<?php namespace Doctrine\Tests\DBAL\Platforms; use Doctrine\DBAL\DBALException; use Doctrine\DBAL\Platforms\OraclePlatform; use Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\Column; use Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\Comparator; use Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\ForeignKeyConstraint; use Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\Table; use Doctrine\DBAL\TransactionIsolationLevel; use Doctrine\DBAL\Types\Type; use function array_walk; use function preg_replace; use function strtoupper; use function uniqid; class OraclePlatformTest extends AbstractPlatformTestCase { public static function dataValidIdentifiers() { return [ ['a'], ['foo'], ['Foo'], ['Foo123'], ['Foo#bar_baz$'], ['"a"'], ['"1"'], ['"foo_bar"'], ['"@$%&!"'], ]; } /** * @dataProvider dataValidIdentifiers */ public function testValidIdentifiers($identifier) { $platform = $this->createPlatform(); $platform->assertValidIdentifier($identifier); $this->addToAssertionCount(1); } public static function dataInvalidIdentifiers() { return [ ['1'], ['abc&'], ['abc-def'], ['"'], ['"foo"bar"'], ]; } /** * @dataProvider dataInvalidIdentifiers */ public function testInvalidIdentifiers($identifier) { $this->expectException(DBALException::class); $platform = $this->createPlatform(); $platform->assertValidIdentifier($identifier); } public function createPlatform() { return new OraclePlatform; } public function getGenerateTableSql() { return 'CREATE TABLE test (id NUMBER(10) NOT NULL, test VARCHAR2(255) DEFAULT NULL NULL, PRIMARY KEY(id))'; } public function getGenerateTableWithMultiColumnUniqueIndexSql() { return array( 'CREATE TABLE test (foo VARCHAR2(255) DEFAULT NULL NULL, bar VARCHAR2(255) DEFAULT NULL NULL)', 'CREATE UNIQUE INDEX UNIQ_D87F7E0C8C73652176FF8CAA ON test (foo, bar)', ); } public function getGenerateAlterTableSql() { return array( 'ALTER TABLE mytable ADD (quota NUMBER(10) DEFAULT NULL NULL)', "ALTER TABLE mytable MODIFY (baz VARCHAR2(255) DEFAULT 'def' NOT NULL, bloo NUMBER(1) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL)", "ALTER TABLE mytable DROP (foo)", "ALTER TABLE mytable RENAME TO userlist", ); } /** * @expectedException \Doctrine\DBAL\DBALException */ public function testRLike() { self::assertEquals('RLIKE', $this->_platform->getRegexpExpression(), 'Regular expression operator is not correct'); } public function testGeneratesSqlSnippets() { self::assertEquals('"', $this->_platform->getIdentifierQuoteCharacter(), 'Identifier quote character is not correct'); self::assertEquals('column1 || column2 || column3', $this->_platform->getConcatExpression('column1', 'column2', 'column3'), 'Concatenation expression is not correct'); } public function testGeneratesTransactionsCommands() { self::assertEquals( 'SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL READ UNCOMMITTED', $this->_platform->getSetTransactionIsolationSQL(TransactionIsolationLevel::READ_UNCOMMITTED) ); self::assertEquals( 'SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL READ COMMITTED', $this->_platform->getSetTransactionIsolationSQL(TransactionIsolationLevel::READ_COMMITTED) ); self::assertEquals( 'SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL SERIALIZABLE', $this->_platform->getSetTransactionIsolationSQL(TransactionIsolationLevel::REPEATABLE_READ) ); self::assertEquals( 'SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL SERIALIZABLE', $this->_platform->getSetTransactionIsolationSQL(TransactionIsolationLevel::SERIALIZABLE) ); } /** * @expectedException \Doctrine\DBAL\DBALException */ public function testCreateDatabaseThrowsException() { self::assertEquals('CREATE