<?php /* * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many individuals * and is licensed under the MIT license. For more information, see * <http://www.doctrine-project.org>. */ namespace Doctrine\DBAL\Platforms; use Doctrine\DBAL\DBALException; use Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\Index; use Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\TableDiff; class DB2Platform extends AbstractPlatform { /** * Gets the SQL Snippet used to declare a BLOB column type. */ public function getBlobTypeDeclarationSQL(array $field) { throw DBALException::notSupported(__METHOD__); } public function initializeDoctrineTypeMappings() { $this->doctrineTypeMapping = array( 'smallint' => 'smallint', 'bigint' => 'bigint', 'integer' => 'integer', 'time' => 'time', 'date' => 'date', 'varchar' => 'string', 'character' => 'string', 'clob' => 'text', 'decimal' => 'decimal', 'double' => 'float', 'real' => 'float', 'timestamp' => 'datetime', ); } /** * Gets the SQL snippet used to declare a VARCHAR column type. * * @param array $field */ protected function getVarcharTypeDeclarationSQLSnippet($length, $fixed) { return $fixed ? ($length ? 'CHAR(' . $length . ')' : 'CHAR(255)') : ($length ? 'VARCHAR(' . $length . ')' : 'VARCHAR(255)'); } /** * Gets the SQL snippet used to declare a CLOB column type. * * @param array $field */ public function getClobTypeDeclarationSQL(array $field) { // todo clob(n) with $field['length']; return 'CLOB(1M)'; } /** * Gets the name of the platform. * * @return string */ public function getName() { return 'db2'; } /** * Gets the SQL snippet that declares a boolean column. * * @param array $columnDef * @return string */ public function getBooleanTypeDeclarationSQL(array $columnDef) { return 'SMALLINT'; } /** * Gets the SQL snippet that declares a 4 byte integer column. * * @param array $columnDef * @return string */ public function getIntegerTypeDeclarationSQL(array $columnDef) { return 'INTEGER' . $this->_getCommonIntegerTypeDeclarationSQL($columnDef); } /** * Gets the SQL snippet that declares an 8 byte integer column. * * @param array $columnDef * @return string */ public function getBigIntTypeDeclarationSQL(array $columnDef) { return 'BIGINT' . $this->_getCommonIntegerTypeDeclarationSQL($columnDef); } /** * Gets the SQL snippet that declares a 2 byte integer column. * * @param array $columnDef * @return string */ public function getSmallIntTypeDeclarationSQL(array $columnDef) { return 'SMALLINT' . $this->_getCommonIntegerTypeDeclarationSQL($columnDef); } /** * Gets the SQL snippet that declares common properties of an integer column. * * @param array $columnDef * @return string */ protected function _getCommonIntegerTypeDeclarationSQL(array $columnDef) { $autoinc = ''; if ( ! empty($columnDef['autoincrement'])) { $autoinc = ' GENERATED BY DEFAULT AS IDENTITY'; } return $autoinc; } /** * Obtain DBMS specific SQL to be used to create datetime fields in * statements like CREATE TABLE * * @param array $fieldDeclaration * @return string */ public function getDateTimeTypeDeclarationSQL(array $fieldDeclaration) { if (isset($fieldDeclaration['version']) && $fieldDeclaration['version'] == true) { return "TIMESTAMP(0) WITH DEFAULT"; } return 'TIMESTAMP(0)'; } /** * Obtain DBMS specific SQL to be used to create date fields in statements * like CREATE TABLE. * * @param array $fieldDeclaration * @return string */ public function getDateTypeDeclarationSQL(array $fieldDeclaration) { return 'DATE'; } /** * Obtain DBMS specific SQL to be used to create time fields in statements * like CREATE TABLE. * * @param array $fieldDeclaration * @return string */ public function getTimeTypeDeclarationSQL(array $fieldDeclaration) { return 'TIME'; } public function getListDatabasesSQL() { throw DBALException::notSupported(__METHOD__); } public function getListSequencesSQL($database) { throw DBALException::notSupported(__METHOD__); } public function getListTableConstraintsSQL($table) { throw DBALException::notSupported(__METHOD__); } /** * This code fragment is originally from the Zend_Db_Adapter_Db2 class. * * @license New BSD License * @param string $table * @return string */ public function getListTableColumnsSQL($table, $database = null) { return "SELECT DISTINCT c.tabschema, c.tabname, c.colname, c.colno, c.typename, c.default, c.nulls, c.length, c.scale, c.identity, tc.type AS tabconsttype, k.colseq FROM syscat.columns c LEFT JOIN (syscat.keycoluse k