 *  $Id: Query.php 1393 2007-05-19 17:49:16Z zYne $
 * This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many individuals
 * and is licensed under the LGPL. For more information, see
 * <http://www.phpdoctrine.org>.

 * Doctrine_Query_Abstract
 * @package     Doctrine
 * @subpackage  Query
 * @license     http://www.opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-license.php LGPL
 * @link        www.phpdoctrine.org
 * @since       1.0
 * @version     $Revision: 1393 $
 * @author      Konsta Vesterinen <kvesteri@cc.hut.fi>
 * @todo        See {@link Doctrine_Query}
abstract class Doctrine_Query_Abstract

     * constant for SELECT queries
    const SELECT = 0;

     * constant for DELETE queries
    const DELETE = 1;

     * constant for UPDATE queries
    const UPDATE = 2;

     * constant for INSERT queries
    const INSERT = 3;

     * constant for CREATE queries
    const CREATE = 4;

    /** @todo document the query states (and the transitions between them). */
     * A query object is in CLEAN state when it has NO unparsed/unprocessed DQL parts.
    const STATE_CLEAN  = 1;

     * A query object is in state DIRTY when it has DQL parts that have not yet been
     * parsed/processed.
    const STATE_DIRTY  = 2;

     * A query is in DIRECT state when ... ?
    const STATE_DIRECT = 3;

     * A query object is on LOCKED state when ... ?
    const STATE_LOCKED = 4;

     * @var array  Table alias map. Keys are SQL aliases and values DQL aliases.
    protected $_tableAliasMap = array();

     * @var Doctrine_View  The view object used by this query, if any.
    protected $_view;

     * @var integer $_state   The current state of this query.
    protected $_state = Doctrine_Query::STATE_CLEAN;

     * @var array $params  The parameters of this query.
    protected $_params = array('join' => array(),
                               'where' => array(),
                               'set' => array(),
                               'having' => array());

    /* Caching properties */
     * @var Doctrine_Cache_Interface  The cache driver used for caching result sets.
    protected $_resultCache;
     * @var boolean $_expireResultCache  A boolean value that indicates whether or not
     *                                   expire the result cache.
    protected $_expireResultCache = false;
    protected $_resultCacheTTL;

     * @var Doctrine_Cache_Interface  The cache driver used for caching queries.
    protected $_queryCache;
    protected $_expireQueryCache = false;
    protected $_queryCacheTTL;

     * @var Doctrine_Connection  The connection used by this query object.
    protected $_conn;

     * @var array $_sqlParts  The SQL query string parts. Filled during the DQL parsing process.
    protected $_sqlParts = array(
            'select'    => array(),
            'distinct'  => false,
            'forUpdate' => false,
            'from'      => array(),
            'set'       => array(),
            'join'      => array(),
            'where'     => array(),
            'groupby'   => array(),
            'having'    => array(),
            'orderby'   => array(),
            'limit'     => false,
            'offset'    => false,

     * @var array $_dqlParts   An array containing all DQL query parts.
    protected $_dqlParts = array(
            'from'      => array(),
            'select'    => array(),
            'forUpdate' => false,
            'set'       => array(),
            'join'      => array(),
            'where'     => array(),
            'groupby'   => array(),
            'having'    => array(),
            'orderby'   => array(),
            'limit'     => array(),
            'offset'    => array(),

     * @var array $_queryComponents   Two dimensional array containing the components of this query,
     *                                informations about their relations and other related information.
     *                                The components are constructed during query parsing.
     *      Keys are component aliases and values the following:
     *          table               table object associated with given alias
     *          relation            the relation object owned by the parent
     *          parent              the alias of the parent
     *          agg                 the aggregates of this component
     *          map                 the name of the column / aggregate value this
     *                              component is mapped to a collection
    protected $_queryComponents = array();

     * @var integer $type                   the query type
     * @see Doctrine_Query::* constants
    protected $_type = self::SELECT;

     * @var Doctrine_Hydrator   The hydrator object used to hydrate query results.
    protected $_hydrator;

     * @var Doctrine_Query_Tokenizer  The tokenizer that is used during the query parsing process.
    protected $_tokenizer;

     * @var array $_tableAliasSeeds         A simple array keys representing table aliases and values
     *                                      table alias seeds. The seeds are used for generating short table
     *                                      aliases.
    protected $_tableAliasSeeds = array();

     * @var array $_options                 an array of options
    protected $_options    = array(
                            'fetchMode'      => Doctrine::FETCH_RECORD

     * @var array $_enumParams              an array containing the keys of the parameters that should be enumerated
    protected $_enumParams = array();

     * @var boolean
    protected $_isLimitSubqueryUsed = false;

