Commit c1eae738 authored by Marco Pivetta's avatar Marco Pivetta

Merge pull request #764 from deeky666/DBAL-1063

[DBAL-1063] Allow defining duplicate indexes on a table
parents 38a7a2a9 fc8beca0
# Upgrade to 2.5.1
## MINOR BC BREAK: Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\Table
When adding indexes to ``Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\Table`` via ``addIndex()`` or ``addUniqueIndex()``,
duplicate indexes are not silently ignored/dropped anymore (based on semantics, not naming!).
Duplicate indexes are considered indexes that pass ``isFullfilledBy()`` or ``overrules()``
in ``Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\Index``.
This is required to make the index renaming feature introduced in 2.5.0 work properly and avoid
issues in the ORM schema tool / DBAL schema manager which pretends users from updating
their schemas and migrate to DBAL 2.5.*.
Additionally it offers more flexibility in declaring indexes for the user and potentially fixes
related issues in the ORM.
With this change, the responsibility to decide which index is a "duplicate" is completely deferred
to the user.
Please also note that adding foreign key constraints to a table via ``addForeignKeyConstraint()``,
``addUnnamedForeignKeyConstraint()`` or ``addNamedForeignKeyConstraint()`` now first checks if an
appropriate index is already present and avoids adding an additional auto-generated one eventually.
# Upgrade to 2.5
## BC BREAK: time type resets date fields to UNIX epoch
......@@ -238,36 +238,36 @@ class Comparator
$table1Indexes = $table1->getIndexes();
$table2Indexes = $table2->getIndexes();
foreach ($table2Indexes as $index2Name => $index2Definition) {
foreach ($table1Indexes as $index1Name => $index1Definition) {
if ($this->diffIndex($index1Definition, $index2Definition) === false) {
if ( ! $index1Definition->isPrimary() && $index1Name != $index2Name) {
$tableDifferences->renamedIndexes[$index1Name] = $index2Definition;
/* See if all the indexes in table 1 exist in table 2 */
foreach ($table2Indexes as $indexName => $index) {
if (($index->isPrimary() && $table1->hasPrimaryKey()) || $table1->hasIndex($indexName)) {
} else {
if ($index1Name == $index2Name) {
$tableDifferences->changedIndexes[$index2Name] = $table2Indexes[$index2Name];
$tableDifferences->addedIndexes[$indexName] = $index;
foreach ($table1Indexes as $index1Name => $index1Definition) {
$tableDifferences->removedIndexes[$index1Name] = $index1Definition;
/* See if there are any removed indexes in table 2 */
foreach ($table1Indexes as $indexName => $index) {
// See if index is removed in table 2.
if (($index->isPrimary() && ! $table2->hasPrimaryKey()) ||
! $index->isPrimary() && ! $table2->hasIndex($indexName)
) {
$tableDifferences->removedIndexes[$indexName] = $index;
foreach ($table2Indexes as $index2Name => $index2Definition) {
$tableDifferences->addedIndexes[$index2Name] = $index2Definition;
// See if index has changed in table 2.
$table2Index = $index->isPrimary() ? $table2->getPrimaryKey() : $table2->getIndex($indexName);
if ($this->diffIndex($index, $table2Index)) {
$tableDifferences->changedIndexes[$indexName] = $table2Index;
$fromFkeys = $table1->getForeignKeys();
$toFkeys = $table2->getForeignKeys();
......@@ -335,6 +335,47 @@ class Comparator
* Try to find indexes that only changed their name, rename operations maybe cheaper than add/drop
* however ambiguities between different possibilities should not lead to renaming at all.
* @param \Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\TableDiff $tableDifferences
* @return void
private function detectIndexRenamings(TableDiff $tableDifferences)
$renameCandidates = array();
// Gather possible rename candidates by comparing each added and removed index based on semantics.
foreach ($tableDifferences->addedIndexes as $addedIndexName => $addedIndex) {
foreach ($tableDifferences->removedIndexes as $removedIndex) {
if (! $this->diffIndex($addedIndex, $removedIndex)) {
$renameCandidates[$addedIndex->getName()][] = array($removedIndex, $addedIndex, $addedIndexName);
foreach ($renameCandidates as $candidateIndexes) {
// If the current rename candidate contains exactly one semantically equal index,
// we can safely rename it.