JOIN syscat.tabconst tc ON (k.tabschema = tc.tabschema AND k.tabname = tc.tabname AND tc.type = 'P')) ON (c.tabschema = k.tabschema AND c.tabname = k.tabname AND c.colname = k.colname) WHERE UPPER(c.tabname) = UPPER('" . $table . "') ORDER BY c.colno"; } public function getListTablesSQL() { return "SELECT NAME FROM SYSIBM.SYSTABLES WHERE TYPE = 'T'"; } public function getListUsersSQL() { throw DBALException::notSupported(__METHOD__); } /** * Get the SQL to list all views of a database or user. * * @param string $database * @return string */ public function getListViewsSQL($database) { return "SELECT NAME, TEXT FROM SYSIBM.SYSVIEWS"; } public function getListTableIndexesSQL($table, $currentDatabase = null) { return "SELECT NAME, COLNAMES, UNIQUERULE FROM SYSIBM.SYSINDEXES WHERE TBNAME = UPPER('" . $table . "')"; } public function getListTableForeignKeysSQL($table) { return "SELECT TBNAME, RELNAME, REFTBNAME, DELETERULE, UPDATERULE, FKCOLNAMES, PKCOLNAMES ". "FROM SYSIBM.SYSRELS WHERE TBNAME = UPPER('".$table."')"; } public function getCreateViewSQL($name, $sql) { return "CREATE VIEW ".$name." AS ".$sql; } public function getDropViewSQL($name) { return "DROP VIEW ".$name; } public function getDropSequenceSQL($sequence) { throw DBALException::notSupported(__METHOD__); } public function getSequenceNextValSQL($sequenceName) { throw DBALException::notSupported(__METHOD__); } public function getCreateDatabaseSQL($database) { return "CREATE DATABASE ".$database; } public function getDropDatabaseSQL($database) { return "DROP DATABASE ".$database.";"; } public function supportsCreateDropDatabase() { return false; } /** * Whether the platform supports releasing savepoints. * * @return boolean */ public function supportsReleaseSavepoints() { return false; } /** * Gets the SQL specific for the platform to get the current date. * * @return string */ public function getCurrentDateSQL() { return 'VALUES CURRENT DATE'; } /** * Gets the SQL specific for the platform to get the current time. * * @return string */ public function getCurrentTimeSQL() { return 'VALUES CURRENT TIME'; } /** * Gets the SQL specific for the platform to get the current timestamp * * @return string */ public function getCurrentTimestampSQL() { return "VALUES CURRENT TIMESTAMP"; } /** * Obtain DBMS specific SQL code portion needed to set an index * declaration to be used in statements like CREATE TABLE. * * @param string $name name of the index * @param Index $index index definition * @return string DBMS specific SQL code portion needed to set an index */ public function getIndexDeclarationSQL($name, Index $index) { return $this->getUniqueConstraintDeclarationSQL($name, $index); } /** * @param string $tableName * @param array $columns * @param array $options * @return array */ protected function _getCreateTableSQL($tableName, array $columns, array $options = array()) { $indexes = array(); if (isset($options['indexes'])) { $indexes = $options['indexes']; } $options['indexes'] = array(); $sqls = parent::_getCreateTableSQL($tableName, $columns, $options); foreach ($indexes as $definition) { $sqls[] = $this->getCreateIndexSQL($definition, $tableName); } return $sqls; } /** * Gets the SQL to alter an existing table. * * @param TableDiff $diff * @return array */ public function getAlterTableSQL(TableDiff $diff) { $sql = array(); $columnSql = array(); $queryParts = array(); foreach ($diff->addedColumns as $column) { if ($this->onSchemaAlterTableAddColumn($column, $diff, $columnSql)) { continue; } $queryParts[] = 'ADD COLUMN ' . $this->getColumnDeclarationSQL($column->getQuotedName($this), $column->toArray()); } foreach ($diff->removedColumns as $column) { if ($this->onSchemaAlterTableRemoveColumn($column, $diff, $columnSql)) { continue; } $queryParts[] = 'DROP COLUMN ' . $column->getQuotedName($this); } foreach ($diff->changedColumns as $columnDiff) { if ($this->onSchemaAlterTableChangeColumn($columnDiff, $diff, $columnSql)) { continue; } /* @var $columnDiff \Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\ColumnDiff */ $column = $columnDiff->column; $queryParts[] = 'ALTER ' . ($columnDiff->oldColumnName) . ' ' . $this->getColumnDeclarationSQL($column->getQuotedName($this), $column->toArray()); } foreach ($diff->renamedColumns as $oldColumnName => $column) { if ($this->onSchemaAlterTableRenameColumn($oldColumnName, $column, $diff, $columnSql)) { continue; } $queryParts[] = 'RENAME ' . $oldColumnName . ' TO ' . $column->getQuotedName($this); } $tableSql = array(); if ( ! $this->onSchemaAlterTable($diff, $tableSql)) { if (count($queryParts) > 0) { $sql[] = 'ALTER TABLE ' . $diff->name . ' ' . implode(" ", $queryParts); } $sql = array_merge($sql, $this->_getAlterTableIndexForeignKeySQL($diff)); if ($diff->newName !