<?php namespace Doctrine\DBAL\Schema; use Doctrine\DBAL\DBALException; use Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\Exception; use Doctrine\DBAL\Platforms\SQLServerPlatform; use Doctrine\DBAL\Types\Type; use PDOException; use Throwable; use function assert; use function count; use function in_array; use function is_string; use function preg_match; use function sprintf; use function str_replace; use function strpos; use function strtok; /** * SQL Server Schema Manager. */ class SQLServerSchemaManager extends AbstractSchemaManager { /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function dropDatabase($database) { try { parent::dropDatabase($database); } catch (DBALException $exception) { $exception = $exception->getPrevious(); assert($exception instanceof Throwable); if (! $exception instanceof Exception) { throw $exception; } // If we have a error code 3702, the drop database operation failed // because of active connections on the database. // To force dropping the database, we first have to close all active connections // on that database and issue the drop database operation again. if ($exception->getErrorCode() !== 3702) { throw $exception; } $this->closeActiveDatabaseConnections($database); parent::dropDatabase($database); } } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ protected function _getPortableSequenceDefinition($sequence) { return new Sequence($sequence['name'], (int) $sequence['increment'], (int) $sequence['start_value']); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ protected function _getPortableTableColumnDefinition($tableColumn) { $dbType = strtok($tableColumn['type'], '(), '); assert(is_string($dbType)); $fixed = null; $length = (int) $tableColumn['length']; $default = $tableColumn['default']; if (! isset($tableColumn['name'])) { $tableColumn['name'] = ''; } if ($default !== null) { $default = $this->parseDefaultExpression($default); } switch ($dbType) { case 'nchar': case 'nvarchar': case 'ntext': // Unicode data requires 2 bytes per character $length /= 2; break; case 'varchar': // TEXT type is returned as VARCHAR(MAX) with a length of -1 if ($length === -1) { $dbType = 'text'; } break; } if ($dbType === 'char' || $dbType === 'nchar' || $dbType === 'binary') { $fixed = true; } $type = $this->_platform->getDoctrineTypeMapping($dbType); $type = $this->extractDoctrineTypeFromComment($tableColumn['comment'], $type); $tableColumn['comment'] = $this->removeDoctrineTypeFromComment($tableColumn['comment'], $type); $options = [ 'length' => $length === 0 || ! in_array($type, ['text', 'string']) ? null : $length, 'unsigned' => false, 'fixed' => (bool) $fixed, 'default' => $default, 'notnull' => (bool) $tableColumn['notnull'], 'scale' => $tableColumn['scale'], 'precision' => $tableColumn['precision'], 'autoincrement' => (bool) $tableColumn['autoincrement'], 'comment' => $tableColumn['comment'] !== '' ? $tableColumn['comment'] : null, ]; $column = new Column($tableColumn['name'], Type::getType($type), $options); if (isset($tableColumn['collation']) && $tableColumn['collation'] !== 'NULL') { $column->setPlatformOption('collation', $tableColumn['collation']); } return $column; } private function parseDefaultExpression(string $value): ?string { while (preg_match('/^\((.*)\)$/s', $value, $matches)) { $value = $matches[1]; } if ($value === 'NULL') { return null; } if (preg_match('/^\'(.*)\'$/s', $value, $matches)) { $value = str_replace("''", "'", $matches[1]); } if ($value === 'getdate()') { return $this->_platform->getCurrentTimestampSQL(); } return $value; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ protected function _getPortableTableForeignKeysList($tableForeignKeys) { $foreignKeys = []; foreach ($tableForeignKeys as $tableForeignKey) { $name = $tableForeignKey['ForeignKey']; if (! isset($foreignKeys[$name])) { $foreignKeys[$name] = [ 'local_columns' => [$tableForeignKey['ColumnName']], 'foreign_table' => $tableForeignKey['ReferenceTableName'], 'foreign_columns' => [$tableForeignKey['ReferenceColumnName']], 'name' => $name, 'options' => [ 'onUpdate' => str_replace('_', ' ', $tableForeignKey['update_referential_action_desc']), 'onDelete' => str_replace('_', ' ', $tableForeignKey['delete_referential_action_desc']), ], ]; } else { $foreignKeys[$name]['local_columns'][] = $tableForeignKey['ColumnName']; $foreignKeys[$name]['foreign_columns'][] = $tableForeignKey['ReferenceColumnName']; } } return parent::_getPortableTableForeignKeysList($foreignKeys); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ protected function _getPortableTableIndexesList($tableIndexRows, $tableName = null) { foreach ($tableIndexRows as &$tableIndex) { $tableIndex['non_unique'] = (bool) $tableIndex['non_unique']; $tableIndex['primary'] = (bool) $tableIndex['primary']; $tableIndex['flags'] = $tableIndex['flags'] ? [$tableIndex['flags']] : null; } return parent::_getPortableTableIndexesList($tableIndexRows, $tableName); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ protected function _getPortableTableForeignKeyDefinition($tableForeignKey) { return new ForeignKeyConstraint( $tableForeignKey['local_columns'], $tableForeignKey['foreign_table'], $tableForeignKey['foreign_columns'], $tableForeignKey['name'], $tableForeignKey['options'] ); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ protected function _getPortableTableDefinition($table) { if (isset($table['schema_name']) && $table['schema_name'] !== 'dbo') { return $table['schema_name'] . '.' . $table['name']; } return $table['name']; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ protected function _getPortableDatabaseDefinition($database) { return $database['name']; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ protected function getPortableNamespaceDefinition(array $namespace) { return $namespace['name']; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ protected function _getPortableViewDefinition($view) { // @todo return new View($view['name'], ''); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function listTableIndexes($table) { $sql = $this->_platform->getListTableIndexesSQL($table, $this->_conn->getDatabase()); try { $tableIndexes = $this->_conn->fetchAllAssociative($sql); } catch (PDOException $e) { if ($e->getCode() === 'IMSSP') { return []; } throw $e; } catch (DBALException $e) { if (strpos($e->getMessage(), 'SQLSTATE [01000, 15472]') === 0) { return []; } throw $e; } return $this->_getPortableTableIndexesList($tableIndexes, $table); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function alterTable(TableDiff $tableDiff) { if (count($tableDiff->removedColumns) > 0) { foreach ($tableDiff->removedColumns as $col) { $columnConstraintSql = $this->getColumnConstraintSQL($tableDiff->name, $col->getName()); foreach ($this->_conn->fetchAllAssociative($columnConstraintSql) as $constraint) { $this->_conn->exec( sprintf( 'ALTER TABLE %s DROP CONSTRAINT %s', $tableDiff->name, $constraint['Name'] ) ); } } } parent::alterTable($tableDiff); } /** * Returns the SQL to retrieve the constraints for a given column. * * @param string $table * @param string $column * * @return string */ private function getColumnConstraintSQL($table, $column) { return "SELECT SysObjects.[Name] FROM SysObjects INNER JOIN (SELECT [Name],[ID] FROM SysObjects WHERE XType = 'U') AS Tab ON Tab.[ID] = Sysobjects.[Parent_Obj] INNER JOIN sys.default_constraints DefCons ON DefCons.[object_id] = Sysobjects.[ID] INNER JOIN SysColumns Col ON Col.[ColID] = DefCons.[parent_column_id] AND Col.[ID] = Tab.[ID] WHERE Col.[Name] = " . $this->_conn->quote($column) . ' AND Tab.[Name] = ' . $this->_conn->quote($table) . ' ORDER BY Col.[Name]'; } /** * Closes currently active connections on the given database. * * This is useful to force DROP DATABASE operations which could fail because of active connections. * * @param string $database The name of the database to close currently active connections for. * * @return void */ private function closeActiveDatabaseConnections($database) { $database = new Identifier($database); $this->_execSql( sprintf( 'ALTER DATABASE %s SET SINGLE_USER WITH ROLLBACK IMMEDIATE', $database->getQuotedName($this->_platform) ) ); } /** * @param string $name */ public function listTableDetails($name): Table { $table = parent::listTableDetails($name); $platform = $this->_platform; assert($platform instanceof SQLServerPlatform); $sql = $platform->getListTableMetadataSQL($name); $tableOptions = $this->_conn->fetchAssociative($sql); if ($tableOptions !== false) { $table->addOption('comment', $tableOptions['table_comment']); } return $table; } }