->getBitAndComparisonExpressionSql($value1, $value2)
. '+' . $value2 . ')';
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