<?php /* * $Id: Schema.php 1838 2007-06-26 00:58:21Z nicobn $ * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many individuals * and is licensed under the LGPL. For more information, see * <http://www.phpdoctrine.com>. */ /** * class Doctrine_Import_Schema * * Different methods to import a XML schema. The logic behind using two different * methods is simple. Some people will like the idea of producing Doctrine_Record * objects directly, which is totally fine. But in fast and growing application, * table definitions tend to be a little bit more volatile. importArr() can be used * to output a table definition in a PHP file. This file can then be stored * independantly from the object itself. * * @package Doctrine * @subpackage Import * @link www.phpdoctrine.com * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-license.php LGPL * @version $Revision: 1838 $ * @author Nicolas BĂ©rard-Nault <nicobn@gmail.com> * @author Jonathan H. Wage <jonwage@gmail.com> */ class Doctrine_Import_Schema { protected $_relations = array(); protected $_options = array('packagesPrefix' => 'Package', 'packagesPath' => '', 'generateBaseClasses' => true, 'generateTableClasses' => true, 'baseClassesDirectory' => 'generated', 'baseClassName' => 'Doctrine_Record', 'suffix' => '.php'); /** * getOption * * @param string $name * @return void */ public function getOption($name) { if (isset($this->_options[$name])) { return $this->_options[$name]; } } /** * setOption * * @param string $name * @param string $value * @return void */ public function setOption($name, $value) { if (isset($this->_options[$name])) { $this->_options[$name] = $value; } } /** * setOptions * * @param string $options * @return void */ public function setOptions($options) { if (!empty($options)) { $this->_options = $options; } } /** * buildSchema * * Loop throug directories of schema files and part them all in to one complete array of schema information * * @param string $schema Array of schema files or single schema file. Array of directories with schema files or single directory * @param string $format Format of the files we are parsing and building from * @return array $array */ public function buildSchema($schema, $format) { $array = array(); foreach ((array) $schema AS $s) { if (is_file($s)) { $array = array_merge($array, $this->parseSchema($s, $format)); } else if (is_dir($s)) { $it = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($s), RecursiveIteratorIterator::LEAVES_ONLY); foreach ($it as $file) { $e = explode('.', $file->getFileName()); if (end($e) === $format) { $array = array_merge($array, $this->parseSchema($file->getPathName(), $format)); } } } else { $array = array_merge($array, $this->parseSchema($s, $format)); } } $this->_buildRelationships($array); return $array; } /** * importSchema * * A method to import a Schema and translate it into a Doctrine_Record object * * @param string $schema The file containing the XML schema * @param string $directory The directory where the Doctrine_Record class will be written * @param array $models Optional array of models to import * * @return void */ public function importSchema($schema, $format = 'yml', $directory = null, $models = array()) { $builder = new Doctrine_Import_Builder(); $builder->setTargetPath($directory); foreach ($this->_options as $key => $value) { if ($value) { $builder->setOption($key, $value); } } $array = $this->buildSchema($schema, $format); foreach ($array as $name => $properties) { if ( ! empty($models) && !in_array($properties['className'], $models)) { continue; } $options = $this->getOptions($properties); $columns = $this->getColumns($properties); $relations = $this->getRelations($properties); $indexes = $this->getIndexes($properties); $attributes = $this->getAttributes($properties); $templates = $this->getTemplates($properties); $actAs = $this->getActAs($properties); $tableOptions = $this->getTableOptions($properties); $builder->buildRecord($options, $columns, $relations, $indexes, $attributes, $templates, $actAs, $tableOptions); } } /** * getOptions * * @param string $properties Array of table properties * @param string $directory Directory we are writing the class to * @return array $options Array of options from a parse schemas properties */ public function getOptions($properties) { $options = array(); $options['className'] = $properties['className']; $options['tableName'] = isset($properties['tableName']) ? $properties['tableName']:null; $options['connection'] = isset($properties['connection']) ? $properties['connection']:null; $options['connectionClassName'] = isset($properties['connection']) ? $properties['className']:null; $options['package'] = $properties['package']; if (isset($properties['inheritance'])) { $options['inheritance'] = $properties['inheritance']; } return $options; } /** * getColumns * * Get array of columns from table properties * * @param string $properties Array of table properties * @return array $columns Array of columns */ public function getColumns($properties) { return isset($properties['columns']) ? $properties['columns']:array(); } /** * getRelations * * Get array of relations from table properties * * @param string $properties Array of tables properties * @return array $relations Array of relations */ public function getRelations($properties) { $all_relations = isset($this->_relations[$properties['className']]) ? $this->_relations[$properties['className']]:array(); // This is for checking for duplicates between alias-relations and a auto-generated relations to ensure the result set of unique relations $exist_relations = array(); $unique_relations = array(); foreach ($all_relations as $relation) { if (!in_array($relation['class'], $exist_relations)) { $exist_relations[] = $relation['class']; $unique_relations = array_merge($unique_relations, array($relation['alias'] => $relation)); } else { // check to see if this relationship is not autogenerated, if it's not, then the user must have explicitly declared it if (!isset($relation['autogenerated']) || $relation['autogenerated'] != true) { $unique_relations = array_merge($unique_relations, array($relation['alias'] => $relation)); } } } return $unique_relations; } /** * getIndexes * * Get array of indexes from table properties * * @param string $properties Array of table properties * @return array $index */ public function getIndexes($properties) { return isset($properties['indexes']) ? $properties['indexes']:array();; } /** * getAttributes * * Get array of attributes from table properties * * @param string $properties Array of tables properties * @return array $attributes */ public function getAttributes($properties) { return isset($properties['attributes']) ? $properties['attributes']:array(); } /** * getTemplates * * Get array of templates from table properties * * @param string $properties Array of table properties * @return array $templates Array of table templates */ public function getTemplates($properties) { return isset($properties['templates']) ? $properties['templates']:array(); } /** * getActAs * * Get array of actAs definitions from table properties * * @param string $properties Array of table properties * @return array $actAs Array of actAs definitions from table properties */ public function getActAs($properties) { return isset($properties['actAs']) ? $properties['actAs']:array(); } /** * getTableOptions * * @param string $properties * @return void */ public function getTableOptions($properties) { return isset($properties['options']) ? $properties['options']:array(); } /** * parseSchema * * A method to parse a Schema and translate it into a property array. * The function returns that property array. * * @param string $schema Path to the file containing the schema * @return array $build Built array of schema information */ public function parseSchema($schema, $type) { $array = Doctrine_Parser::load($schema, $type); $build = array(); foreach ($array as $className => $table) { $columns = array(); $className = isset($table['className']) ? (string) $table['className']:(string) $className; if (isset($table['tableName']) && $table['tableName']) { $tableName = $table['tableName']; } else { if (isset($table['inheritance']['extends']) && isset($table['inheritance']['extends']['keyType']) && isset($table['inheritance']['extends']['keyValue'])) { $tableName = null; } else { $tableName = Doctrine::tableize($className); } } $columns = isset($table['columns']) ? $table['columns']:array(); $columns = isset($table['fields']) ? $table['fields']:$columns; if ( ! empty($columns)) { foreach ($columns as $columnName => $field) { $colDesc = array(); $colDesc['name'] = $columnName; $e = explode('(', $field['type']); if (isset($e[0]) && isset($e[1])) { $colDesc['type'] = $e[0]; $colDesc['length'] = substr($e[1], 0, strlen($e[1]) - 1); } else { $colDesc['type'] = isset($field['type']) ? (string) $field['type']:null; $colDesc['length'] = isset($field['length']) ? (int) $field['length']:null; $colDesc['length'] = isset($field['size']) ? (int) $field['size']:$colDesc['length']; } $colDesc['ptype'] = isset($field['ptype']) ? (string) $field['ptype']:(string) $colDesc['type']; $colDesc['fixed'] = isset($field['fixed']) ? (int) $field['fixed']:null; $colDesc['primary'] = isset($field['primary']) ? (bool) (isset($field['primary']) && $field['primary']):null; $colDesc['default'] = isset($field['default']) ? $field['default']:null; $colDesc['autoincrement'] = isset($field['autoincrement']) ? (bool) (isset($field['autoincrement']) && $field['autoincrement']):null; $colDesc['autoincrement'] = isset($field['autoinc']) ? (bool) (isset($field['autoinc']) && $field['autoinc']):$colDesc['autoincrement']; $colDesc['values'] = isset($field['values']) ? (array) $field['values']:null; $validators = Doctrine::getValidators(); foreach ($validators as $validator) { if (isset($field[$validator])) { $colDesc[$validator] = $field[$validator]; } } $columns[(string) $colDesc['name']] = $colDesc; } } $build[$className]['connection'] = isset($table['connection']) ? $table['connection']:null; $build[$className]['className'] = $className; $build[$className]['tableName'] = $tableName; $build[$className]['columns'] = $columns; $build[$className]['relations'] = isset($table['relations']) ? $table['relations']:array(); $build[$className]['indexes'] = isset($table['indexes']) ? $table['indexes']:array(); $build[$className]['attributes'] = isset($table['attributes']) ? $table['attributes']:array(); $build[$className]['templates'] = isset($table['templates']) ? $table['templates']:array(); $build[$className]['actAs'] = isset($table['actAs']) ? $table['actAs']:array(); $build[$className]['options'] = isset($table['options']) ? $table['options']:array(); $build[$className]['package'] = isset($table['package']) ? $table['package']:null; if (isset($table['inheritance'])) { $build[$className]['inheritance'] = $table['inheritance']; } } return $build; } /** * buildRelationships * * Loop through an array of schema information and build all the necessary relationship information * Will attempt to auto complete relationships and simplify the amount of information required for defining a relationship * * @param string $array * @return void */ protected function _buildRelationships(&$array) { foreach ($array as $name => $properties) { if ( ! isset($properties['relations'])) { continue; } $className = $properties['className']; $relations = $properties['relations']; foreach ($relations as $alias => $relation) { $class = isset($relation['class']) ? $relation['class']:$alias; // Attempt to guess the local and foreign if (isset($relation['refClass'])) { $relation['local'] = isset($relation['local']) ? $relation['local']:Doctrine::tableize($name) . '_id'; $relation['foreign'] = isset($relation['foreign']) ? $relation['foreign']:Doctrine::tableize($class) . '_id'; } else { $relation['local'] = isset($relation['local']) ? $relation['local']:Doctrine::tableize($class) . '_id'; $relation['foreign'] = isset($relation['foreign']) ? $relation['foreign']:'id'; } $relation['alias'] = isset($relation['alias']) ? $relation['alias'] : $alias; $relation['class'] = $class; if (isset($relation['refClass'])) { $relation['type'] = 'many'; } if (isset($relation['type']) && $relation['type']) { $relation['type'] = $relation['type'] === 'one' ? Doctrine_Relation::ONE:Doctrine_Relation::MANY; } else { $relation['type'] = Doctrine_Relation::ONE; } if (isset($relation['foreignType']) && $relation['foreignType']) { $relation['foreignType'] = $relation['foreignType'] === 'one' ? Doctrine_Relation::ONE:Doctrine_Relation::MANY; } $this->_relations[$className][$alias] = $relation; } } // Now we fix all the relationships and auto-complete opposite ends of relationships $this->_fixRelationships(); } /** * fixRelationships * * Loop through all relationships building the opposite ends of each relationship * * @return void */ protected function _fixRelationships() { foreach($this->_relations as $className => $relations) { foreach ($relations AS $alias => $relation) { $newRelation = array(); $newRelation['foreign'] = $relation['local']; $newRelation['local'] = $relation['foreign']; $newRelation['class'] = isset($relation['foreignClass']) ? $relation['foreignClass']:$className; $newRelation['alias'] = isset($relation['foreignAlias']) ? $relation['foreignAlias']:$className; // this is so that we know that this relation was autogenerated and // that we do not need to include it if it is explicitly declared in the schema by the users. $newRelation['autogenerated'] = true; if (isset($relation['refClass'])) { $newRelation['refClass'] = $relation['refClass']; $newRelation['type'] = isset($relation['foreignType']) ? $relation['foreignType']:$relation['type']; } else { if(isset($relation['foreignType'])) { $newRelation['type'] = $relation['foreignType']; } else { $newRelation['type'] = $relation['type'] === Doctrine_Relation::ONE ? Doctrine_Relation::MANY:Doctrine_Relation::ONE; } } if (!isset($this->_relations[$relation['class']][$newRelation['alias']])) { $this->_relations[$relation['class']][$newRelation['alias']] = $newRelation; } } } } }