<?php /* * $Id$ * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many individuals * and is licensed under the LGPL. For more information, see * <http://www.phpdoctrine.com>. */ /** * @package Doctrine * @url http://www.phpdoctrine.com * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-license.php LGPL * @author Konsta Vesterinen * @author Lukas Smith <smith@pooteeweet.org> (PEAR MDB2 library) * @version $Id$ */ class Doctrine_DataDict_Mysql extends Doctrine_DataDict { /** * Obtain DBMS specific SQL code portion needed to declare an text type * field to be used in statements like CREATE TABLE. * * @param array $field associative array with the name of the properties * of the field being declared as array indexes. Currently, the types * of supported field properties are as follows: * * length * Integer value that determines the maximum length of the text * field. If this argument is missing the field should be * declared to have the longest length allowed by the DBMS. * * default * Text value to be used as default for this field. * * notnull * Boolean flag that indicates whether this field is constrained * to not be set to null. * @author Lukas Smith (PEAR MDB2 library) * @return string DBMS specific SQL code portion that should be used to * declare the specified field. */ public function getTypeDeclaration($field) { switch ($field['type']) { case 'array': case 'object': case 'string': if (empty($field['length']) && array_key_exists('default', $field)) { $field['length'] = $this->dbh->varchar_max_length; } $length = (! empty($field['length'])) ? $field['length'] : false; $fixed = (! empty($field['fixed'])) ? $field['fixed'] : false; return $fixed ? ($length ? 'CHAR('.$length.')' : 'CHAR(255)') : ($length ? 'VARCHAR('.$length.')' : 'TEXT'); case 'clob': if (!empty($field['length'])) { $length = $field['length']; if ($length <= 255) { return 'TINYTEXT'; } elseif ($length <= 65532) { return 'TEXT'; } elseif ($length <= 16777215) { return 'MEDIUMTEXT'; } } return 'LONGTEXT'; case 'blob': if (!empty($field['length'])) { $length = $field['length']; if ($length <= 255) { return 'TINYBLOB'; } elseif ($length <= 65532) { return 'BLOB'; } elseif ($length <= 16777215) { return 'MEDIUMBLOB'; } } return 'LONGBLOB'; case 'integer': if (!empty($field['length'])) { $length = $field['length']; if ($length <= 1) { return 'TINYINT'; } elseif ($length == 2) { return 'SMALLINT'; } elseif ($length == 3) { return 'MEDIUMINT'; } elseif ($length == 4) { return 'INT'; } elseif ($length > 4) { return 'BIGINT'; } } return 'INT'; case 'boolean': return 'TINYINT(1)'; case 'date': return 'DATE'; case 'time': return 'TIME'; case 'timestamp': return 'DATETIME'; case 'float': return 'DOUBLE'; case 'decimal': $length = !empty($field['length']) ? $field['length'] : 18; return 'DECIMAL('.$length.','.$this->dbh->options['decimal_places'].')'; } return ''; } /** * Maps a native array description of a field to a MDB2 datatype and length * * @param array $field native field description * @author Lukas Smith (PEAR MDB2 library) * @return array containing the various possible types, length, sign, fixed */ public function mapNativeDatatype($field) { $db_type = strtolower($field['type']); $db_type = strtok($db_type, '(), '); if ($db_type == 'national') { $db_type = strtok('(), '); } if (!empty($field['length'])) { $length = $field['length']; $decimal = ''; } else { $length = strtok('(), '); $decimal = strtok('(), '); } $type = array(); $unsigned = $fixed = null; switch ($db_type) { case 'tinyint': $type[] = 'integer'; $type[] = 'boolean'; if (preg_match('/^(is|has)/', $field['name'])) { $type = array_reverse($type); } $unsigned = preg_match('/ unsigned/i', $field['type']); $length = 1; break; case 'smallint': $type[] = 'integer'; $unsigned = preg_match('/ unsigned/i', $field['type']); $length = 2; break; case 'mediumint': $type[] = 'integer'; $unsigned = preg_match('/ unsigned/i', $field['type']); $length = 3; break; case 'int': case 'integer': $type[] = 'integer'; $unsigned = preg_match('/ unsigned/i', $field['type']); $length = 4; break; case 'bigint': $type[] = 'integer'; $unsigned = preg_match('/ unsigned/i', $field['type']); $length = 8; break; case 'tinytext': case 'mediumtext': case 'longtext': case 'text': case 'text': case 'varchar': $fixed = false; case 'string': case 'char': $type[] = 'text'; if ($length == '1') { $type[] = 'boolean'; if (preg_match('/^(is|has)/', $field['name'])) { $type = array_reverse($type); } } elseif (strstr($db_type, 'text')) { $type[] = 'clob'; if ($decimal == 'binary') { $type[] = 'blob'; } } if ($fixed !