<?php declare(strict_types=1); namespace Doctrine\DBAL; use Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\ResultStatement as DriverResultStatement; use Traversable; /** * DBAL-level ResultStatement interface. */ interface ResultStatement extends DriverResultStatement { /** * Returns an iterator over the result set rows represented as numeric arrays. * * @return Traversable<int,array<int,mixed>> * * @throws DBALException */ public function iterateNumeric() : Traversable; /** * Returns an iterator over the result set rows represented as associative arrays. * * @return Traversable<int,array<string,mixed>> * * @throws DBALException */ public function iterateAssociative() : Traversable; /** * Returns an iterator over the values of the first column of the result set. * * @return Traversable<int,mixed> * * @throws DBALException */ public function iterateColumn() : Traversable; }