     * Constructor.
     * @param Doctrine_Connection  The connection object the query will use.
     * @param Doctrine_Hydrator_Abstract  The hydrator that will be used for generating result sets.
    public function __construct(Doctrine_Connection $connection = null,
            Doctrine_Hydrator_Abstract $hydrator = null)
        if ($connection === null) {
            $connection = Doctrine_Manager::getInstance()->getCurrentConnection();
        if ($hydrator === null) {
            $hydrator = new Doctrine_Hydrator();
        $this->_conn = $connection;
        $this->_hydrator = $hydrator;
        $this->_tokenizer = new Doctrine_Query_Tokenizer();

    public function getHydrator()
        return $this->_hydrator;

     * setOption
     * @param string $name      option name
     * @param string $value     option value
     * @return Doctrine_Query   this object
    public function setOption($name, $value)
        if ( ! isset($this->_options[$name])) {
            throw new Doctrine_Query_Exception('Unknown option ' . $name);
        $this->_options[$name] = $value;

     * hasTableAlias
     * whether or not this object has given tableAlias
     * @param string $tableAlias    the table alias to be checked
     * @return boolean              true if this object has given alias, otherwise false
     * @deprecated
    public function hasTableAlias($sqlTableAlias)
        return $this->hasSqlTableAlias($sqlTableAlias);

     * hasSqlTableAlias
     * whether or not this object has given tableAlias
     * @param string $tableAlias    the table alias to be checked
     * @return boolean              true if this object has given alias, otherwise false
    public function hasSqlTableAlias($sqlTableAlias)
        return (isset($this->_tableAliasMap[$sqlTableAlias]));

     * getTableAliases
     * returns all table aliases
     * @return array        table aliases as an array
     * @deprecated
    public function getTableAliases()
        return $this->getTableAliasMap();

     * getTableAliasMap
     * returns all table aliases
     * @return array        table aliases as an array
    public function getTableAliasMap()
        return $this->_tableAliasMap;

     * getQueryPart
     * gets a query part from the query part array
     * @param string $name          the name of the query part to be set
     * @param string $part          query part string
     * @throws Doctrine_Query_Exception   if trying to set unknown query part
     * @return Doctrine_Query_Abstract  this object
     * @deprecated
    public function getQueryPart($part)
        return $this->getSqlQueryPart($part);

     * getSqlQueryPart
     * gets an SQL query part from the SQL query part array
     * @param string $name          the name of the query part to be set
     * @param string $part          query part string
     * @throws Doctrine_Query_Exception   if trying to set unknown query part
     * @return Doctrine_Hydrate     this object
    public function getSqlQueryPart($part)
        if ( ! isset($this->_sqlParts[$part])) {
            throw new Doctrine_Query_Exception('Unknown SQL query part ' . $part);
        return $this->_sqlParts[$part];

     * setQueryPart
     * sets a query part in the query part array
     * @param string $name          the name of the query part to be set
     * @param string $part          query part string
     * @throws Doctrine_Query_Exception   if trying to set unknown query part
     * @return Doctrine_Hydrate     this object
     * @deprecated
    public function setQueryPart($name, $part)
        return $this->setSqlQueryPart($name, $part);

     * setSqlQueryPart
     * sets an SQL query part in the SQL query part array
     * @param string $name          the name of the query part to be set
     * @param string $part          query part string
     * @throws Doctrine_Query_Exception   if trying to set unknown query part
     * @return Doctrine_Hydrate     this object
    public function setSqlQueryPart($name, $part)
        if ( ! isset($this->_sqlParts[$name])) {
            throw new Doctrine_Query_Exception('Unknown query part ' . $name);

        if ($name !== 'limit' && $name !== 'offset') {
            if (is_array($part)) {
                $this->_sqlParts[$name] = $part;
            } else {
                $this->_sqlParts[$name] = array($part);
        } else {
            $this->_sqlParts[$name] = $part;

        return $this;

     * addQueryPart
     * adds a query part in the query part array
     * @param string $name          the name of the query part to be added
     * @param string $part          query part string
     * @throws Doctrine_Query_Exception   if trying to add unknown query part
     * @return Doctrine_Hydrate     this object
     * @deprecated
    public function addQueryPart($name, $part)
        return $this->addSqlQueryPart($name, $part);

     * addSqlQueryPart
     * adds an SQL query part to the SQL query part array
     * @param string $name          the name of the query part to be added
     * @param string $part          query part string
     * @throws Doctrine_Query_Exception   if trying to add unknown query part
     * @return Doctrine_Hydrate     this object
    public function addSqlQueryPart($name, $part)
        if ( ! isset($this->_sqlParts[$name])) {
            throw new Doctrine_Query_Exception('Unknown query part ' . $name);
        if (is_array($part)) {
            $this->_sqlParts[$name] = array_merge($this->_sqlParts[$name], $part);
        } else {
            $this->_sqlParts[$name][] = $part;
        return $this;

