Commit fa5c28fd authored by zYne's avatar zYne

updated plugin classes to use the refactored main class

parent a9e5a359
......@@ -97,6 +97,11 @@ class Doctrine_AuditLog extends Doctrine_Plugin
$options = array('className' => $className);
$relations = array($name => array('local' => $local,
'foreign' => $id,
'onDelete' => 'CASCADE',
'onUpdate' => 'CASCADE'));
$this->generateClass($options, $columns, array());
$this->_options['pluginTable'] = $table->getConnection()->getTable($this->_options['className']);
......@@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ class Doctrine_Plugin
$col = strtolower(Doctrine::tableize($table->getComponentName()) . '_' . $column);
$col = $column;
$def['primary'] = true;
$fk[$col] = $def;
......@@ -68,7 +68,15 @@ class Doctrine_Search extends Doctrine_Plugin
$name = $record->getTable()->getComponentName();
if ($this->_options['batchUpdates'] === true) {
$conn->insert(Doctrine::tableize($class), array('foreign_id' => $id));
$conn = $record->getTable()->getConnection();
$index = new $class();
foreach ($record->identifier() as $id => $value) {
$index->$id = $value;
} else {
foreach ($fields as $field) {
$data = $record->get($field);
......@@ -144,12 +152,10 @@ class Doctrine_Search extends Doctrine_Plugin
$columns = array('keyword' => array('type' => 'string',
'length' => 200,
'notnull' => true,
'primary' => true,
'field' => array('type' => 'string',
'length' => 50,
'notnull' => true,
'primary' => true),
'position' => array('type' => 'integer',
'length' => 8,
......@@ -160,31 +166,11 @@ class Doctrine_Search extends Doctrine_Plugin
$options = array('className' => $className);
$fk = array();
foreach ((array) $id as $column) {
$def = $table->getDefinitionOf($column);
$col = strtolower(Doctrine::tableize($name) . '_' . $column);
$def['primary'] = true;
$fk[$col] = $def;
$local = (count($fk) > 1) ? array_keys($fk) : key($fk);
$relations = array($name => array('local' => $local,
'foreign' => $id,
'onDelete' => 'CASCADE',
'onUpdate' => 'CASCADE'));
$fk = $this->generateForeignKeys($table);
$columns += $fk;
$relations = $this->generateRelation($table, $fk);
$this->generateClass($options, $columns, $relations);
$this->_options['pluginTable'] = $table->getConnection()->getTable($this->_options['className']);
......@@ -32,32 +32,30 @@
class Doctrine_Template_Searchable extends Doctrine_Template
protected $_search;
public function __construct(array $options)
$this->_search = new Doctrine_Search($options);
$this->_plugin = new Doctrine_Search($options);
public function getPlugin()
return $this->_plugin;
public function setUp()
$id = $this->_table->getIdentifier();
$name = $this->_table->getComponentName();
$className = $this->_search->getOption('className');
$className = $this->_plugin->getOption('className');
if (strpos($className, '%CLASS%') !== false) {
$this->_search->setOption('className', str_replace('%CLASS%', $name, $className));
$className = $this->_search->getOption('className');
foreach ((array) $id as $column) {
$foreign[] = strtolower(Doctrine::tableize($this->_table->getComponentName()) . '_' . $column);
$this->_plugin->setOption('className', str_replace('%CLASS%', $name, $className));
$className = $this->_plugin->getOption('className');
$foreign = (count($foreign) > 1) ? $foreign : current($foreign);
$this->hasMany($className, array('local' => $id, 'foreign' => $foreign));
$this->hasMany($className, array('local' => $id, 'foreign' => $id));
$this->addListener(new Doctrine_Search_Listener($this->_search));
$this->addListener(new Doctrine_Search_Listener($this->_plugin));
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