<?php class Text_Wiki_Render_Latex_List extends Text_Wiki_Render { /** * * Renders a token into text matching the requested format. * * This rendering method is syntactically and semantically compliant * with XHTML 1.1 in that sub-lists are part of the previous list item. * * @access public * * @param array $options The "options" portion of the token (second * element). * * @return string The text rendered from the token options. * */ function token($options) { // make nice variables (type, level, count) extract($options); switch ($type) { case 'bullet_list_start': return "\\begin{itemize}\n"; case 'bullet_list_end': return "\\end{itemize}\n"; case 'number_list_start': $depth = 'enumi' . str_pad('', $level, 'i'); $enum = '\arabic'; if (isset($format)) { switch ($format) { case 'a': $enum = '\alph'; break; case 'A': $enum = '\Alph'; break; case 'i': $enum = '\roman'; break; case 'I': $enum = '\Roman'; break; } } return '\renewcommand{\labelenumi}{' . $enum . '{' . $depth . "}}\n\\begin{enumerate}\n"; case 'number_list_end': return "\\end{enumerate}\n"; case 'bullet_item_start': case 'number_item_start': return '\item{'; case 'bullet_item_end': case 'number_item_end': return "}\n"; default: // ignore item endings and all other types. // item endings are taken care of by the other types // depending on their place in the list. return ''; break; } } } ?>