// Otherwise it is unclear if a rename action is really intended,
// therefore we let those ambiguous indexes be added/dropped.
if (count($candidateIndexes) === 1) {
list($removedIndex, $addedIndex) = $candidateIndexes[0];
$removedIndexName = strtolower($removedIndex->getName());
$addedIndexName = strtolower($addedIndex->getName());
if (! isset($tableDifferences->renamedIndexes[$removedIndexName])) {
$tableDifferences->renamedIndexes[$removedIndexName] = $addedIndex;
* @param \Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\ForeignKeyConstraint $key1
* @param \Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\ForeignKeyConstraint $key2
......@@ -489,13 +489,6 @@ class Table extends AbstractAsset
protected function _addIndex(Index $indexCandidate)
// check for duplicates
foreach ($this->_indexes as $existingIndex) {
if ($indexCandidate->isFullfilledBy($existingIndex)) {
return $this;
$indexName = $indexCandidate->getName();
$indexName = $this->normalizeIdentifier($indexName);
......@@ -503,13 +496,6 @@ class Table extends AbstractAsset
throw SchemaException::indexAlreadyExists($indexName, $this->_name);
// remove overruled indexes
foreach ($this->_indexes as $idxKey => $existingIndex) {
if ($indexCandidate->overrules($existingIndex)) {
if ($indexCandidate->isPrimary()) {
$this->_primaryKeyName = $indexName;
......@@ -538,9 +524,23 @@ class Table extends AbstractAsset
$name = $this->normalizeIdentifier($name);
$this->_fkConstraints[$name] = $constraint;
// add an explicit index on the foreign key columns. If there is already an index that fulfils this requirements drop the request.
// In the case of __construct calling this method during hydration from schema-details all the explicitly added indexes
// lead to duplicates. This creates computation overhead in this case, however no duplicate indexes are ever added (based on columns).
$indexName = $this->_generateIdentifierName(
array_merge(array($this->getName()), $constraint->getColumns()),
$indexCandidate = $this->_createIndex($constraint->getColumns(), $indexName, false, false);
foreach ($this->_indexes as $existingIndex) {
if ($indexCandidate->isFullfilledBy($existingIndex)) {
......@@ -708,6 +708,59 @@ class ComparatorTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
$this->assertEquals(0, count($tableDiff->renamedColumns), "no renamings should take place.");
* @group DBAL-1063
public function testDetectRenameIndex()
$table1 = new Table('foo');
$table1->addColumn('foo', 'integer');
$table2 = clone $table1;
$table1->addIndex(array('foo'), 'idx_foo');
$table2->addIndex(array('foo'), 'idx_bar');
$comparator = new Comparator();
$tableDiff = $comparator->diffTable($table1, $table2);
$this->assertCount(0, $tableDiff->addedIndexes);
$this->assertCount(0, $tableDiff->removedIndexes);
$this->assertArrayHasKey('idx_foo', $tableDiff->renamedIndexes);
$this->assertEquals('idx_bar', $tableDiff->renamedIndexes['idx_foo']->getName());
* You can easily have ambiguities in the index renaming. If these
* are detected no renaming should take place, instead adding and dropping
* should be used exclusively.