     * removeQueryPart
     * removes a query part from the query part array
     * @param string $name          the name of the query part to be removed
     * @throws Doctrine_Query_Exception   if trying to remove unknown query part
     * @return Doctrine_Hydrate     this object
     * @deprecated
    public function removeQueryPart($name)
        return $this->removeSqlQueryPart($name);

     * removeSqlQueryPart
     * removes a query part from the query part array
     * @param string $name          the name of the query part to be removed
     * @throws Doctrine_Query_Exception   if trying to remove unknown query part
     * @return Doctrine_Hydrate     this object
    public function removeSqlQueryPart($name)
        try {
        if ( ! isset($this->_sqlParts[$name])) {
            throw new Doctrine_Query_Exception('Unknown query part ' . $name);
        catch (Exception $e) {echo $e->getTraceAsString(); echo "<br /><br /><br />";}

        if ($name == 'limit' || $name == 'offset') {
                $this->_sqlParts[$name] = false;
        } else {
                $this->_sqlParts[$name] = array();
        return $this;

     * setView
     * sets a database view this query object uses
     * this method should only be called internally by doctrine
     * @param Doctrine_View $view       database view
     * @return void
    public function setView(Doctrine_View $view)
        $this->_view = $view;

     * getView
     * returns the view associated with this query object (if any)
     * @return Doctrine_View        the view associated with this query object
    public function getView()
        return $this->_view;

     * limitSubqueryUsed
     * @return boolean
    public function isLimitSubqueryUsed()
        return $this->_isLimitSubqueryUsed;

     * convertEnums
     * convert enum parameters to their integer equivalents
     * @return array    converted parameter array
    public function convertEnums($params)
        foreach ($this->_enumParams as $key => $values) {
            if (isset($params[$key])) {
                if ( ! empty($values)) {
                    $params[$key] = $values[0]->enumIndex($values[1], $params[$key]);
        return $params;

     * Creates the SQL snippet for additional joins.
     * @return string  The created SQL snippet.
    protected function _createCustomJoinSql($componentName, $componentAlias)
        $table = $this->_conn->getMetadata($componentName);
        $tableAlias = $this->getSqlTableAlias($componentAlias, $table->getTableName());
        $customJoins = $this->_conn->getMapper($componentName)->getCustomJoins();
        $sql = '';
        foreach ($customJoins as $componentName => $joinType) {
            $joinedTable = $this->_conn->getMetadata($componentName);
            $joinedAlias = $componentAlias . '.' . $componentName;
            $joinedTableAlias = $this->getSqlTableAlias($joinedAlias, $joinedTable->getTableName());
            $sql .= " $joinType JOIN " . $this->_conn->quoteIdentifier($joinedTable->getTableName())
                    . ' ' . $this->_conn->quoteIdentifier($joinedTableAlias) . ' ON ';

            foreach ($table->getIdentifierColumnNames() as $column) {
                $sql .= $this->_conn->quoteIdentifier($tableAlias)
                        . '.' . $this->_conn->quoteIdentifier($column)
                        . ' = ' . $this->_conn->quoteIdentifier($joinedTableAlias)
                        . '.' . $this->_conn->quoteIdentifier($column);

        return $sql;

     * Creates the SQL snippet for the WHERE part that contains the discriminator
     * column conditions.
     * Used solely for Single Table Inheritance.
     * @return string  The created SQL snippet.
    protected function _createDiscriminatorConditionSql()
        $array = array();
        foreach ($this->_queryComponents as $componentAlias => $data) {
            $sqlTableAlias = $this->getSqlTableAlias($componentAlias);
            if ($data['table']->getInheritanceType() != Doctrine::INHERITANCETYPE_SINGLE_TABLE) {
                $array[$sqlTableAlias][] = array();
            } else {
                $discCol = $data['table']->getInheritanceOption('discriminatorColumn');
                $discMap = $data['table']->getInheritanceOption('discriminatorMap');
                $discValue = array_search($data['table']->getClassName(), $discMap);
                if ($discValue === false) {
                $discriminator = array();
                $discriminator[] = array($discCol => $discValue);

                $subclasses = $data['table']->getSubclasses();
                foreach ((array)$subclasses as $subclass) {
                    $subClassMetadata = $this->_conn->getClassMetadata($subclass);
                    $discCol = $subClassMetadata->getInheritanceOption('discriminatorColumn');
                    $discMap = $subClassMetadata->getInheritanceOption('discriminatorMap');
                    $discValue = array_search($subclass, $discMap);
                    $discriminator[] = array($discCol => $discValue);

                $array[$sqlTableAlias][] = $discriminator;
        // apply inheritance maps
        $str = '';
        $c = array();