DATABASE foobar', $this->_platform->getCreateDatabaseSQL('foobar')); } public function testDropDatabaseThrowsException() { self::assertEquals('DROP USER foobar CASCADE', $this->_platform->getDropDatabaseSQL('foobar')); } public function testDropTable() { self::assertEquals('DROP TABLE foobar', $this->_platform->getDropTableSQL('foobar')); } public function testGeneratesTypeDeclarationForIntegers() { self::assertEquals( 'NUMBER(10)', $this->_platform->getIntegerTypeDeclarationSQL(array()) ); self::assertEquals( 'NUMBER(10)', $this->_platform->getIntegerTypeDeclarationSQL(array('autoincrement' => true) )); self::assertEquals( 'NUMBER(10)', $this->_platform->getIntegerTypeDeclarationSQL( array('autoincrement' => true, 'primary' => true) )); } public function testGeneratesTypeDeclarationsForStrings() { self::assertEquals( 'CHAR(10)', $this->_platform->getVarcharTypeDeclarationSQL( array('length' => 10, 'fixed' => true) )); self::assertEquals( 'VARCHAR2(50)', $this->_platform->getVarcharTypeDeclarationSQL(array('length' => 50)), 'Variable string declaration is not correct' ); self::assertEquals( 'VARCHAR2(255)', $this->_platform->getVarcharTypeDeclarationSQL(array()), 'Long string declaration is not correct' ); } public function testPrefersIdentityColumns() { self::assertFalse($this->_platform->prefersIdentityColumns()); } public function testSupportsIdentityColumns() { self::assertFalse($this->_platform->supportsIdentityColumns()); } public function testSupportsSavePoints() { self::assertTrue($this->_platform->supportsSavepoints()); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ protected function supportsCommentOnStatement() { return true; } public function getGenerateIndexSql() { return 'CREATE INDEX my_idx ON mytable (user_name, last_login)'; } public function getGenerateUniqueIndexSql() { return 'CREATE UNIQUE INDEX index_name ON test (test, test2)'; } public function getGenerateForeignKeySql() { return 'ALTER TABLE test ADD FOREIGN KEY (fk_name_id) REFERENCES other_table (id)'; } /** * @group DBAL-1097 * * @dataProvider getGeneratesAdvancedForeignKeyOptionsSQLData */ public function testGeneratesAdvancedForeignKeyOptionsSQL(array $options, $expectedSql) { $foreignKey = new ForeignKeyConstraint(array('foo'), 'foreign_table', array('bar'), null, $options); self::assertSame($expectedSql, $this->_platform->getAdvancedForeignKeyOptionsSQL($foreignKey)); } /** * @return array */ public function getGeneratesAdvancedForeignKeyOptionsSQLData() { return array( array(array(), ''), array(array('onUpdate' => 'CASCADE'), ''), array(array('onDelete' => 'CASCADE'), ' ON DELETE CASCADE'), array(array('onDelete' => 'NO ACTION'), ''), array(array('onDelete' => 'RESTRICT'), ''), array(array('onUpdate' => 'SET NULL', 'onDelete' => 'SET NULL'), ' ON DELETE SET NULL'), ); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getReturnsForeignKeyReferentialActionSQL() { return array( array('CASCADE', 'CASCADE'), array('SET NULL', 'SET NULL'), array('NO ACTION', ''), array('RESTRICT', ''), array('CaScAdE', 'CASCADE'), ); } public function testModifyLimitQuery() { $sql = $this->_platform->modifyLimitQuery('SELECT * FROM user', 10, 0); self::assertEquals('SELECT a.* FROM (SELECT * FROM user) a WHERE ROWNUM <= 10', $sql); } public function testModifyLimitQueryWithEmptyOffset() { $sql = $this->_platform->modifyLimitQuery('SELECT * FROM user', 10); self::assertEquals('SELECT a.* FROM (SELECT * FROM user) a WHERE ROWNUM <= 10', $sql); } public function testModifyLimitQueryWithNonEmptyOffset() { $sql = $this->_platform->modifyLimitQuery('SELECT * FROM user', 10, 10); self::assertEquals('SELECT * FROM (SELECT a.