<?php /* * $Id$ * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many individuals * and is licensed under the LGPL. For more information, see * <http://www.phpdoctrine.org>. */ /** * * Doctrine_Manager is the base component of all doctrine based projects. * It opens and keeps track of all connections (database connections). * * @package Doctrine * @subpackage Manager * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-license.php LGPL * @link www.phpdoctrine.com * @since 1.0 * @version $Revision$ * @author Konsta Vesterinen <kvesteri@cc.hut.fi> */ class Doctrine_Manager extends Doctrine_Configurable implements Countable, IteratorAggregate { /** * @var array $connections an array containing all the opened connections */ protected $_connections = array(); /** * @var array $bound an array containing all components that have a bound connection */ protected $_bound = array(); /** * @var integer $index the incremented index */ protected $_index = 0; /** * @var integer $currIndex the current connection index */ protected $_currIndex = 0; /** * @var string $root root directory */ protected $_root; /** * @var Doctrine_Query_Registry the query registry */ protected $_queryRegistry; protected static $driverMap = array('oci' => 'oracle'); /** * constructor * * this is private constructor (use getInstance to get an instance of this class) */ private function __construct() { $this->_root = dirname(__FILE__); Doctrine_Locator_Injectable::initNullObject(new Doctrine_Null); } /** * setDefaultAttributes * sets default attributes * * @todo I do not understand the flow here. Explain or refactor? * @return boolean */ public function setDefaultAttributes() { static $init = false; if ( ! $init) { $init = true; $attributes = array( Doctrine::ATTR_CACHE => null, Doctrine::ATTR_RESULT_CACHE => null, Doctrine::ATTR_QUERY_CACHE => null, Doctrine::ATTR_LOAD_REFERENCES => true, Doctrine::ATTR_LISTENER => new Doctrine_EventListener(), Doctrine::ATTR_RECORD_LISTENER => new Doctrine_Record_Listener(), Doctrine::ATTR_THROW_EXCEPTIONS => true, Doctrine::ATTR_VALIDATE => Doctrine::VALIDATE_NONE, Doctrine::ATTR_QUERY_LIMIT => Doctrine::LIMIT_RECORDS, Doctrine::ATTR_IDXNAME_FORMAT => "%s_idx", Doctrine::ATTR_SEQNAME_FORMAT => "%s_seq", Doctrine::ATTR_TBLNAME_FORMAT => "%s", Doctrine::ATTR_QUOTE_IDENTIFIER => false, Doctrine::ATTR_SEQCOL_NAME => 'id', Doctrine::ATTR_PORTABILITY => Doctrine::PORTABILITY_ALL, Doctrine::ATTR_EXPORT => Doctrine::EXPORT_ALL, Doctrine::ATTR_DECIMAL_PLACES => 2, Doctrine::ATTR_DEFAULT_PARAM_NAMESPACE => 'doctrine', Doctrine::ATTR_AUTOLOAD_TABLE_CLASSES => true, ); foreach ($attributes as $attribute => $value) { $old = $this->getAttribute($attribute); if ($old === null) { $this->setAttribute($attribute,$value); } } return true; } return false; } /** * returns the root directory of Doctrine * * @return string */ final public function getRoot() { return $this->_root; } /** * getInstance * returns an instance of this class * (this class uses the singleton pattern) * * @return Doctrine_Manager */ public static function getInstance() { static $instance; if ( ! isset($instance)) { $instance = new self(); } return $instance; } /** * getQueryRegistry * lazy-initializes the query registry object and returns it * * @return Doctrine_Query_Registry */ public function getQueryRegistry() { if ( ! isset($this->_queryRegistry)) { $this->_queryRegistry = new Doctrine_Query_Registry; } return $this->_queryRegistry; } /** * setQueryRegistry * sets the query registry * * @return Doctrine_Manager this object */ public function setQueryRegistry(Doctrine_Query_Registry $registry) { $this->_queryRegistry = $registry; return $this; } /** * fetch * fetches data using the provided queryKey and * the associated query in the query registry * * if no query for given queryKey is being found a * Doctrine_Query_Registry exception is being thrown * * @param string $queryKey the query key * @param array $params prepared statement params (if any) * @return mixed the fetched data */ public function find($queryKey, $params = array(), $hydrationMode = Doctrine::HYDRATE_RECORD) { return Doctrine_Manager::getInstance() ->getQueryRegistry() ->get($queryKey) ->execute($params, $hydrationMode); } /** * fetchOne * fetches data using the provided queryKey and * the associated query in the query registry * * if no query for given queryKey is being found a * Doctrine_Query_Registry exception