        $index = 0;
        foreach ($array as $tableAlias => $maps) {
            $a = array();

            // don't use table aliases if the query isn't a select query
            if ($this->_type !== Doctrine_Query::SELECT) {
                $tableAlias = '';
            } else {
                $tableAlias .= '.';

            foreach ($maps as $map) {
                //echo "start";
                $b = array();
                foreach ($map as $discriminator) {
                    list($column, $value) = each($discriminator);
                    $identifier = $this->_conn->quoteIdentifier($tableAlias . $column);
                    if ($index > 0) {
                        $b[] = '(' . $identifier . ' = ' . $this->_conn->quote($value)
                             . ' OR ' . $identifier . ' IS NULL)';
                    } else {
                        $b[] = $identifier . ' = ' . $this->_conn->quote($value);

                if ( ! empty($b)) {
                    if (count($b) > 1) {
                        $a[] = '(' . implode(' OR ', $b) . ')';
                    } else {
                        $a[] = implode(' OR ', $b);
            //echo "end<br />";
            if ( ! empty($a)) {
                $c[] = implode(' AND ', $a);

        $str .= implode(' AND ', $c);

        return $str;

     * getTableAlias
     * some database such as Oracle need the identifier lengths to be < ~30 chars
     * hence Doctrine creates as short identifier aliases as possible
     * this method is used for the creation of short table aliases, its also
     * smart enough to check if an alias already exists for given component (componentAlias)
     * @param string $componentAlias    the alias for the query component to search table alias for
     * @param string $tableName         the table name from which the table alias is being created
     * @return string                   the generated / fetched short alias
     * @deprecated
    public function getTableAlias($componentAlias, $tableName = null)
        return $this->getSqlTableAlias($componentAlias, $tableName);

     * getSqlTableAlias
     * some database such as Oracle need the identifier lengths to be < ~30 chars
     * hence Doctrine creates as short identifier aliases as possible
     * this method is used for the creation of short table aliases, its also
     * smart enough to check if an alias already exists for given component (componentAlias)
     * @param string $componentAlias    the alias for the query component to search table alias for
     * @param string $tableName         the table name from which the table alias is being created
     * @return string                   the generated / fetched short alias
    public function getSqlTableAlias($componentAlias, $tableName = null)
        $alias = array_search($componentAlias, $this->_tableAliasMap);

        if ($alias !== false) {
            return $alias;

        if ($tableName === null) {
            throw new Doctrine_Query_Exception("Couldn't get short alias for " . $componentAlias);

        return $this->generateTableAlias($componentAlias, $tableName);

     * generateNewTableAlias
     * generates a new alias from given table alias
     * @param string $tableAlias    table alias from which to generate the new alias from
     * @return string               the created table alias
     * @deprecated
    public function generateNewTableAlias($oldAlias)
        return $this->generateNewSqlTableAlias($oldAlias);

     * generateNewSqlTableAlias
     * generates a new alias from given table alias
     * @param string $tableAlias    table alias from which to generate the new alias from
     * @return string               the created table alias
    public function generateNewSqlTableAlias($oldAlias)
        if (isset($this->_tableAliasMap[$oldAlias])) {
            // generate a new alias
            $name = substr($oldAlias, 0, 1);
            $i    = ((int) substr($oldAlias, 1));

            if ($i == 0) {
                $i = 1;

            $newIndex  = ($this->_tableAliasSeeds[$name] + $i);

            return $name . $newIndex;

        return $oldAlias;

     * getTableAliasSeed
     * returns the alias seed for given table alias
     * @param string $tableAlias    table alias that identifies the alias seed
     * @return integer              table alias seed
     * @deprecated
    public function getTableAliasSeed($sqlTableAlias)
        return $this->getSqlTableAliasSeed($sqlTableAlias);

     * getSqlTableAliasSeed
     * returns the alias seed for given table alias
     * @param string $tableAlias    table alias that identifies the alias seed
     * @return integer              table alias seed
    public function getSqlTableAliasSeed($sqlTableAlias)
        if ( ! isset($this->_tableAliasSeeds[$sqlTableAlias])) {
            return 0;
        return $this->_tableAliasSeeds[$sqlTableAlias];

     * hasAliasDeclaration
     * whether or not this object has a declaration for given component alias
     * @param string $componentAlias    the component alias the retrieve the declaration from
     * @return boolean
     * @deprecated
    public function hasAliasDeclaration($componentAlias)
        return $this->hasQueryComponent($componentAlias);

     * getAliasDeclaration
     * get the declaration for given component alias
     * @param string $componentAlias    the component alias the retrieve the declaration from
     * @return array                    the alias declaration
     * @deprecated
    public function getAliasDeclaration($componentAlias)
        return $this->getQueryComponent($componentAlias);