*, ROWNUM AS doctrine_rownum FROM (SELECT * FROM user) a WHERE ROWNUM <= 20) WHERE doctrine_rownum >= 11', $sql); } public function testModifyLimitQueryWithEmptyLimit() { $sql = $this->_platform->modifyLimitQuery('SELECT * FROM user', null, 10); self::assertEquals('SELECT * FROM (SELECT a.*, ROWNUM AS doctrine_rownum FROM (SELECT * FROM user) a) WHERE doctrine_rownum >= 11', $sql); } public function testModifyLimitQueryWithAscOrderBy() { $sql = $this->_platform->modifyLimitQuery('SELECT * FROM user ORDER BY username ASC', 10); self::assertEquals('SELECT a.* FROM (SELECT * FROM user ORDER BY username ASC) a WHERE ROWNUM <= 10', $sql); } public function testModifyLimitQueryWithDescOrderBy() { $sql = $this->_platform->modifyLimitQuery('SELECT * FROM user ORDER BY username DESC', 10); self::assertEquals('SELECT a.* FROM (SELECT * FROM user ORDER BY username DESC) a WHERE ROWNUM <= 10', $sql); } public function testGenerateTableWithAutoincrement() { $columnName = strtoupper('id' . uniqid()); $tableName = strtoupper('table' . uniqid()); $table = new \Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\Table($tableName); $column = $table->addColumn($columnName, 'integer'); $column->setAutoincrement(true); $targets = array( "CREATE TABLE {$tableName} ({$columnName} NUMBER(10) NOT NULL)", "DECLARE constraints_Count NUMBER; BEGIN SELECT COUNT(CONSTRAINT_NAME) INTO constraints_Count FROM USER_CONSTRAINTS WHERE TABLE_NAME = '{$tableName}' AND CONSTRAINT_TYPE = 'P'; IF constraints_Count = 0 OR constraints_Count = '' THEN EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'ALTER TABLE {$tableName} ADD CONSTRAINT {$tableName}_AI_PK PRIMARY KEY ({$columnName})'; END IF; END;", "CREATE SEQUENCE {$tableName}_SEQ START WITH 1 MINVALUE 1 INCREMENT BY 1", "CREATE TRIGGER {$tableName}_AI_PK BEFORE INSERT ON {$tableName} FOR EACH ROW DECLARE last_Sequence NUMBER; last_InsertID NUMBER; BEGIN SELECT {$tableName}_SEQ.NEXTVAL INTO :NEW.{$columnName} FROM DUAL; IF (:NEW.{$columnName} IS NULL OR :NEW.{$columnName} = 0) THEN SELECT {$tableName}_SEQ.NEXTVAL INTO :NEW.{$columnName} FROM DUAL; ELSE SELECT NVL(Last_Number, 0) INTO last_Sequence FROM User_Sequences WHERE Sequence_Name = '{$tableName}_SEQ'; SELECT :NEW.{$columnName} INTO last_InsertID FROM DUAL; WHILE (last_InsertID > last_Sequence) LOOP SELECT {$tableName}_SEQ.NEXTVAL INTO last_Sequence FROM DUAL; END LOOP; END IF; END;" ); $statements = $this->_platform->getCreateTableSQL($table); //strip all the whitespace from the statements array_walk($statements, function(&$value){ $value = preg_replace('/\s+/', ' ',$value); }); foreach($targets as $key => $sql){ self::assertArrayHasKey($key,$statements); self::assertEquals($sql, $statements[$key]); } } public function getCreateTableColumnCommentsSQL() { return array( "CREATE TABLE test (id NUMBER(10) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(id))", "COMMENT ON COLUMN test.id IS 'This is a comment'", ); } public function getCreateTableColumnTypeCommentsSQL() { return array( "CREATE TABLE test (id NUMBER(10) NOT NULL, data CLOB NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(id))", "COMMENT ON COLUMN test.data IS '(DC2Type:array)'" ); } public function getAlterTableColumnCommentsSQL() { return array( "ALTER TABLE mytable ADD (quota NUMBER(10) NOT NULL)", "COMMENT ON COLUMN mytable.quota IS 'A comment'", "COMMENT ON COLUMN mytable.foo IS ''", "COMMENT ON COLUMN mytable.baz IS 'B comment'", ); } public function getBitAndComparisonExpressionSql($value1, $value2) { return 'BITAND('.