== false) { $fixed = true; } break; case 'enum': $type[] = 'text'; preg_match_all('/\'.+\'/U', $field['type'], $matches); $length = 0; $fixed = false; if (is_array($matches)) { foreach ($matches[0] as $value) { $length = max($length, strlen($value)-2); } if ($length == '1' && count($matches[0]) == 2) { $type[] = 'boolean'; if (preg_match('/^(is|has)/', $field['name'])) { $type = array_reverse($type); } } } $type[] = 'integer'; case 'set': $fixed = false; $type[] = 'text'; $type[] = 'integer'; break; case 'date': $type[] = 'date'; $length = null; break; case 'datetime': case 'timestamp': $type[] = 'timestamp'; $length = null; break; case 'time': $type[] = 'time'; $length = null; break; case 'float': case 'double': case 'real': $type[] = 'float'; $unsigned = preg_match('/ unsigned/i', $field['type']); break; case 'unknown': case 'decimal': case 'numeric': $type[] = 'decimal'; $unsigned = preg_match('/ unsigned/i', $field['type']); break; case 'tinyblob': case 'mediumblob': case 'longblob': case 'blob': $type[] = 'blob'; $length = null; break; case 'year': $type[] = 'integer'; $type[] = 'date'; $length = null; break; default: throw new Doctrine_DataDict_Mysql_Exception('unknown database attribute type: '.$db_type); } return array($type, $length, $unsigned, $fixed); } /** * lists all databases * * @return array */ public function listDatabases() { $sql = 'SHOW DATABASES'; return $this->dbh->query($sql)->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_COLUMN); } /** * lists all availible database functions * * @return array */ public function listFunctions() { } /** * lists all database triggers * * @param string|null $database * @return array */ public function listTriggers($database = null) { } /** * lists all database sequences * * @param string|null $database * @return array */ public function listSequences($database = null) { } /** * lists table constraints * * @param string $table database table name * @return array */ public function listTableConstraints($table) { } /** * lists table constraints * * @param string $table database table name * @return array */ public function listTableColumns($table) { $sql = "DESCRIBE $table"; $result = $this->dbh->query($sql)->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $description = array(); foreach ($result as $key => $val2) { $val = array(); foreach(array_keys($val2) as $valKey){ // lowercase the key names $val[strtolower($valKey)] = $val2[$valKey]; } $description = array( 'name' => $val['field'], 'type' => $val['type'], 'primary' => (strtolower($val['key']) == 'pri'), 'default' => $val['default'], 'notnull' => (bool) ($val['null'] != 'YES'), 'autoinc' => (bool) (strpos($val['extra'],"auto_increment") > -1), ); $columns[$val['field']] = new Doctrine_Schema_Column($description); } return $columns; } /** * lists table constraints * * @param string $table database table name * @return array */ public function listTableIndexes($table) { } /** * lists tables * * @param string|null $database * @return array */ public function listTables($database = null) { $sql = 'SHOW TABLES'; return $this->dbh->query($sql)->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_COLUMN); } /** * lists table triggers * * @param string $table database table name * @return array */ public function listTableTriggers($table) { } /** * lists table views * * @param string $table database table name * @return array */ public function listTableViews($table) { } /** * lists database users * * @return array */ public function listUsers() { } /** * lists database views * * @param string|null $database * @return array */ public function listViews($database = null) { } }