     * hasQueryComponent
     * whether or not this object has a declaration for given component alias
     * @param string $componentAlias    the component alias the retrieve the declaration from
     * @return boolean
    public function hasQueryComponent($componentAlias)
        return isset($this->_queryComponents[$componentAlias]);

     * getQueryComponent
     * get the declaration for given component alias
     * @param string $componentAlias    the component alias the retrieve the declaration from
     * @return array                    the alias declaration
    public function getQueryComponent($componentAlias)
        if ( ! isset($this->_queryComponents[$componentAlias])) {
            throw new Doctrine_Query_Exception('Unknown component alias ' . $componentAlias);

        return $this->_queryComponents[$componentAlias];

     * Sets the declaration for given component alias
     * @param string $componentAlias    the component alias to set the declaration to
     * @param string $queryComponent    the alias declaration
    public function setQueryComponent($componentAlias, array $queryComponent)
        $this->_queryComponents[$componentAlias] = $queryComponent;

     * copyAliases
     * copy aliases from another Hydrate object
     * this method is needed by DQL subqueries which need the aliases
     * of the parent query
     * @param Doctrine_Hydrate $query   the query object from which the
     *                                  aliases are copied from
     * @return Doctrine_Hydrate         this object
    public function copyAliases(Doctrine_Query_Abstract $query)
        $this->_tableAliasMap = $query->_tableAliasMap;
        $this->_queryComponents     = $query->_queryComponents;
        $this->_tableAliasSeeds = $query->_tableAliasSeeds;
        return $this;

     * getRootAlias
     * returns the alias of the the root component
     * @return array
    public function getRootAlias()
        if ( ! $this->_queryComponents) {

        return key($this->_queryComponents);

     * getRootDeclaration
     * returns the root declaration
     * @return array
    public function getRootDeclaration()
        $map = reset($this->_queryComponents);
        return $map;

     * getRoot
     * returns the root component for this object
     * @return Doctrine_Table       root components table
    public function getRoot()
        $map = reset($this->_queryComponents);

        if ( ! isset($map['table'])) {
            throw new Doctrine_Query_Exception('Root component not initialized.');

        return $map['table'];

     * generateTableAlias
     * generates a table alias from given table name and associates
     * it with given component alias
     * @param string $componentAlias    the component alias to be associated with generated table alias
     * @param string $tableName         the table name from which to generate the table alias
     * @return string                   the generated table alias
     * @deprecated
    public function generateTableAlias($componentAlias, $tableName)
        return $this->generateSqlTableAlias($componentAlias, $tableName);

     * generateSqlTableAlias
     * generates a table alias from given table name and associates
     * it with given component alias
     * @param string $componentAlias    the component alias to be associated with generated table alias
     * @param string $tableName         the table name from which to generate the table alias
     * @return string                   the generated table alias
    public function generateSqlTableAlias($componentAlias, $tableName)
        $char   = strtolower(substr($tableName, 0, 1));

        $alias  = $char;

        if ( ! isset($this->_tableAliasSeeds[$alias])) {
            $this->_tableAliasSeeds[$alias] = 1;

        while (isset($this->_tableAliasMap[$alias])) {
            if ( ! isset($this->_tableAliasSeeds[$alias])) {
                $this->_tableAliasSeeds[$alias] = 1;
            $alias = $char . ++$this->_tableAliasSeeds[$alias];

        $this->_tableAliasMap[$alias] = $componentAlias;

        return $alias;

     * getComponentAlias
     * get component alias associated with given table alias
     * @param string $sqlTableAlias    the SQL table alias that identifies the component alias
     * @return string               component alias
    public function getComponentAlias($sqlTableAlias)
        if ( ! isset($this->_tableAliasMap[$sqlTableAlias])) {
            throw new Doctrine_Query_Exception('Unknown table alias ' . $sqlTableAlias);
        return $this->_tableAliasMap[$sqlTableAlias];

     * _execute
     * @param array $params
     * @return PDOStatement  The executed PDOStatement.
    protected function _execute($params)
        $params = $this->_conn->convertBooleans($params);

        if ( ! $this->_view) {
            if ($this->_queryCache || $this->_conn->getAttribute(Doctrine::ATTR_QUERY_CACHE)) {
                $queryCacheDriver = $this->getQueryCacheDriver();
                // calculate hash for dql query
                $dql = $this->getDql();
                $hash = md5($dql . 'DOCTRINE_QUERY_CACHE_SALT');
                $cached = $queryCacheDriver->fetch($hash);
                if ($cached) {
                    $query = $this->_constructQueryFromCache($cached);
                } else {
                    $query = $this->getSqlQuery($params);
                    $serializedQuery = $this->getCachedForm($query);
                    $queryCacheDriver->save($hash, $serializedQuery, $this->_queryCacheTTL);
            } else {
                $query = $this->getSqlQuery($params);
        } else {
            $query = $this->_view->getSelectSql();

