Commit f6fa905e authored by doctrine's avatar doctrine

[amadeus] changed exception name ($e) to not conflict with existing var of...

[amadeus] changed exception name ($e) to not conflict with existing var of that name. Also minor spelling error.
parent 50cced9e
......@@ -91,8 +91,8 @@ class Doctrine_RawSql extends Doctrine_Hydrate {
if( ! isset($this->tables[$e[0]])) {
try {
$this->addComponent($e[0], ucwords($e[0]));
} catch(Doctrine_Exception $e) {
throw new Doctrine_Exception("The associated component for tablealias $e[0] couldn't be found.");
} catch(Doctrine_Exception $exception) {
throw new Doctrine_Exception("The associated component for table alias $e[0] couldn't be found.");
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