Commit ca228e9d authored by Steve Müller's avatar Steve Müller

fixes #2626: add PHPUnit config for continuousphp Oracle testing

parent f347a83c
<phpunit xmlns:xsi=""
<ini name="error_reporting" value="-1" />
<var name="db_type" value="oci8"/>
<var name="db_host" value="oracle-xe-11" />
<var name="db_username" value="C##doctrine" />
<var name="db_password" value="ORACLE" />
<var name="db_name" value="XE" />
<var name="db_port" value="1521"/>
<var name="db_event_subscribers" value="Doctrine\DBAL\Event\Listeners\OracleSessionInit"/>
<var name="tmpdb_type" value="oci8"/>
<var name="tmpdb_host" value="oracle-xe-11" />
<var name="tmpdb_username" value="ORACLE" />
<var name="tmpdb_password" value="ORACLE" />
<var name="tmpdb_name" value="XE" />
<var name="tmpdb_port" value="1521"/>
<testsuite name="Doctrine DBAL Test Suite">
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