        $params = $this->convertEnums($params);

        if ($this->isLimitSubqueryUsed() &&
                $this->_conn->getAttribute(Doctrine::ATTR_DRIVER_NAME) !== 'mysql') {
            $params = array_merge($params, $params);

        if ($this->_type !== self::SELECT) {
            return $this->_conn->exec($query, $params);

        $stmt = $this->_conn->execute($query, $params);

        return $stmt;

     * execute
     * executes the query and populates the data set
     * @param string $params
     * @return Doctrine_Collection            the root collection
    public function execute($params = array(), $hydrationMode = null)
        $params = array_merge($this->_params['join'],

        if ($this->_resultCache) {
            $cacheDriver = $this->getResultCacheDriver();

            $dql = $this->getDql();
            // calculate hash for dql query
            $hash = md5($dql . var_export($params, true));

            $cached = ($this->_expireResultCache) ? false : $cacheDriver->fetch($hash);

            if ($cached === false) {
                // cache miss
                $stmt = $this->_execute($params);
                $result = $this->_hydrator->hydrateResultSet($stmt, $this->_tableAliasMap,

                $cached = $this->getCachedForm($result);
                $cacheDriver->save($hash, $cached, $this->_resultCacheTTL);
                return $result;
            } else {
                return $this->_constructQueryFromCache($cached);
        } else {
            $stmt = $this->_execute($params);

            if (is_integer($stmt)) {
                return $stmt;

            return $this->_hydrator->hydrateResultSet($stmt, $this->_tableAliasMap, $hydrationMode);

     * Constructs the query from the cached form.
     * @param string  The cached query, in a serialized form.
     * @return array  The custom component that was cached together with the essential
     *                query data. This can be either a result set (result caching)
     *                or an SQL query string (query caching).
    protected function _constructQueryFromCache($cached)
        $cached = unserialize($cached);
        $this->_tableAliasMap = $cached[2];
        $customComponent = $cached[0];

        $queryComponents = array();
        $cachedComponents = $cached[1];
        foreach ($cachedComponents as $alias => $components) {
            $e = explode('.', $components[0]);
            if (count($e) === 1) {
                $queryComponents[$alias]['mapper'] = $this->_conn->getMapper($e[0]);
                $queryComponents[$alias]['table'] = $queryComponents[$alias]['mapper']->getTable();
            } else {
                $queryComponents[$alias]['parent'] = $e[0];
                $queryComponents[$alias]['relation'] = $queryComponents[$e[0]]['table']->getRelation($e[1]);
                $queryComponents[$alias]['mapper'] = $this->_conn->getMapper($queryComponents[$alias]['relation']->getForeignComponentName());
                $queryComponents[$alias]['table'] = $queryComponents[$alias]['mapper']->getTable();
            if (isset($v[1])) {
                $queryComponents[$alias]['agg'] = $components[1];
            if (isset($v[2])) {
                $queryComponents[$alias]['map'] = $components[2];
        $this->_queryComponents = $queryComponents;

        return $customComponent;

     * getCachedForm
     * returns the cached form of this query for given resultSet
     * @param array $resultSet
     * @return string           serialized string representation of this query
    public function getCachedForm($customComponent = null)
        $componentInfo = array();

        foreach ($this->getQueryComponents() as $alias => $components) {
            if ( ! isset($components['parent'])) {
                $componentInfo[$alias][] = $components['mapper']->getComponentName();
                //$componentInfo[$alias][] = $components['mapper']->getComponentName();
            } else {
                $componentInfo[$alias][] = $components['parent'] . '.' . $components['relation']->getAlias();
            if (isset($components['agg'])) {
                $componentInfo[$alias][] = $components['agg'];
            if (isset($components['map'])) {
                $componentInfo[$alias][] = $components['map'];

        return serialize(array($customComponent, $componentInfo, $this->getTableAliasMap()));

     * addSelect
     * adds fields to the SELECT part of the query
     * @param string $select        Query SELECT part
     * @return Doctrine_Query
    public function addSelect($select)
        return $this->_addDqlQueryPart('select', $select, true);

     * addTableAlias
     * adds an alias for table and associates it with given component alias
     * @param string $componentAlias    the alias for the query component associated with given tableAlias
     * @param string $tableAlias        the table alias to be added
     * @return Doctrine_Hydrate
     * @deprecated
    public function addTableAlias($tableAlias, $componentAlias)
        return $this->addSqlTableAlias($tableAlias, $componentAlias);

     * addSqlTableAlias
     * adds an SQL table alias and associates it a component alias
     * @param string $componentAlias    the alias for the query component associated with given tableAlias
     * @param string $tableAlias        the table alias to be added
     * @return Doctrine_Query_Abstract
    public function addSqlTableAlias($sqlTableAlias, $componentAlias)
        $this->_tableAliasMap[$sqlTableAlias] = $componentAlias;
        return $this;