$value1 . ', ' . $value2 . ')'; } public function getBitOrComparisonExpressionSql($value1, $value2) { return '(' . $value1 . '-' . $this->getBitAndComparisonExpressionSql($value1, $value2) . '+' . $value2 . ')'; } protected function getQuotedColumnInPrimaryKeySQL() { return array('CREATE TABLE "quoted" ("create" VARCHAR2(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY("create"))'); } protected function getQuotedColumnInIndexSQL() { return array( 'CREATE TABLE "quoted" ("create" VARCHAR2(255) NOT NULL)', 'CREATE INDEX IDX_22660D028FD6E0FB ON "quoted" ("create")', ); } protected function getQuotedNameInIndexSQL() { return array( 'CREATE TABLE test (column1 VARCHAR2(255) NOT NULL)', 'CREATE INDEX "key" ON test (column1)', ); } protected function getQuotedColumnInForeignKeySQL() { return array( 'CREATE TABLE "quoted" ("create" VARCHAR2(255) NOT NULL, foo VARCHAR2(255) NOT NULL, "bar" VARCHAR2(255) NOT NULL)', 'ALTER TABLE "quoted" ADD CONSTRAINT FK_WITH_RESERVED_KEYWORD FOREIGN KEY ("create", foo, "bar") REFERENCES foreign ("create", bar, "foo-bar")', 'ALTER TABLE "quoted" ADD CONSTRAINT FK_WITH_NON_RESERVED_KEYWORD FOREIGN KEY ("create", foo, "bar") REFERENCES foo ("create", bar, "foo-bar")', 'ALTER TABLE "quoted" ADD CONSTRAINT FK_WITH_INTENDED_QUOTATION FOREIGN KEY ("create", foo, "bar") REFERENCES "foo-bar" ("create", bar, "foo-bar")', ); } /** * @group DBAL-472 * @group DBAL-1001 */ public function testAlterTableNotNULL() { $tableDiff = new \Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\TableDiff('mytable'); $tableDiff->changedColumns['foo'] = new \Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\ColumnDiff( 'foo', new \Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\Column( 'foo', \Doctrine\DBAL\Types\Type::getType('string'), array('default' => 'bla', 'notnull' => true) ), array('type') ); $tableDiff->changedColumns['bar'] = new \Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\ColumnDiff( 'bar', new \Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\Column( 'baz', \Doctrine\DBAL\Types\Type::getType('string'), array('default' => 'bla', 'notnull' => true) ), array('type', 'notnull') ); $tableDiff->changedColumns['metar'] = new \Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\ColumnDiff( 'metar', new \Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\Column( 'metar', \Doctrine\DBAL\Types\Type::getType('string'), array('length' => 2000, 'notnull' => false) ), array('notnull') ); $expectedSql = array( "ALTER TABLE mytable MODIFY (foo VARCHAR2(255) DEFAULT 'bla', baz VARCHAR2(255) DEFAULT 'bla' NOT NULL, metar VARCHAR2(2000) DEFAULT NULL NULL)", ); self::assertEquals($expectedSql, $this->_platform->getAlterTableSQL($tableDiff)); } /** * @group DBAL-2555 */ public function testInitializesDoctrineTypeMappings() { self::assertTrue($this->_platform->hasDoctrineTypeMappingFor('long raw')); self::assertSame('blob', $this->_platform->getDoctrineTypeMapping('long raw')); self::assertTrue($this->_platform->hasDoctrineTypeMappingFor('raw')); self::assertSame('binary', $this->_platform->getDoctrineTypeMapping('raw')); self::assertTrue($this->_platform->hasDoctrineTypeMappingFor('date')); self::assertSame('date', $this->_platform->getDoctrineTypeMapping('date')); } protected function getBinaryMaxLength() { return 2000; } public function testReturnsBinaryTypeDeclarationSQL() { self::assertSame('RAW(255)', $this->_platform->getBinaryTypeDeclarationSQL(array())); self::assertSame('RAW(2000)', $this->_platform->getBinaryTypeDeclarationSQL(array('length' => 0))); self::assertSame('RAW(2000)', $this->_platform->getBinaryTypeDeclarationSQL(array('length' => 2000))); self::assertSame('RAW(255)', $this->_platform->getBinaryTypeDeclarationSQL(array('fixed' => true))); self::assertSame('RAW(2000)', $this->_platform->getBinaryTypeDeclarationSQL(array('fixed' => true, 