<?php require_once("Common.php"); /** * mysql driver */ class Doctrine_Session_Mysql extends Doctrine_Session_Common { /** * the constructor * @param PDO $pdo -- database handle */ public function __construct(Doctrine_Manager $manager,PDO $pdo) { $pdo->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES, true); parent::__construct($manager,$pdo); } /** * deletes all data access object from the collection * @param Doctrine_Collection $coll */ /** public function deleteCollection(Doctrine_Collection $coll) { $a = $coll->getTable()->getCompositePaths(); $a = array_merge(array($coll->getTable()->getComponentName()),$a); $graph = new Doctrine_DQL_Parser($this); foreach($coll as $k=>$record) { switch($record->getState()): case Doctrine_Record::STATE_DIRTY: case Doctrine_Record::STATE_CLEAN: $ids[] = $record->getID(); break; endswitch; } if(empty($ids)) return array(); $graph->parseQuery("FROM ".implode(", ",$a)." WHERE ".$coll->getTable()->getTableName().".id IN(".implode(", ",$ids).")"); $query = $graph->buildDelete(); $this->getDBH()->query($query); return $ids; } */ /** * returns maximum identifier values * * @param array $names an array of component names * @return array */ public function getMaximumValues2(array $names) { $values = array(); foreach($names as $name) { $table = $this->tables[$name]; $keys = $table->getPrimaryKeys(); $tablename = $table->getTableName(); if(count($keys) == 1 && $keys[0] == $table->getIdentifier()) { // record uses auto_increment column $sql[] = "SELECT MAX(".$tablename.".".$table->getIdentifier().") as $tablename FROM ".$tablename; $values[$tablename] = 0; $array[] = $tablename; } } $sql = implode(" UNION ",$sql); $stmt = $this->getDBH()->query($sql); $data = $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_NUM); foreach($data as $k => $v) { $values[$array[$k]] = $v[0]; } return $values; } /** * bulkInsert * inserts all the objects in the pending insert list into database * TODO: THIS IS NOT WORKING YET AS THERE ARE BUGS IN COMPONENTS USING SELF-REFERENCENCING * * @return boolean */ /** public function bulkInsert() { if(empty($this->insert)) return false; foreach($this->insert as $name => $inserts) { if( ! isset($inserts[0])) continue; $record = $inserts[0]; $table = $record->getTable(); $seq = $table->getSequenceName(); $keys = $table->getPrimaryKeys(); $marks = array(); $params = array(); foreach($inserts as $k => $record) { $record->getTable()->getAttribute(Doctrine::ATTR_LISTENER)->onPreSave($record); // listen the onPreInsert event $record->getTable()->getAttribute(Doctrine::ATTR_LISTENER)->onPreInsert($record); $array = $record->getPrepared(); if(isset($this->validator)) { if( ! $this->validator->validateRecord($record)) { continue; } } $key = implode(", ",array_keys($array)); if( ! isset($params[$key])) $params[$key] = array(); $marks[$key][] = "(".substr(str_repeat("?, ",count($array)),0,-2).")"; $params[$key] = array_merge($params[$key], array_values($array)); // listen the onInsert event $record->getTable()->getAttribute(Doctrine::ATTR_LISTENER)->onInsert($record); $record->getTable()->getAttribute(Doctrine::ATTR_LISTENER)->onSave($record); } if( ! empty($marks)) { foreach($marks as $key => $list) { $query = "INSERT INTO ".$table->getTableName()." (".$key.") VALUES ".implode(", ", $list); $stmt = $this->getDBH()->prepare($query); $stmt->execute($params[$key]); } } if(count($keys) == 1 && $keys[0] == $table->getIdentifier()) { // record uses auto_increment column $sql = "SELECT MAX(".$table->getIdentifier().") FROM ".$record->getTable()->getTableName(); $stmt = $this->getDBH()->query($sql); $data = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_NUM); $id = $data[0]; $stmt->closeCursor(); foreach(array_reverse($inserts) as $record) { $record->setID((int) $id); $id--; } } } $this->insert = array(); return true; } */ } ?>