Commit ffd2d9ec authored by Steve Müller's avatar Steve Müller

add more specific types and column asset documentation

parent 2790ee79
......@@ -61,4 +61,80 @@ All methods that generate SQL queries for you make much effort to
get the order of generation correct, so that no problems will ever
occour with missing links of foreign keys.
Schema Assets
A schema asset is considered any abstract atomic unit in a database such as schemas,
tables, indexes, but also sequences, columns and even identifiers.
The following chapter gives an overview of all available Doctrine 2
schema assets with short explanations on their context and usage.
All schema assets reside in the ``Doctrine\DBAL\Schema`` namespace.
.. note::
This chapter is far from being completely documented.
Represents a table column in the database schema.
A column consists of a name, a type, portable options, commonly supported options and
vendors specific options.
Portable options
The following options are considered to be fully portable across all database platforms:
- **notnull** (boolean): Whether the column is nullable or not. Defaults to ``true``.
- **default** (integer|string): The default value of the column if no value was specified.
Defaults to ``null``.
- **autoincrement** (boolean): Whether this column should use an autoincremented value if
no value was specified. Only applies to Doctrine's ``smallint``, ``integer``
and ``bigint`` types. Defaults to ``false``.
- **length** (integer): The maximum length of the column. Only applies to Doctrine's
``string`` and ``binary`` types. Defaults to ``null`` and is evaluated to ``255``
in the platform.
- **fixed** (boolean): Whether a ``string`` or ``binary`` Doctrine type column has
a fixed length. Defaults to ``false``.
- **precision** (integer): The precision of a Doctrine ``decimal`` or ``float`` type
column that determines the overall maximum number of digits to be stored (including scale).
Defaults to ``10``.
- **scale** (integer): The exact number of decimal digits to be stored in a Doctrine
``decimal`` or ``float`` type column. Defaults to ``0``.
- **customSchemaOptions** (array): Additional options for the column that are
supported by all vendors:
- **unique** (boolean): Whether to automatically add a unique constraint for the column.
Defaults to ``false``.
Common options
The following options are not completely portable but are supported by most of the
- **unsigned** (boolean): Whether a ``smallint``, ``integer`` or ``bigint`` Doctrine
type column should allow unsigned values only. Supported by MySQL, SQL Anywhere
and Drizzle. Defaults to ``false``.
- **comment** (integer|string): The column comment. Supported by MySQL, PostgreSQL,
Oracle, SQL Server, SQL Anywhere and Drizzle. Defaults to ``null``.
Vendor specific options
The following options are completely vendor specific and absolutely not portable:
- **columnDefinition**: The custom column declaration SQL snippet to use instead
of the generated SQL by Doctrine. Defaults to ``null``. This can useful to add
vendor specific declaration information that is not evaluated by Doctrine
(such as the ``ZEROFILL`` attribute on MySQL).
- **customSchemaOptions** (array): Additional options for the column that are
supported by some vendors but not portable:
- **charset** (string): The character set to use for the column. Currently only supported
on MySQL and Drizzle.
- **collate** (string): The collation to use for the column. Currently only supported on
SQL Server.
- **check** (string): The check constraint clause to add to the column.
Defaults to ``null``.
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