Following attributes are availible for columns <table> <tr> <td> <b class='title' valign='top'>name</b> </td> <td> <b class='title' valign='top'>args</b> </td> <td> <b class='title'>description</b> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan=3> <hr> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan=3> »» Basic attributes <hr class='small'> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class='title' valign='top'> <b>primary</b> </td> <td class='title' valign='top'> bool true </td> <td class='title' valign='top'> Defines column as a primary key column. </td> </tr> <tr> <td class='title' valign='top'> <b>autoincrement</b> </td> <td class='title' valign='top'> bool true </td> <td class='title' valign='top'> Defines column as autoincremented column. If the underlying database doesn't support autoincrementation natively its emulated with triggers and sequence tables. </td> </tr> <tr> <td class='title' valign='top'> <b>default</b> </td> <td class='title' valign='top'> mixed default </td> <td class='title' valign='top'> Sets <i>default</i> as an application level default value for a column. When default value has been set for a column every time a record is created the specified column has the <i>default</i> as its value. </td> </tr> <tr> <td class='title' valign='top'> <b>enum</b> </td> <td class='title' valign='top'> array enum </td> <td class='title' valign='top'> Sets <i>enum</i> as an application level enum value list for a column. </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan=3> »» Basic validators <hr class='small'> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class='title' valign='top'> <b>unique</b> </td> <td class='title' valign='top'> bool true </td> <td class='title' valign='top'> Acts as database level unique constraint. Also validates that the specified column is unique. </td> </tr> <tr> <td class='title' valign='top'> <b>nospace</b> </td> <td class='title' valign='top'> bool true </td> <td class='title' valign='top'> Nospace validator. This validator validates that specified column doesn't contain any space/newline characters. <br /> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class='title' valign='top'> <b>notblank</b> </td> <td class='title' valign='top'> bool true </td> <td class='title' valign='top'> Notblank validator. This validator validates that specified column doesn't contain only space/newline characters. Useful in for example comment posting applications where users are not allowed to post empty comments. </td> </tr> <tr> <td class='title' valign='top'> <b>notnull</b> </td> <td class='title' valign='top'> bool true </td> <td class='title' valign='top'> Acts as database level notnull constraint as well as notnull validator for the specified column. </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan=3> »» Advanced validators <hr class='small'> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class='title' valign='top'> <b>email</b> </td> <td class='title' valign='top'> bool true </td> <td class='title' valign='top'> Email validator. Validates that specified column is a valid email address. </td> </tr> <tr> <td class='title' valign='top'> <b>date</b> </td> <td class='title' valign='top'> bool true </td> <td class='title' valign='top'> Date validator. </td> </tr> <tr> <td class='title' valign='top'> <b>range</b> </td> <td class='title' valign='top'> array(min, max) </td> <td class='title' valign='top'> Range validator. Validates that the column is between <i>min</i> and <i>max</i>. </td> </tr> <tr> <td class='title' valign='top'> <b>country</b> </td> <td class='title' valign='top'> bool true </td> <td class='title' valign='top'> Country code validator validates that specified column has a valid country code. </td> </tr> <tr> <td class='title' valign='top'> <b>regexp </b> </td> <td class='title' valign='top'> string regexp </td> <td class='title' valign='top'> Regular expression validator validates that specified column matches <i>regexp</i>. </td> </tr> <tr> <td class='title' valign='top'> <b>ip</b> </td> <td class='title' valign='top'> bool true </td> <td class='title' valign='top'> Ip validator validates that specified column is a valid internet protocol address. </td> </tr> <tr> <td class='title' valign='top'> <b>usstate</b> </td> <td class='title' valign='top'> bool true </td> <td class='title' valign='top'> Usstate validator validates that specified column is a valid usstate. </td> </tr> </table>