parameters: level: 7 paths: - %currentWorkingDirectory%/lib autoload_files: - %currentWorkingDirectory%/tests/phpstan-polyfill.php reportUnmatchedIgnoredErrors: false checkMissingIterableValueType: false checkGenericClassInNonGenericObjectType: false ignoreErrors: # extension not available - '~^(Used )?(Function|Constant) sasql_\S+ not found\.\z~i' # removing it would be BC break - '~^Constructor of class Doctrine\\DBAL\\Schema\\Table has an unused parameter \$idGeneratorType\.\z~' # declaring $tableName in AbstractSchemaManager::_getPortableTableIndexesList() non-optional will be a BC break - '~^Parameter #2 \$table of class Doctrine\\DBAL\\Event\\SchemaIndexDefinitionEventArgs constructor expects string, string\|null given\.\z~' # changing these would be a BC break, to be done in next major - "~^Casting to bool something that's already bool.~" - "~^Casting to int something that's already int.~" - '~^Method Doctrine\\DBAL\\Driver\\IBMDB2\\DB2Connection::exec\(\) should return int but returns bool\.\z~' - '~^Property Doctrine\\DBAL\\Schema\\Table::\$_primaryKeyName \(string\) does not accept (default value of type )?false\.\z~' - '~^Property Doctrine\\DBAL\\Schema\\Schema::\$_schemaConfig \(Doctrine\\DBAL\\Schema\\SchemaConfig\) does not accept default value of type false\.\z~' - '~^Method Doctrine\\DBAL\\Schema\\ForeignKeyConstraint::onEvent\(\) should return string\|null but returns false\.\z~' - '~^Method Doctrine\\DBAL\\Schema\\(Oracle|PostgreSql|SQLServer)SchemaManager::_getPortableTableDefinition\(\) should return array but returns string\.\z~' - '~^Method Doctrine\\DBAL\\Driver\\OCI8\\OCI8Connection::lastInsertId\(\) should return string but returns (int|false)\.\z~' - '~^Method Doctrine\\DBAL\\Driver\\SQLSrv\\SQLSrvConnection::errorCode\(\) should return string\|null but returns false\.\z~' # - '~^Call to an undefined method Doctrine\\DBAL\\Driver\\PDOConnection::sqliteCreateFunction\(\)\.\z~' # - '~^Parameter #2 \$registeredAliases of static method Doctrine\\DBAL\\Query\\QueryException::unknownAlias\(\) expects array<string>, array<int, int\|string> given\.\z~' - '~^Parameter #2 \$registeredAliases of static method Doctrine\\DBAL\\Query\\QueryException::nonUniqueAlias\(\) expects array<string>, array<int, int\|string> given\.\z~' # PHPStan is too strict about preg_replace(): - '~^Method Doctrine\\DBAL\\Platforms\\AbstractPlatform::escapeStringForLike\(\) should return string but returns string\|null\.\z~' # legacy variadic-like signature - '~^Method Doctrine\\DBAL(\\.*)?Connection::query\(\) invoked with \d+ parameters?, 0 required\.\z~' # some drivers actually do accept 2nd parameter... - '~^Method Doctrine\\DBAL\\Platforms\\AbstractPlatform::getListTableForeignKeysSQL\(\) invoked with \d+ parameters, 1 required\.\z~' # legacy remnants from doctrine/common - '~^Class Doctrine\\Common\\(Collections\\Collection|Persistence\\Proxy) not found\.\z~' - '~^.+ on an unknown class Doctrine\\Common\\(Collections\\Collection|Persistence\\Proxy)\.\z~' # inheritance variance inference issue - '~^Method Doctrine\\DBAL\\Driver\\PDOConnection::\w+\(\) should return Doctrine\\DBAL\\Driver\\Statement but returns PDOStatement\.\z~' # may not exist when pdo_sqlsrv is not loaded but PDO is - '~^Access to undefined constant PDO::SQLSRV_ENCODING_BINARY\.\z~' # weird class name, represented in stubs as OCI_(Lob|Collection) - '~unknown class OCI-(Lob|Collection)~' # - '~^Method Doctrine\\DBAL\\Driver\\Mysqli\\MysqliStatement::_fetch\(\) never returns null so it can be removed from the return typehint\.$~' # The ReflectionException in the case when the class does not exist is acceptable and does not need to be handled - '~^Parameter #1 \$argument of class ReflectionClass constructor expects class-string<T of object>\|T of object, string given\.$~' # - message: '~^Call to function in_array\(\) with arguments Doctrine\\DBAL\\Schema\\Column, array<string> and true will always evaluate to false\.$~' path: %currentWorkingDirectory%/lib/Doctrine/DBAL/Schema/Table.php # - message: '~^Cannot cast array<string>\|bool\|string\|null to int\.$~' path: %currentWorkingDirectory%/lib/Doctrine/DBAL/Tools/Console/Command/RunSqlCommand.php # Requires a release of - message: '~^Access to undefined constant PDO::PGSQL_ATTR_DISABLE_PREPARES\.$~' path: %currentWorkingDirectory%/lib/Doctrine/DBAL/Driver/PDOPgSql/Driver.php # False Positive - '~Strict comparison using === between 1 and 2 will always evaluate to false~' # Needs Generics - '~Method Doctrine\\DBAL\\Schema\\SchemaDiff::getNewTablesSortedByDependencies\(\) should return array<Doctrine\\DBAL\\Schema\\Table> but returns array<object>.~' # Caused by phpdoc annotations intended for Psalm - message: '~Unable to resolve the template type T in call to method static method Doctrine\\DBAL\\DriverManager::getConnection\(\)~' paths: - %currentWorkingDirectory%/lib/Doctrine/DBAL/Id/TableGenerator.php - %currentWorkingDirectory%/lib/Doctrine/DBAL/Schema/SqliteSchemaManager.php - message: '~Method Doctrine\\DBAL\\Driver\\PDOSqlsrv\\Connection\:\:lastInsertId\(\) should return string but returns string\|false\|null\.~' paths: - %currentWorkingDirectory%/lib/Doctrine/DBAL/Driver/PDOSqlsrv/Connection.php