
namespace Doctrine\Tests\DBAL;

require_once __DIR__ . '/../../../TestInit.php';

class OCI8StatementTest extends \Doctrine\Tests\DbalTestCase
    public function setUp()
        if (!extension_loaded('oci8')) {
            $this->markTestSkipped('oci8 is not installed.');


    protected function getMockOCI8Statement()
        $dbh = null;
        $statement = "update table set field1 = ?, field2 = ? where field3 = ?";
        $executeMode = OCI_COMMIT_ON_SUCCESS;

        return $this->getMock('\Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\OCI8\OCI8Statement',
		    array('bindValue', 'errorInfo'),
            array(null, $statement, $executeMode), '', false);

     * This scenario shows that when the first parameter is not null
     * it properly sets $hasZeroIndex to 1 and calls bindValue starting at 1.
     * The expected exception is due to oci_execute failing due to no valid connection.
     * @dataProvider executeDataProvider
     * @expectedException \Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\OCI8\OCI8Exception
    public function testExecute(array $params)
        $statement = $this->getMockOCI8Statement();



    public static function executeDataProvider()
        return array(
            // $hasZeroIndex = isset($params[0]); == true
                array(0 => 'test', 1 => null, 2 => 'value')
            // $hasZeroIndex = isset($params[0]); == false
                array(0 => null, 1 => 'test', 2 => 'value')