     * addFrom
     * adds fields to the FROM part of the query
     * @param string $from        Query FROM part
     * @return Doctrine_Query
    public function addFrom($from)
        return $this->_addDqlQueryPart('from', $from, true);

     * addWhere
     * adds conditions to the WHERE part of the query
     * @param string $where         Query WHERE part
     * @param mixed $params         an array of parameters or a simple scalar
     * @return Doctrine_Query
    public function addWhere($where, $params = array())
        if (is_array($params)) {
            $this->_params['where'] = array_merge($this->_params['where'], $params);
        } else {
            $this->_params['where'][] = $params;
        return $this->_addDqlQueryPart('where', $where, true);

     * whereIn
     * adds IN condition to the query WHERE part
     * @param string $expr          the operand of the IN
     * @param mixed $params         an array of parameters or a simple scalar
     * @param boolean $not          whether or not to use NOT in front of IN
     * @return Doctrine_Query
    public function whereIn($expr, $params = array(), $not = false)
        $params = (array) $params;

        // if there's no params, return (else we'll get a WHERE IN (), invalid SQL)
        if (!count($params))
          return $this;

        $a = array();
        foreach ($params as $k => $value) {
            if ($value instanceof Doctrine_Expression) {
                $value = $value->getSql();
            } else {
                $value = '?';
            $a[] = $value;

        $this->_params['where'] = array_merge($this->_params['where'], $params);

        $where = $expr . ($not === true ? ' NOT ':'') . ' IN (' . implode(', ', $a) . ')';

        return $this->_addDqlQueryPart('where', $where, true);

     * whereNotIn
     * adds NOT IN condition to the query WHERE part
     * @param string $expr          the operand of the NOT IN
     * @param mixed $params         an array of parameters or a simple scalar
     * @return Doctrine_Query
    public function whereNotIn($expr, $params = array())
        return $this->whereIn($expr, $params, true);

     * addGroupBy
     * adds fields to the GROUP BY part of the query
     * @param string $groupby       Query GROUP BY part
     * @return Doctrine_Query
    public function addGroupBy($groupby)
        return $this->_addDqlQueryPart('groupby', $groupby, true);

     * addHaving
     * adds conditions to the HAVING part of the query
     * @param string $having        Query HAVING part
     * @param mixed $params         an array of parameters or a simple scalar
     * @return Doctrine_Query
    public function addHaving($having, $params = array())
        if (is_array($params)) {
            $this->_params['having'] = array_merge($this->_params['having'], $params);
        } else {
            $this->_params['having'][] = $params;
        return $this->_addDqlQueryPart('having', $having, true);

     * addOrderBy
     * adds fields to the ORDER BY part of the query
     * @param string $orderby       Query ORDER BY part
     * @return Doctrine_Query
    public function addOrderBy($orderby)
        return $this->_addDqlQueryPart('orderby', $orderby, true);

     * select
     * sets the SELECT part of the query
     * @param string $select        Query SELECT part
     * @return Doctrine_Query
    public function select($select)
        return $this->_addDqlQueryPart('select', $select);

     * distinct
     * Makes the query SELECT DISTINCT.
     * @param bool $flag            Whether or not the SELECT is DISTINCT (default true).
     * @return Doctrine_Query
    public function distinct($flag = true)
        $this->_sqlParts['distinct'] = (bool) $flag;
        return $this;

     * forUpdate
     * Makes the query SELECT FOR UPDATE.
     * @param bool $flag            Whether or not the SELECT is FOR UPDATE (default true).
     * @return Doctrine_Query
    public function forUpdate($flag = true)
        $this->_sqlParts[self::FOR_UPDATE] = (bool) $flag;
        return $this;

     * delete
     * sets the query type to DELETE
     * @return Doctrine_Query
    public function delete()
        $this->_type = self::DELETE;
        return $this;

     * update
     * sets the UPDATE part of the query
     * @param string $update        Query UPDATE part
     * @return Doctrine_Query
    public function update($update)
        $this->_type = self::UPDATE;
        return $this->_addDqlQueryPart('from', $update);

     * set
     * sets the SET part of the query
     * @param string $update        Query UPDATE part
     * @return Doctrine_Query
    public function set($key, $value, $params = null)
        if (is_array($key)) {
            foreach ($key as $k => $v) {
                $this->set($k, '?', array($v));
            return $this;
        } else {
            if ($params !== null) {
                if (is_array($params)) {
                    $this->_params['set'] = array_merge($this->_params['set'], $params);
                } else {
                    $this->_params['set'][] = $params;
            return $this->_addDqlQueryPart('set', $key . ' = ' . $value, true);

