Commit ee4aa5cc authored by Benjamin Morel's avatar Benjamin Morel

Travis CI: PHP 7.3 tests on MySQL 8.0

parent 224d77ea
......@@ -207,16 +207,18 @@ jobs:
- travis_retry composer update --prefer-dist --prefer-lowest
- stage: Test
php: 7.3
env: DB=mysql MYSQL_VERSION=5.7
env: DB=mysql MYSQL_VERSION=8.0
dist: xenial
sudo: required
- bash ./tests/travis/
- bash ./tests/travis/
- stage: Test
php: 7.3
env: DB=mysqli MYSQL_VERSION=5.7
env: DB=mysqli MYSQL_VERSION=8.0
dist: xenial
sudo: required
- bash ./tests/travis/
- bash ./tests/travis/
- stage: Test
php: 7.3
env: DB=mariadb MARIADB_VERSION=10.3
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