== false) { $sql[] = 'RENAME TABLE TO ' . $diff->newName; } } return array_merge($sql, $tableSql, $columnSql); } public function getDefaultValueDeclarationSQL($field) { if (isset($field['notnull']) && $field['notnull'] && !isset($field['default'])) { if (in_array((string)$field['type'], array("Integer", "BigInteger", "SmallInteger"))) { $field['default'] = 0; } else if((string)$field['type'] == "DateTime") { $field['default'] = "00-00-00 00:00:00"; } else if ((string)$field['type'] == "Date") { $field['default'] = "00-00-00"; } else if((string)$field['type'] == "Time") { $field['default'] = "00:00:00"; } else { $field['default'] = ''; } } unset($field['default']); // @todo this needs fixing if (isset($field['version']) && $field['version']) { if ((string)$field['type'] != "DateTime") { $field['default'] = "1"; } } return parent::getDefaultValueDeclarationSQL($field); } /** * Get the insert sql for an empty insert statement * * @param string $tableName * @param string $identifierColumnName * @return string $sql */ public function getEmptyIdentityInsertSQL($tableName, $identifierColumnName) { return 'INSERT INTO ' . $tableName . ' (' . $identifierColumnName . ') VALUES (DEFAULT)'; } public function getCreateTemporaryTableSnippetSQL() { return "DECLARE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE"; } /** * DB2 automatically moves temporary tables into the SESSION. schema. * * @param string $tableName * @return string */ public function getTemporaryTableName($tableName) { return "SESSION." . $tableName; } protected function doModifyLimitQuery($query, $limit, $offset = null) { if ($limit === null && $offset === null) { return $query; } $limit = (int)$limit; $offset = (int)(($offset)?:0); // Todo OVER() needs ORDER BY data! $sql = 'SELECT db22.* FROM (SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER() AS DC_ROWNUM, db21.* '. 'FROM (' . $query . ') db21) db22 WHERE db22.DC_ROWNUM BETWEEN ' . ($offset+1) .' AND ' . ($offset+$limit); return $sql; } /** * returns the position of the first occurrence of substring $substr in string $str * * @param string $substr literal string to find * @param string $str literal string * @param int $pos position to start at, beginning of string by default * @return integer */ public function getLocateExpression($str, $substr, $startPos = false) { if ($startPos == false) { return 'LOCATE(' . $substr . ', ' . $str . ')'; } else { return 'LOCATE(' . $substr . ', ' . $str . ', '.$startPos.')'; } } /** * return string to call a function to get a substring inside an SQL statement * * Note: Not SQL92, but common functionality. * * SQLite only supports the 2 parameter variant of this function * * @param string $value an sql string literal or column name/alias * @param integer $from where to start the substring portion * @param integer $len the substring portion length * @return string */ public function getSubstringExpression($value, $from, $len = null) { if ($len === null) return 'SUBSTR(' . $value . ', ' . $from . ')'; else { return 'SUBSTR(' . $value . ', ' . $from . ', ' . $len . ')'; } } public function supportsIdentityColumns() { return true; } public function prefersIdentityColumns() { return true; } /** * Gets the character casing of a column in an SQL result set of this platform. * * DB2 returns all column names in SQL result sets in uppercase. * * @param string $column The column name for which to get the correct character casing. * @return string The column name in the character casing used in SQL result sets. */ public function getSQLResultCasing($column) { return strtoupper($column); } public function getForUpdateSQL() { return ' WITH RR USE AND KEEP UPDATE LOCKS'; } public function getDummySelectSQL() { return 'SELECT 1 FROM sysibm.sysdummy1'; } /** * DB2 supports savepoints, but they work semantically different than on other vendor platforms. * * TODO: We have to investigate how to get DB2 up and running with savepoints. * * @return bool */ public function supportsSavepoints() { return false; } protected function getReservedKeywordsClass() { return 'Doctrine\DBAL\Platforms\Keywords\DB2Keywords'; } }