build: false platform: - x64 #matrix: # fast_finish: true # kills the build at the first failure clone_folder: C:\projects\dbal clone_depth: 2 cache: - C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\bin -> .appveyor.yml - C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib -> .appveyor.yml - C:\tools\php -> .appveyor.yml - C:\tools\cacert -> .appveyor.yml - C:\tools\composer -> .appveyor.yml - C:\tools\ocular -> .appveyor.yml - '%LOCALAPPDATA%\Composer\files -> composer.json' ## Build matrix for lowest and highest possible targets environment: matrix: - db: mssql driver: sqlsrv db_version: sql2012sp1 php: 7.4 coverage: yes - db: mssql driver: sqlsrv db_version: sql2017 coverage: no php: 7.4 - db: mssql driver: pdo_sqlsrv db_version: sql2017 php: 7.4 coverage: yes init: - SET PATH=C:\Program Files\OpenSSL;c:\tools\php;C:\tools\composer;C:\tools\ocular;%PATH% - SET COMPOSER_NO_INTERACTION=1 - SET ANSICON=121x90 (121x90) ## Install PHP and composer, and run the appropriate composer command install: - ps: | # Check if installation is cached if (!(Test-Path c:\tools\php)) { appveyor-retry cinst --params '""/InstallDir:C:\tools\php""' --ignore-checksums -y php --version ((choco search php --exact --all-versions -r | select-string -pattern $env:php | sort { [version]($_ -split '\|' | select -last 1) } -Descending | Select-Object -first 1) -replace '[php|]','') # install sqlite appveyor-retry cinst -y sqlite Get-ChildItem -Path c:\tools\php cd c:\tools\php # Set PHP environment items that are always needed copy php.ini-production php.ini Add-Content php.ini "`n date.timezone=UTC" Add-Content php.ini "`n extension_dir=ext" Add-Content php.ini "`n memory_limit=1G" Add-Content php.ini "`n extension=php_openssl.dll" Add-Content php.ini "`n extension=php_mbstring.dll" Add-Content php.ini "`n extension=php_fileinfo.dll" Add-Content php.ini "`n extension=php_pdo_sqlite.dll" Add-Content php.ini "`n extension=php_sqlite3.dll" Add-Content php.ini "`n extension=php_curl.dll" Add-Content php.ini "`n curl.cainfo=C:\tools\cacert\bundle.pem" # Use a preview version of the extension that supports PHP 7.4 $DLLVersion = "5.7.1preview" cd c:\tools\php\ext $source = "$($DLLVersion)/php_sqlsrv-$($DLLVersion)-$($env:php)" $destination = "c:\tools\php\ext\php_sqlsrv-$($DLLVersion)-$($env:php)" Invoke-WebRequest $source -OutFile $destination 7z x -y php_sqlsrv-$($DLLVersion)-$($env:php) > $null $source = "$($DLLVersion)/php_pdo_sqlsrv-$($DLLVersion)-$($env:php)" $destination = "c:\tools\php\ext\php_pdo_sqlsrv-$($DLLVersion)-$($env:php)" Invoke-WebRequest $source -OutFile $destination 7z x -y php_pdo_sqlsrv-$($DLLVersion)-$($env:php) > $null $DLLVersion = (Invoke-WebRequest "").Content $source = "$($DLLVersion)-$($env:php)-vc15-nts-x86_64.dll" $destination = "c:\tools\php\ext\php_xdebug.dll" Invoke-WebRequest $source -OutFile $destination Remove-Item c:\tools\php\* -include .zip cd c:\tools\php Add-Content php.ini "`nextension=php_sqlsrv.dll" Add-Content php.ini "`nextension=php_pdo_sqlsrv.dll" Add-Content php.ini "`nzend_extension=php_xdebug.dll" Add-Content php.ini "`n" # download Composer if (!(Test-Path C:\tools\composer)) { New-Item -path c:\tools -name composer -itemtype directory } if (!(Test-Path c:\tools\composer\composer.phar)) { appveyor-retry appveyor DownloadFile -Filename C:\tools\composer\composer.phar Set-Content -path 'C:\tools\composer\composer.bat' -Value ('@php C:\tools\composer\composer.phar %*') } # download Scrutinizer's Ocular if (!(Test-Path C:\tools\ocular)) { New-Item -path c:\tools -name ocular -itemtype directory } if (!(Test-Path c:\tools\ocular\ocular.phar)) { appveyor-retry appveyor DownloadFile -Filename C:\tools\ocular\ocular.phar Set-Content -path 'C:\tools\ocular\ocular.bat' -Value ('@php C:\tools\ocular\ocular.phar %*') } # download CA bundle if (!(Test-Path C:\tools\cacert)) { New-Item -path c:\tools\ -name cacert -itemtype directory } if (!(Test-Path c:\tools\cacert\bundle.pem)) { appveyor-retry appveyor DownloadFile -Filename C:\tools\cacert\bundle.pem } } # install composer dependencies - cd C:\projects\dbal - appveyor-retry composer self-update - appveyor-retry composer install --no-progress --prefer-dist before_test: # Selectively start the services - ps: >- if ($env:db -eq "mssql") { $instanceName = $env:db_version.ToUpper() net start "MSSQL`$$instanceName" } test_script: - ps: >- if ($env:db_version) { $env:phpunit_config = "tests\appveyor\$($env:db).$($env:db_version).$($env:driver).appveyor.xml" } else { $env:phpunit_config = "tests\appveyor\$($env:db).$($env:driver).appveyor.xml" } if ($env:coverage -eq "yes") { vendor\bin\phpunit -c $($env:phpunit_config) --coverage-clover clover.xml } else { vendor\bin\phpunit -c $($env:phpunit_config) } if ($LastExitCode -ne 0) { $host.SetShouldExit($LastExitCode) } after_test: - ps: >- if ($env:coverage -eq "yes") { appveyor-retry ocular code-coverage:upload --format=php-clover clover.xml }