<?php declare(strict_types=1); namespace Doctrine\DBAL\Tools\Console; use Doctrine\DBAL\Connection; use Doctrine\DBAL\Tools\Console\Command\ReservedWordsCommand; use Doctrine\DBAL\Tools\Console\Command\RunSqlCommand; use Doctrine\DBAL\Tools\Console\Helper\ConnectionHelper; use PackageVersions\Versions; use Symfony\Component\Console\Application; use Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command; use Symfony\Component\Console\Helper\HelperSet; use TypeError; use function sprintf; use function trigger_error; use const E_USER_DEPRECATED; /** * Handles running the Console Tools inside Symfony Console context. */ class ConsoleRunner { /** * Create a Symfony Console HelperSet * * @deprecated use a ConnectionProvider instead. */ public static function createHelperSet(Connection $connection) : HelperSet { return new HelperSet([ 'db' => new ConnectionHelper($connection), ]); } /** * Runs console with the given connection provider or helperset (deprecated). * * @param ConnectionProvider|HelperSet $helperSetOrConnectionProvider * @param array<int, Command> $commands */ public static function run($helperSetOrConnectionProvider, $commands = []) : void { $cli = new Application('Doctrine Command Line Interface', Versions::getVersion('doctrine/dbal')); $cli->setCatchExceptions(true); $connectionProvider = null; if ($helperSetOrConnectionProvider instanceof HelperSet) { @trigger_error(sprintf('Passing an instance of "%s" as the first argument is deprecated. Pass an instance of "%s" instead.', HelperSet::class, ConnectionProvider::class), E_USER_DEPRECATED); $connectionProvider = null; $cli->setHelperSet($helperSetOrConnectionProvider); } elseif ($helperSetOrConnectionProvider instanceof ConnectionProvider) { $connectionProvider = $helperSetOrConnectionProvider; } else { throw new TypeError(sprintf('First argument must be an instance of "%s" or "%s"', HelperSet::class, ConnectionProvider::class)); } self::addCommands($cli, $connectionProvider); $cli->addCommands($commands); $cli->run(); } public static function addCommands(Application $cli, ?ConnectionProvider $connectionProvider = null) : void { $cli->addCommands([ new RunSqlCommand(), new ReservedWordsCommand(), new ReservedWordsCommand($connectionProvider), ]); } /** * Prints the instructions to create a configuration file */ public static function printCliConfigTemplate() : void { echo <<<'HELP' You are missing a "cli-config.php" or "config/cli-config.php" file in your project, which is required to get the Doctrine-DBAL Console working. You can use the following sample as a template: <?php use Doctrine\DBAL\Tools\Console\ConnectionProvider\SingleConnectionProvider; // You can append new commands to $commands array, if needed // replace with the mechanism to retrieve DBAL connection(s) in your app // and return a Doctrine\DBAL\Tools\Console\ConnectionProvider instance. $connection = getDBALConnection(); // in case you have a single connection you can use SingleConnectionProvider // otherwise you need to implement the Doctrine\DBAL\Tools\Console\ConnectionProvider interface with your custom logic return new SingleConnectionProvider($connection); HELP; } }