* @group DBAL-1063
public function testDetectRenameIndexAmbiguous()
$table1 = new Table('foo');
$table1->addColumn('foo', 'integer');
$table2 = clone $table1;
$table1->addIndex(array('foo'), 'idx_foo');
$table1->addIndex(array('foo'), 'idx_bar');
$table2->addIndex(array('foo'), 'idx_baz');
$comparator = new Comparator();
$tableDiff = $comparator->diffTable($table1, $table2);
$this->assertCount(1, $tableDiff->addedIndexes);
$this->assertArrayHasKey('idx_baz', $tableDiff->addedIndexes);
$this->assertCount(2, $tableDiff->removedIndexes);
$this->assertArrayHasKey('idx_foo', $tableDiff->removedIndexes);
$this->assertArrayHasKey('idx_bar', $tableDiff->removedIndexes);
$this->assertCount(0, $tableDiff->renamedIndexes);
public function testDetectChangeIdentifierType()
$this->markTestSkipped('DBAL-2 was reopened, this test cannot work anymore.');
......@@ -351,19 +351,6 @@ class TableTest extends \Doctrine\Tests\DbalTestCase
$this->assertEquals(1, count($table->getIndexes()));
* @group DBAL-50
public function testAddIndexTwice_IgnoreSecond()
$table = new Table("");
$table->addColumn('baz', 'integer', array());
$this->assertEquals(1, count($table->getIndexes()));
* @group DBAL-50
......@@ -385,10 +372,57 @@ class TableTest extends \Doctrine\Tests\DbalTestCase
$this->assertEquals(array('id'), $index->getColumns());
* @group DBAL-1063
public function testAddForeignKeyDoesNotCreateDuplicateIndex()
$table = new Table('foo');
$table->addColumn('bar', 'integer');
$table->addIndex(array('bar'), 'bar_idx');
$foreignTable = new Table('bar');
$foreignTable->addColumn('foo', 'integer');
$table->addForeignKeyConstraint($foreignTable, array('bar'), array('foo'));
$this->assertCount(1, $table->getIndexes());
$this->assertSame(array('bar'), $table->getIndex('bar_idx')->getColumns());
* @group DBAL-1063
public function testAddForeignKeyAddsImplicitIndexIfIndexColumnsDoNotSpan()
$table = new Table('foo');
$table->addColumn('bar', 'integer');
$table->addColumn('baz', 'string');
$table->addColumn('bloo', 'string');
$table->addIndex(array('baz', 'bar'), 'composite_idx');
$table->addIndex(array('bar', 'baz', 'bloo'), 'full_idx');
$foreignTable = new Table('bar');
$foreignTable->addColumn('foo', 'integer');
$foreignTable->addColumn('baz', 'string');
$table->addForeignKeyConstraint($foreignTable, array('bar', 'baz'), array('foo', 'baz'));
$this->assertCount(3, $table->getIndexes());
$this->assertSame(array('baz', 'bar'), $table->getIndex('composite_idx')->getColumns());
$this->assertSame(array('bar', 'baz', 'bloo'), $table->getIndex('full_idx')->getColumns());
$this->assertSame(array('bar', 'baz'), $table->getIndex('idx_8c73652176ff8caa78240498')->getColumns());
* @group DBAL-50
* @group DBAL-1063
public function testOverruleIndex()
public function testOverrulingIndexDoesNotDropOverruledIndex()
$table = new Table("bar");
$table->addColumn('baz', 'integer', array());
......@@ -399,23 +433,62 @@ class TableTest extends \Doctrine\Tests\DbalTestCase
$index = current($indexes);
$this->assertEquals(1, count($table->getIndexes()));
$this->assertEquals(2, count($table->getIndexes()));
* @group DBAL-1063
public function testAllowsAddingDuplicateIndexesBasedOnColumns()
$table = new Table('foo');
$table->addColumn('bar', 'integer');
$table->addIndex(array('bar'), 'bar_idx');
$table->addIndex(array('bar'), 'duplicate_idx');
$this->assertCount(2, $table->getIndexes());
$this->assertSame(array('bar'), $table->getIndex('bar_idx')->getColumns());
$this->assertSame(array('bar'), $table->getIndex('duplicate_idx')->getColumns());
public function testPrimaryKeyOverrulesUniqueIndex()
* @group DBAL-1063
public function testAllowsAddingFulfillingIndexesBasedOnColumns()
$table = new Table('foo');
$table->addColumn('bar', 'integer');
$table->addColumn('baz', 'string');
$table->addIndex(array('bar'), 'bar_idx');
$table->addIndex(array('bar', 'baz'), 'fulfilling_idx');
$this->assertCount(2, $table->getIndexes());
$this->assertSame(array('bar'), $table->getIndex('bar_idx')->getColumns());
$this->assertSame(array('bar', 'baz'), $table->getIndex('fulfilling_idx')->getColumns());
* @group DBAL-50
* @group DBAL-1063
public function testPrimaryKeyOverrulingUniqueIndexDoesNotDropUniqueIndex()
$table = new Table("bar");
$table->addColumn('baz', 'integer', array());
$table->addUniqueIndex(array('baz'), 'idx_unique');
$indexes = $table->getIndexes();
$this->assertEquals(1, count($indexes), "Table should only contain the primary key table index, not the unique one anymore, because it was overruled.");
$this->assertEquals(2, count($indexes), "Table should only contain both the primary key table index and the unique one, even though it was overruled.");
$index = current($indexes);
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