is being thrown * * @param string $queryKey the query key * @param array $params prepared statement params (if any) * @return mixed the fetched data */ public function findOne($queryKey, $params = array(), $hydrationMode = Doctrine::HYDRATE_RECORD) { return Doctrine_Manager::getInstance() ->getQueryRegistry() ->get($queryKey) ->fetchOne($params, $hydrationMode); } /** * connection * * if the adapter parameter is set this method acts as * a short cut for Doctrine_Manager::getInstance()->openConnection($adapter, $name); * * if the adapter paramater is not set this method acts as * a short cut for Doctrine_Manager::getInstance()->getCurrentConnection() * * @param PDO|Doctrine_Adapter_Interface $adapter database driver * @param string $name name of the connection, if empty numeric key is used * @throws Doctrine_Manager_Exception if trying to bind a connection with an existing name * @return Doctrine_Connection */ public static function connection($adapter = null, $name = null) { if ($adapter == null) { return Doctrine_Manager::getInstance()->getCurrentConnection(); } else { return Doctrine_Manager::getInstance()->openConnection($adapter, $name); } } /** * openConnection * opens a new connection and saves it to Doctrine_Manager->connections * * @param PDO|Doctrine_Adapter_Interface $adapter database driver * @param string $name name of the connection, if empty numeric key is used * @throws Doctrine_Manager_Exception if trying to bind a connection with an existing name * @throws Doctrine_Manager_Exception if trying to open connection for unknown driver * @return Doctrine_Connection */ public function openConnection($adapter, $name = null, $setCurrent = true) { if (is_object($adapter)) { if ( ! ($adapter instanceof PDO) && ! in_array('Doctrine_Adapter_Interface', class_implements($adapter))) { throw new Doctrine_Manager_Exception("First argument should be an instance of PDO or implement Doctrine_Adapter_Interface"); } $driverName = $adapter->getAttribute(Doctrine::ATTR_DRIVER_NAME); } else if (is_array($adapter)) { if ( ! isset($adapter[0])) { throw new Doctrine_Manager_Exception('Empty data source name given.'); } $e = explode(':', $adapter[0]); if ($e[0] == 'uri') { $e[0] = 'odbc'; } $parts['dsn'] = $adapter[0]; $parts['scheme'] = $e[0]; $parts['user'] = (isset($adapter[1])) ? $adapter[1] : null; $parts['pass'] = (isset($adapter[2])) ? $adapter[2] : null; $driverName = $e[0]; $adapter = $parts; } else { $parts = $this->parseDsn($adapter); $driverName = $parts['scheme']; $adapter = $parts; } // initialize the default attributes $this->setDefaultAttributes(); if ($name !== null) { $name = (string) $name; if (isset($this->_connections[$name])) { if ($setCurrent) { $this->_currIndex = $name; } return $this->_connections[$name]; } } else { $name = $this->_index; $this->_index++; } $drivers = array('mysql' => 'Doctrine_Connection_Mysql', 'sqlite' => 'Doctrine_Connection_Sqlite', 'pgsql' => 'Doctrine_Connection_Pgsql', 'oci' => 'Doctrine_Connection_Oracle', 'oci8' => 'Doctrine_Connection_Oracle', 'oracle' => 'Doctrine_Connection_Oracle', 'mssql' => 'Doctrine_Connection_Mssql', 'dblib' => 'Doctrine_Connection_Mssql', 'firebird' => 'Doctrine_Connection_Firebird', 'informix' => 'Doctrine_Connection_Informix', 'mock' => 'Doctrine_Connection_Mock'); if ( ! isset($drivers[$driverName])) { throw new Doctrine_Manager_Exception('Unknown driver ' . $driverName); } $className = $drivers[$driverName]; $conn = new $className($this, $adapter); $conn->setName($name); $this->_connections[$name] = $conn; if ($setCurrent) { $this->_currIndex = $name; } return $this->_connections[$name]; } /** * parsePdoDsn * * @param array $dsn An array of dsn information * @return array The array parsed */ public function parsePdoDsn($dsn) { $parts = array(); $names = array('dsn', 'scheme', 'host', 'port', 'user', 'pass', 'path', 'query', 'fragment'); foreach ($names as $name) { if ( ! isset($parts[$name])) { $parts[$name] = null; } } $e = explode(':', $dsn); $parts['scheme'] = $e[0]; $parts['dsn'] = $dsn; $e = explode(';', $e[1]); foreach ($e as $string) { if ($string) { $e2 = explode('=', $string); if (isset($e2[0]) && isset($e2[1])) { list($key, $value) = $e2; $parts[$key] = $value; } } } return $parts; } /** * parseDsn * * @param string $dsn * @return array Parsed contents of DSN */ public function parseDsn($dsn) { // fix sqlite dsn so that it will parse correctly $dsn = str_replace("////", "/", $dsn); $dsn = str_replace("///c:/", "//c:/", $dsn); // silence any warnings $parts = @parse_url($dsn); $names = array('dsn', 'scheme', 'host', 'port', 'user', 'pass', 'path', 'query', 'fragment'); foreach ($names as $name) { if ( ! isset($parts[$name])) { $parts[$name] = null; } } if (count($parts) == 0 || ! isset($parts['scheme'])) { throw new Doctrine_Manager_Exception('Empty data source name'); } switch ($parts['scheme']) { case 'sqlite': case 'sqlite2': case 'sqlite3': if (isset($parts['host']) && $parts['host'] == ':memory') { $parts['database'] = ':memory:'; $parts['dsn'] = 'sqlite::memory:'; } else { //fix windows dsn we have to add host: to path and set host to null if (isset($parts['host'])) { $parts['path'] = $parts['host'] . ":" . $parts["path"]; $parts["host"] = null; } $parts['database'] = $parts['path']; $parts['dsn'] = $parts['scheme'] . ':' . $parts['path']; } break; case 'mssql': case 'dblib': if ( ! isset($parts['path']) || $parts['path'] == '/') { throw new Doctrine_Manager_Exception('No database available in data source name'); } if (isset($parts['path'])) { $parts['database'] = substr($parts['path'], 1); } if ( ! isset($parts['host'])) { throw new Doctrine_Manager_Exception('No hostname set in data source name'); } if (isset(self::$driverMap[$parts['scheme']])) { $parts['scheme'] = self::$driverMap[$parts['scheme']]; } $parts['dsn'] = $parts['scheme'] . ':host=' . $parts['host'] . (isset($parts['port']) ? ':' . $parts['port']:null) . ';dbname=' . $parts['database']; break; case 'mysql': case 'informix': case 'oci8': case 'oci': case 'firebird': case 'pgsql': case 'odbc': case 'mock': case 'oracle': if ( ! isset($parts['path']) || $parts['path'] == '/') { throw new Doctrine_Manager_Exception('No database available in data source name'); } if (isset($parts['path'])) { $parts['database'] = substr($parts['path'], 1); } if ( ! isset($parts['host'])) { throw new Doctrine_Manager_Exception('No hostname set in data source name'); } if (isset(self::$driverMap[$parts['scheme']])) { $parts['scheme'] = self::$driverMap[$parts['scheme']]; } $parts['dsn'] = $parts['scheme'] . ':host=' . $parts['host'] . (isset($parts['port']) ? ';port=' . $parts['port']:null) . ';dbname=' . $parts['database']; break; default: throw new Doctrine_Manager_Exception('Unknown driver '.$parts['scheme']); } return $parts; } /** * getConnection * @param integer $index * @return object Doctrine_Connection * @throws Doctrine_Manager_Exception if trying to get a non-existent connection */ public function getConnection($name) { if ( ! isset($this->_connections[$name])) { throw new Doctrine_Manager_Exception('Unknown connection: ' . $name); } return $this->_connections[$name]; } /** * getComponentAlias * retrieves the alias for given component name * if the alias couldn't be found, this method returns the given * component name * * @param string $componentName * @return string the component alias */ public function getComponentAlias($componentName) { if (isset($this->componentAliases[$componentName])) { return $this->componentAliases[$componentName]; } return $componentName; } /** * sets an alias for given component name * very useful when building a large framework with a possibility * to override any given class * * @param string $componentName the name of the component * @param string $alias * @return Doctrine_Manager */ public function setComponentAlias($componentName, $alias) { $this->componentAliases[$componentName] = $alias; return $this; } /** * getConnectionName * * @param Doctrine_Connection $conn connection object to be searched for * @return string the name of the connection */ public function getConnectionName(Doctrine_Connection $conn) { return array_search($conn, $this->_connections, true); } /** * bindComponent * binds given component to given connection * this means that when ever the given component uses a connection * it will be using the bound connection instead of the current connection * * @param string $componentName * @param string $connectionName * @return boolean */ public function bindComponent($componentName, $connectionName) { $this->_bound[$componentName] = $connectionName; } /** * getConnectionForComponent * * @param string $componentName * @return Doctrine_Connection */ public function getConnectionForComponent($componentName = null) { if (isset($this->_bound[$componentName])) { return $this->getConnection($this->_bound[$componentName]); } return $this->getCurrentConnection(); } /** * hasConnectionForComponent * * @param string $componentName * @return boolean */ public function hasConnectionForComponent($componentName = null) { return isset($this->_bound[$componentName]); } /** * getTable * this is the same as Doctrine_Connection::getTable() except * that it works seamlessly in multi-server/connection environment * * @see Doctrine_Connection::getTable() * @param string $componentName * @return Doctrine_Table */ public function getTable($componentName) { return $this->getConnectionForComponent($componentName)->getTable($componentName); } /** * getMapper * Returns the mapper object for the given component name. * * @param string $componentName * @return Doctrine_Mapper */ public function getMapper($componentName) { return $this->getConnectionForComponent($componentName)->getMapper($componentName); } /** * table * this is the same as Doctrine_Connection::getTable() except * that it works seamlessly in multi-server/connection environment * * @see Doctrine_Connection::getTable() * @param string $componentName * @return Doctrine_Table */ public static function table($componentName) { return Doctrine_Manager::getInstance() ->getConnectionForComponent($componentName) ->getTable($componentName); } /** * closes the connection * * @param Doctrine_Connection $connection * @return void */ public function closeConnection(Doctrine_Connection $connection) { $connection->close(); $key = array_search($connection, $this->_connections, true); if ($key !== false) { unset($this->_connections[$key]); } $this->_currIndex = key($this->_connections); unset($connection); } /** * getConnections * returns all opened connections * * @return array */ public function getConnections() { return $this->_connections; } /** * setCurrentConnection * sets the current connection to $key * * @param mixed $key the connection key * @throws InvalidKeyException * @return void */ public function setCurrentConnection($key) { $key = (string) $key; if ( ! isset($this->_connections[$key])) { throw new InvalidKeyException(); } $this->_currIndex = $key; } /** * contains * whether or not the manager contains specified connection * * @param mixed $key the connection key * @return boolean */ public function contains($key) { return isset($this->_connections[$key]); } /** * count * returns the number of opened connections * * @return integer */ public function count() { return count($this->_connections); } /** * getIterator * returns an ArrayIterator that iterates through all connections * * @return ArrayIterator */ public function getIterator() { return new ArrayIterator($this->_connections); } /** * getCurrentConnection * returns the current connection * * @throws Doctrine_Connection_Exception if there are no open connections * @return Doctrine_Connection */ public function getCurrentConnection() { $i = $this->_currIndex; if ( ! isset($this->_connections[$i])) { throw new Doctrine_Connection_Exception(); } return $this->_connections[$i]; } /** * createDatabases * * Creates databases for connections * * @param string $specifiedConnections Array of connections you wish to create the database for * @return void */ public function createDatabases($specifiedConnections = array()) { if ( ! is_array($specifiedConnections)) { $specifiedConnections = (array) $specifiedConnections; } $results = array(); foreach ($this as $name => $connection) { if ( ! empty($specifiedConnections) && !in_array($name, $specifiedConnections)) { continue; } $results[$name] = $connection->createDatabase(); } return $results; } /** * dropDatabases * * Drops databases for connections * * @param string $specifiedConnections Array of connections you wish to drop the database for * @return void */ public function dropDatabases($specifiedConnections = array()) { if ( ! is_array($specifiedConnections)) { $specifiedConnections = (array) $specifiedConnections; } $results = array(); foreach ($this as $name => $connection) { if ( ! empty($specifiedConnections) && !in_array($name, $specifiedConnections)) { continue; } $results[$name] = $connection->dropDatabase(); } return $results; } /** * __toString * returns a string representation of this object * * @return string */ public function __toString() { $r[] = "<pre>"; $r[] = "Doctrine_Manager"; $r[] = "Connections : ".count($this->_connections); $r[] = "</pre>"; return implode("\n",$r); } }