<?php class Doctrine_Resource_Query extends Doctrine_Resource { public $config = array(); public $parts = array(); public $dql = null; public $defaultFormat = 'xml'; public function __construct($config) { $this->config = $config; } public function query($dql, $params = array()) { $this->dql = $dql; return $this->execute($params); } public function execute($params = array()) { $request = array(); $request['dql'] = $this->getDql(); $request['params'] = $params; $request['format'] = $this->getFormat(); $request['type'] = 'query'; $response = self::request($this->config['url'], $request); return $this->parseResponse($response); } public function getDql() { if (!$this->dql && !empty($this->parts)) { $q = ''; $q .= ( ! empty($this->parts['select']))? 'SELECT ' . implode(', ', $this->parts['select']) : ''; $q .= ( ! empty($this->parts['from']))? ' FROM ' . implode(' ', $this->parts['from']) : ''; $q .= ( ! empty($this->parts['where']))? ' WHERE ' . implode(' AND ', $this->parts['where']) : ''; $q .= ( ! empty($this->parts['groupby']))? ' GROUP BY ' . implode(', ', $this->parts['groupby']) : ''; $q .= ( ! empty($this->parts['having']))? ' HAVING ' . implode(' AND ', $this->parts['having']) : ''; $q .= ( ! empty($this->parts['orderby']))? ' ORDER BY ' . implode(', ', $this->parts['orderby']) : ''; $q .= ( ! empty($this->parts['limit']))? ' LIMIT ' . implode(' ', $this->parts['limit']) : ''; $q .= ( ! empty($this->parts['offset']))? ' OFFSET ' . implode(' ', $this->parts['offset']) : ''; return $q; } else { return $this->dql; } } public function parseResponse($response) { $array = Doctrine_Parser::load($response, $this->getFormat()); $hydrated = $this->hydrate($array); return $hydrated; } public function buildUrl($array) { $url = ''; foreach ($array as $key => $value) { if (is_array($value)) { $url .= $this->buildUrl($value); } else { $url .= $key.'='.$value.'&'; } } return $url; } public function hydrate(array $array, $passedKey = null) { $model = $passedKey ? $passedKey:$this->getModel(); $collection = new Doctrine_Resource_Collection($model, $this->config); foreach ($array as $record) { $r = new Doctrine_Resource_Record($model, $this->config); foreach ($record as $key => $value) { if (is_array($value)) { $r->data[$key] = $this->hydrate($value, $key); } else { $r->data[$key] = $value; } } $collection->data[] = $r; } return $collection; } public function getModel() { $dql = $this->getDql(); $e = explode('FROM ', $dql); $e = explode(' ', $e[1]); return $e[0]; } public function setFormat($format) { $this->config['format'] = $format; return $this; } public function getFormat() { return isset($this->config['format']) ? $this->config['format']:$this->defaultFormat; } /** * addSelect * adds fields to the SELECT part of the query * * @param string $select Query SELECT part * @return Doctrine_Query */ public function addSelect($select) { return $this->parseQueryPart('select', $select, true); } /** * addFrom * adds fields to the FROM part of the query * * @param string $from Query FROM part * @return Doctrine_Query */ public function addFrom($from) { return $this->parseQueryPart('from', $from, true); } /** * addWhere * adds conditions to the WHERE part of the query * * @param string $where Query WHERE part * @param mixed $params an array of parameters or a simple scalar * @return Doctrine_Query */ public function addWhere($where, $params = array()) { if (is_array($params)) { $this->_params['where'] = array_merge($this->_params['where'], $params); } else { $this->_params['where'][] = $params; } return $this->parseQueryPart('where', $where, true); } /** * whereIn * adds IN condition to the query WHERE part * * @param string $expr * @param mixed $params an array of parameters or a simple scalar * @return Doctrine_Query */ public function whereIn($expr, $params = array()) { $params = (array) $params; $a = array(); foreach ($params as $k => $value) { if ($value instanceof Doctrine_Expression) { $value = $value->getSql(); unset($params[$k]); } else { $value = '?'; } $a[] = $value; } $this->_params['where'] = array_merge($this->_params['where'], $params); $where = $expr . ' IN (' . implode(', ', $a) . ')'; return $this->parseQueryPart('where', $where, true); } /** * addGroupBy * adds fields to the GROUP BY part of the query * * @param string $groupby Query GROUP BY part * @return Doctrine_Query */ public function addGroupBy($groupby) { return $this->parseQueryPart('groupby', $groupby, true); } /** * addHaving * adds conditions to the HAVING part of the query * * @param string $having Query HAVING part * @param mixed $params an array of parameters or a simple scalar * @return Doctrine_Query */ public function addHaving($having, $params = array()) { if (is_array($params)) { $this->_params['having'] = array_merge($this->_params['having'], $params); } else { $this->_params['having'][] = $params; } return $this->parseQueryPart('having', $having, true); } /** * addOrderBy * adds fields to the ORDER BY part of the query * * @param string $orderby Query ORDER BY part * @return Doctrine_Query */ public function addOrderBy($orderby) { return $this->parseQueryPart('orderby', $orderby, true); } /** * select * sets the SELECT part of the query * * @param string $select Query SELECT part * @return Doctrine_Query */ public function select($select) { return $this->parseQueryPart('select', $select); } /** * distinct * Makes the query SELECT DISTINCT. * * @param bool $flag Whether or not the SELECT is DISTINCT (default true). * @return Doctrine_Query */ public function distinct($flag = true) { $this->parts['distinct'] = (bool) $flag; return $this; } /** * forUpdate * Makes the query SELECT FOR UPDATE. * * @param bool $flag Whether or not the SELECT is FOR UPDATE (default true). * @return Doctrine_Query */ public function forUpdate($flag = true) { $this->parts[self::FOR_UPDATE] = (bool) $flag; return $this; } /** * delete * sets the query type to DELETE * * @return Doctrine_Query */ public function delete() { $this->type = self::DELETE; return $this; } /** * update * sets the UPDATE part of the query * * @param string $update Query UPDATE part * @return Doctrine_Query */ public function update($update) { $this->type = self::UPDATE; return $this->parseQueryPart('from', $update); } /** * set * sets the SET part of the query * * @param string $update Query UPDATE part * @return Doctrine_Query */ public function set($key, $value, $params = null) { if (is_array($key)) { foreach ($key as $k => $v) { $this->set($k, '?', array($v)); } } else { if ($params !== null) { if (is_array($params)) { $this->_params['set'] = array_merge($this->_params['set'], $params); } else { $this->_params['set'][] = $params; } } return $this->parseQueryPart('set', $key . ' = ' . $value, true); } } /** * from * sets the FROM part of the query * * @param string $from Query FROM part * @return Doctrine_Query */ public function from($from) { return $this->parseQueryPart('from', $from); } /** * innerJoin * appends an INNER JOIN to the FROM part of the query * * @param string $join Query INNER JOIN * @return Doctrine_Query */ public function innerJoin($join) { return $this->parseQueryPart('from', 'INNER JOIN ' . $join, true); } /** * leftJoin * appends a LEFT JOIN to the FROM part of the query * * @param string $join Query LEFT JOIN * @return Doctrine_Query */ public function leftJoin($join) { return $this->parseQueryPart('from', 'LEFT JOIN ' . $join, true); } /** * groupBy * sets the GROUP BY part of the query * * @param string $groupby Query GROUP BY part * @return Doctrine_Query */ public function groupBy($groupby) { return $this->parseQueryPart('groupby', $groupby); } /** * where * sets the WHERE part of the query * * @param string $join Query WHERE part * @param mixed $params an array of parameters or a simple scalar * @return Doctrine_Query */ public function where($where, $params = array()) { $this->_params['where'] = array(); if (is_array($params)) { $this->_params['where'] = $params; } else { $this->_params['where'][] = $params; } return $this->parseQueryPart('where', $where); } /** * having * sets the HAVING part of the query * * @param string $having Query HAVING part * @param mixed $params an array of parameters or a simple scalar * @return Doctrine_Query */ public function having($having, $params = array()) { $this->_params['having'] = array(); if (is_array($params)) { $this->_params['having'] = $params; } else { $this->_params['having'][] = $params; } return $this->parseQueryPart('having', $having); } /** * orderBy * sets the ORDER BY part of the query * * @param string $orderby Query ORDER BY part * @return Doctrine_Query */ public function orderBy($orderby) { return $this->parseQueryPart('orderby', $orderby); } /** * limit * sets the Query query limit * * @param integer $limit limit to be used for limiting the query results * @return Doctrine_Query */ public function limit($limit) { return $this->parseQueryPart('limit', $limit); } /** * offset * sets the Query query offset * * @param integer $offset offset to be used for paginating the query * @return Doctrine_Query */ public function offset($offset) { return $this->parseQueryPart('offset', $offset); } /** * parseQueryPart * parses given DQL query part * * @param string $queryPartName the name of the query part * @param string $queryPart query part to be parsed * @return Doctrine_Query this object */ public function parseQueryPart($queryPartName, $queryPart) { $this->parts[$queryPartName][] = $queryPart; return $this; } }