'length' => 0))); self::assertSame('RAW(2000)', $this->_platform->getBinaryTypeDeclarationSQL(array('fixed' => true, 'length' => 2000))); } /** * @group legacy * @expectedDeprecation Binary field length 2001 is greater than supported by the platform (2000). Reduce the field length or use a BLOB field instead. */ public function testReturnsBinaryTypeLongerThanMaxDeclarationSQL() { self::assertSame('BLOB', $this->_platform->getBinaryTypeDeclarationSQL(['length' => 2001])); self::assertSame('BLOB', $this->_platform->getBinaryTypeDeclarationSQL(['fixed' => true, 'length' => 2001])); } public function testDoesNotPropagateUnnecessaryTableAlterationOnBinaryType() { $table1 = new Table('mytable'); $table1->addColumn('column_varbinary', 'binary'); $table1->addColumn('column_binary', 'binary', array('fixed' => true)); $table2 = new Table('mytable'); $table2->addColumn('column_varbinary', 'binary', array('fixed' => true)); $table2->addColumn('column_binary', 'binary'); $comparator = new Comparator(); // VARBINARY -> BINARY // BINARY -> VARBINARY self::assertEmpty($this->_platform->getAlterTableSQL($comparator->diffTable($table1, $table2))); } /** * @group DBAL-563 */ public function testUsesSequenceEmulatedIdentityColumns() { self::assertTrue($this->_platform->usesSequenceEmulatedIdentityColumns()); } /** * @group DBAL-563 * @group DBAL-831 */ public function testReturnsIdentitySequenceName() { self::assertSame('MYTABLE_SEQ', $this->_platform->getIdentitySequenceName('mytable', 'mycolumn')); self::assertSame('"mytable_SEQ"', $this->_platform->getIdentitySequenceName('"mytable"', 'mycolumn')); self::assertSame('MYTABLE_SEQ', $this->_platform->getIdentitySequenceName('mytable', '"mycolumn"')); self::assertSame('"mytable_SEQ"', $this->_platform->getIdentitySequenceName('"mytable"', '"mycolumn"')); } /** * @dataProvider dataCreateSequenceWithCache * @group DBAL-139 */ public function testCreateSequenceWithCache($cacheSize, $expectedSql) { $sequence = new \Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\Sequence('foo', 1, 1, $cacheSize); self::assertContains($expectedSql, $this->_platform->getCreateSequenceSQL($sequence)); } public function dataCreateSequenceWithCache() { return array( array(1, 'NOCACHE'), array(0, 'NOCACHE'), array(3, 'CACHE 3') ); } /** * @group DBAL-234 */ protected function getAlterTableRenameIndexSQL() { return array( 'ALTER INDEX idx_foo RENAME TO idx_bar', ); } /** * @group DBAL-234 */ protected function getQuotedAlterTableRenameIndexSQL() { return array( 'ALTER INDEX "create" RENAME TO "select"', 'ALTER INDEX "foo" RENAME TO "bar"', ); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ protected function getQuotedAlterTableRenameColumnSQL() { return array( 'ALTER TABLE mytable RENAME COLUMN unquoted1 TO unquoted', 'ALTER TABLE mytable RENAME COLUMN unquoted2 TO "where"', 'ALTER TABLE mytable RENAME COLUMN unquoted3 TO "foo"', 'ALTER TABLE mytable RENAME COLUMN "create" TO reserved_keyword', 'ALTER TABLE mytable RENAME COLUMN "table" TO "from"', 'ALTER TABLE mytable RENAME COLUMN "select" TO "bar"', 'ALTER TABLE mytable RENAME COLUMN quoted1 TO quoted', 'ALTER TABLE mytable RENAME COLUMN quoted2 TO "and"', 'ALTER TABLE mytable RENAME COLUMN quoted3 TO "baz"', ); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ protected function getQuotedAlterTableChangeColumnLengthSQL() { $this->markTestIncomplete('Not implemented yet'); } /** * @group DBAL-807 */ protected function getAlterTableRenameIndexInSchemaSQL() { return array( 'ALTER INDEX myschema.idx_foo RENAME TO idx_bar', ); } /** * @group DBAL-807 */ protected function getQuotedAlterTableRenameIndexInSchemaSQL() { return array( 'ALTER INDEX "schema"."create" RENAME TO "select"', 'ALTER INDEX "schema"."foo" RENAME TO "bar"', ); } protected function getQuotesDropForeignKeySQL() { return 'ALTER TABLE "table" DROP CONSTRAINT "select"'; } /** * @group DBAL-423 */ public function testReturnsGuidTypeDeclarationSQL() { self::assertSame('CHAR(36)', $this->_platform->getGuidTypeDeclarationSQL(array())); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getAlterTableRenameColumnSQL() { return array( 'ALTER TABLE foo RENAME COLUMN bar TO baz', ); } /** * @dataProvider getReturnsDropAutoincrementSQL * @group DBAL-831 */ public function testReturnsDropAutoincrementSQL($table, $expectedSql) { self::assertSame($expectedSql, $this->_platform->getDropAutoincrementSql($table)); } public function getReturnsDropAutoincrementSQL() { return array( array( 'myTable', array( 'DROP TRIGGER MYTABLE_AI_PK', 'DROP SEQUENCE MYTABLE_SEQ', 'ALTER TABLE MYTABLE DROP CONSTRAINT MYTABLE_AI_PK', ) ), array( '"myTable"', array( 'DROP TRIGGER "myTable_AI_PK"', 'DROP SEQUENCE "myTable_SEQ"', 'ALTER TABLE "myTable" DROP CONSTRAINT "myTable_AI_PK"', ) ), array( 'table', array( 'DROP TRIGGER TABLE_AI_PK', 'DROP SEQUENCE TABLE_SEQ', 'ALTER TABLE "TABLE" DROP CONSTRAINT TABLE_AI_PK', ) ), ); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ protected function getQuotesTableIdentifiersInAlterTableSQL() { return array( 'ALTER TABLE "foo" DROP CONSTRAINT fk1', 'ALTER TABLE "foo" DROP CONSTRAINT fk2', 'ALTER TABLE "foo" ADD (bloo NUMBER(10) NOT NULL)', 'ALTER TABLE "foo" MODIFY (bar NUMBER(10) DEFAULT NULL NULL)', 'ALTER TABLE "foo" RENAME COLUMN id TO war', 'ALTER TABLE "foo" DROP (baz)', 'ALTER TABLE "foo" RENAME TO "table"', 'ALTER TABLE "table" ADD CONSTRAINT fk_add FOREIGN KEY (fk3) REFERENCES fk_table (id)', 'ALTER TABLE "table" ADD CONSTRAINT fk2 FOREIGN KEY (fk2) REFERENCES fk_table2 (id)', ); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ protected function getCommentOnColumnSQL() { return array( 'COMMENT ON COLUMN foo.bar IS \'comment\'', 'COMMENT ON COLUMN "Foo"."BAR" IS \'comment\'', 'COMMENT ON COLUMN "select"."from" IS \'comment\'', ); } /** * @group DBAL-1004 */ public function testAltersTableColumnCommentWithExplicitlyQuotedIdentifiers() { $table1 = new Table('"foo"', array(new Column('"bar"', Type::getType('integer')))); $table2 = new Table('"foo"', array(new Column('"bar"', Type::getType('integer'), array('comment' => 'baz')))); $comparator = new Comparator(); $tableDiff = $comparator->diffTable($table1, $table2); self::assertInstanceOf('Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\TableDiff', $tableDiff); self::assertSame( array( 'COMMENT ON COLUMN "foo"."bar" IS \'baz\'', ), $this->_platform->getAlterTableSQL($tableDiff) ); } public function testQuotedTableNames() { $table = new Table('"test"'); $table->addColumn('"id"', 'integer', array('autoincrement' => true)); // assert tabel self::assertTrue($table->isQuoted()); self::assertEquals('test', $table->getName()); self::assertEquals('"test"', $table->getQuotedName($this->_platform)); $sql = $this->_platform->getCreateTableSQL($table); self::assertEquals('CREATE TABLE "test" ("id" NUMBER(10) NOT NULL)', $sql[0]); self::assertEquals('CREATE SEQUENCE "test_SEQ" START WITH 1 MINVALUE 1 INCREMENT BY 1', $sql[2]); $createTriggerStatement = <<<EOD CREATE TRIGGER "test_AI_PK" BEFORE INSERT ON "test" FOR EACH ROW DECLARE last_Sequence NUMBER; last_InsertID NUMBER; BEGIN SELECT "test_SEQ".NEXTVAL INTO :NEW."id" FROM DUAL; IF (:NEW."id" IS NULL OR :NEW."id" = 0) THEN SELECT "test_SEQ".NEXTVAL INTO :NEW."id" FROM DUAL; ELSE SELECT NVL(Last_Number, 0) INTO last_Sequence FROM User_Sequences WHERE Sequence_Name = 'test_SEQ'; SELECT :NEW."id" INTO last_InsertID FROM DUAL; WHILE (last_InsertID > last_Sequence) LOOP SELECT "test_SEQ".NEXTVAL INTO last_Sequence FROM DUAL; END LOOP; END IF; END; EOD; self::assertEquals($createTriggerStatement, $sql[3]); } /** * @dataProvider getReturnsGetListTableColumnsSQL * @group DBAL-831 */ public function testReturnsGetListTableColumnsSQL($database, $expectedSql) { // note: this assertion is a bit strict, as it compares a full SQL string. // Should this break in future, then please try to reduce the matching to substring matching while reworking // the tests self::assertEquals($expectedSql, $this->_platform->getListTableColumnsSQL('"test"', $database)); } public function getReturnsGetListTableColumnsSQL() { return array( array( null, "SELECT c.*, ( SELECT d.comments FROM user_col_comments d WHERE d.TABLE_NAME = c.TABLE_NAME AND d.COLUMN_NAME = c.COLUMN_NAME ) AS comments FROM user_tab_columns c WHERE c.table_name = 'test' ORDER BY c.column_id" ), array( '/', "SELECT c.*, ( SELECT d.comments FROM user_col_comments d WHERE d.TABLE_NAME = c.TABLE_NAME AND d.COLUMN_NAME = c.COLUMN_NAME ) AS comments FROM user_tab_columns c WHERE c.table_name = 'test' ORDER BY c.column_id" ), array( 'scott', "SELECT c.*, ( SELECT d.comments FROM all_col_comments d WHERE d.TABLE_NAME = c.TABLE_NAME AND d.OWNER = c.OWNER AND d.COLUMN_NAME = c.COLUMN_NAME ) AS comments FROM all_tab_columns c WHERE c.table_name = 'test' AND c.owner = 'SCOTT' ORDER BY c.column_id" ), ); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ protected function getQuotesReservedKeywordInUniqueConstraintDeclarationSQL() { return 'CONSTRAINT "select" UNIQUE (foo)'; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ protected function getQuotesReservedKeywordInIndexDeclarationSQL() { return 'INDEX "select" (foo)'; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ protected function getQuotesReservedKeywordInTruncateTableSQL() { return 'TRUNCATE TABLE "select"'; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ protected function getAlterStringToFixedStringSQL() { return array( 'ALTER TABLE mytable MODIFY (name CHAR(2) DEFAULT NULL)', ); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ protected function getGeneratesAlterTableRenameIndexUsedByForeignKeySQL() { return array( 'ALTER INDEX idx_foo RENAME TO idx_foo_renamed', ); } /** * @group DBAL-2436 */ public function testQuotesDatabaseNameInListSequencesSQL() { self::assertContains("'Foo''Bar\\\\'", $this->_platform->getListSequencesSQL("Foo'Bar\\"), '', true); } /** * @group DBAL-2436 */ public function testQuotesTableNameInListTableIndexesSQL() { self::assertContains("'Foo''Bar\\\\'", $this->_platform->getListTableIndexesSQL("Foo'Bar\\"), '', true); } /** * @group DBAL-2436 */ public function testQuotesTableNameInListTableForeignKeysSQL() { self::assertContains("'Foo''Bar\\\\'", $this->_platform->getListTableForeignKeysSQL("Foo'Bar\\"), '', true); } /** * @group DBAL-2436 */ public function testQuotesTableNameInListTableConstraintsSQL() { self::assertContains("'Foo''Bar\\\\'", $this->_platform->getListTableConstraintsSQL("Foo'Bar\\"), '', true); } /** * @group DBAL-2436 */ public function testQuotesTableNameInListTableColumnsSQL() { self::assertContains("'Foo''Bar\\\\'", $this->_platform->getListTableColumnsSQL("Foo'Bar\\"), '', true); } /** * @group DBAL-2436 */ public function testQuotesDatabaseNameInListTableColumnsSQL() { self::assertContains("'Foo''Bar\\\\'", $this->_platform->getListTableColumnsSQL('foo_table', "Foo'Bar\\"), '', true); } }