<?php namespace Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\PDOPgSql; use Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\AbstractPostgreSQLDriver; use Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\PDO\Connection; use PDO; use function defined; /** * Driver that connects through pdo_pgsql. */ class Driver extends AbstractPostgreSQLDriver { /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function connect(array $params) { $driverOptions = $params['driver_options'] ?? []; if (! empty($params['persistent'])) { $driverOptions[PDO::ATTR_PERSISTENT] = true; } $connection = new Connection( $this->_constructPdoDsn($params), $params['user'] ?? '', $params['password'] ?? '', $driverOptions, ); if ( defined('PDO::PGSQL_ATTR_DISABLE_PREPARES') && (! isset($driverOptions[PDO::PGSQL_ATTR_DISABLE_PREPARES]) || $driverOptions[PDO::PGSQL_ATTR_DISABLE_PREPARES] === true ) ) { $connection->getWrappedConnection()->setAttribute(PDO::PGSQL_ATTR_DISABLE_PREPARES, true); } /* defining client_encoding via SET NAMES to avoid inconsistent DSN support * - the 'client_encoding' connection param only works with postgres >= 9.1 * - passing client_encoding via the 'options' param breaks pgbouncer support */ if (isset($params['charset'])) { $connection->exec('SET NAMES \'' . $params['charset'] . '\''); } return $connection; } /** * Constructs the Postgres PDO DSN. * * @param mixed[] $params * * @return string The DSN. */ private function _constructPdoDsn(array $params) { $dsn = 'pgsql:'; if (isset($params['host']) && $params['host'] !== '') { $dsn .= 'host=' . $params['host'] . ';'; } if (isset($params['port']) && $params['port'] !== '') { $dsn .= 'port=' . $params['port'] . ';'; } if (isset($params['dbname'])) { $dsn .= 'dbname=' . $params['dbname'] . ';'; } elseif (isset($params['default_dbname'])) { $dsn .= 'dbname=' . $params['default_dbname'] . ';'; } else { // Used for temporary connections to allow operations like dropping the database currently connected to. // Connecting without an explicit database does not work, therefore "postgres" database is used // as it is mostly present in every server setup. $dsn .= 'dbname=postgres;'; } if (isset($params['sslmode'])) { $dsn .= 'sslmode=' . $params['sslmode'] . ';'; } if (isset($params['sslrootcert'])) { $dsn .= 'sslrootcert=' . $params['sslrootcert'] . ';'; } if (isset($params['sslcert'])) { $dsn .= 'sslcert=' . $params['sslcert'] . ';'; } if (isset($params['sslkey'])) { $dsn .= 'sslkey=' . $params['sslkey'] . ';'; } if (isset($params['sslcrl'])) { $dsn .= 'sslcrl=' . $params['sslcrl'] . ';'; } if (isset($params['application_name'])) { $dsn .= 'application_name=' . $params['application_name'] . ';'; } return $dsn; } }