     * from
     * sets the FROM part of the query
     * @param string $from          Query FROM part
     * @return Doctrine_Query
    public function from($from)
        return $this->_addDqlQueryPart('from', $from);

     * innerJoin
     * appends an INNER JOIN to the FROM part of the query
     * @param string $join         Query INNER JOIN
     * @return Doctrine_Query
    public function innerJoin($join, $params = array())
        if (is_array($params)) {
            $this->_params['join'] = array_merge($this->_params['join'], $params);
        } else {
            $this->_params['join'][] = $params;

        return $this->_addDqlQueryPart('from', 'INNER JOIN ' . $join, true);

     * leftJoin
     * appends a LEFT JOIN to the FROM part of the query
     * @param string $join         Query LEFT JOIN
     * @return Doctrine_Query
    public function leftJoin($join, $params = array())
        if (is_array($params)) {
            $this->_params['join'] = array_merge($this->_params['join'], $params);
        } else {
            $this->_params['join'][] = $params;

        return $this->_addDqlQueryPart('from', 'LEFT JOIN ' . $join, true);

     * groupBy
     * sets the GROUP BY part of the query
     * @param string $groupby      Query GROUP BY part
     * @return Doctrine_Query
    public function groupBy($groupby)
        return $this->_addDqlQueryPart('groupby', $groupby);

     * where
     * sets the WHERE part of the query
     * @param string $join         Query WHERE part
     * @param mixed $params        an array of parameters or a simple scalar
     * @return Doctrine_Query
    public function where($where, $params = array())
        $this->_params['where'] = array();
        if (is_array($params)) {
            $this->_params['where'] = $params;
        } else {
            $this->_params['where'][] = $params;

        return $this->_addDqlQueryPart('where', $where);

     * having
     * sets the HAVING part of the query
     * @param string $having       Query HAVING part
     * @param mixed $params        an array of parameters or a simple scalar
     * @return Doctrine_Query
    public function having($having, $params = array())
        $this->_params['having'] = array();
        if (is_array($params)) {
            $this->_params['having'] = $params;
        } else {
            $this->_params['having'][] = $params;

        return $this->_addDqlQueryPart('having', $having);

     * orderBy
     * sets the ORDER BY part of the query
     * @param string $orderby      Query ORDER BY part
     * @return Doctrine_Query
    public function orderBy($orderby)
        return $this->_addDqlQueryPart('orderby', $orderby);

     * limit
     * sets the Query query limit
     * @param integer $limit        limit to be used for limiting the query results
     * @return Doctrine_Query
    public function limit($limit)
        return $this->_addDqlQueryPart('limit', $limit);

     * offset
     * sets the Query query offset
     * @param integer $offset       offset to be used for paginating the query
     * @return Doctrine_Query
    public function offset($offset)
        return $this->_addDqlQueryPart('offset', $offset);

     * getSql
     * shortcut for {@link getSqlQuery()}.
     * @return string   sql query string
    public function getSql()
        return $this->getSqlQuery();

     * clear
     * resets all the variables
     * @return void
    protected function clear()
        $this->_sqlParts = array(
                    'select'    => array(),
                    'distinct'  => false,
                    'forUpdate' => false,
                    'from'      => array(),
                    'set'       => array(),
                    'join'      => array(),
                    'where'     => array(),
                    'groupby'   => array(),
                    'having'    => array(),
                    'orderby'   => array(),
                    'limit'     => false,
                    'offset'    => false,

    public function setHydrationMode($hydrationMode)
        return $this;

     * @deprecated
    public function getAliasMap()
        return $this->_queryComponents;

     * Gets the components of this query.
    public function getQueryComponents()
        return $this->_queryComponents;

     * Return the SQL parts.
     * @return array The parts
     * @deprecated
    public function getParts()
        return $this->getSqlParts();

     * Return the SQL parts.
     * @return array The parts
    public function getSqlParts()
        return $this->_sqlParts;

     * getType
     * returns the type of this query object
     * by default the type is Doctrine_Query_Abstract::SELECT but if update() or delete()
     * are being called the type is Doctrine_Query_Abstract::UPDATE and Doctrine_Query_Abstract::DELETE,
     * respectively
     * @see Doctrine_Query_Abstract::SELECT
     * @see Doctrine_Query_Abstract::UPDATE
     * @see Doctrine_Query_Abstract::DELETE
     * @return integer      return the query type
    public function getType()
        return $this->_type;

     * useCache
     * @param Doctrine_Cache_Interface|bool $driver      cache driver
     * @param integer $timeToLive                        how long the cache entry is valid
     * @return Doctrine_Hydrate         this object
     * @deprecated Use useResultCache()
    public function useCache($driver = true, $timeToLive = null)
        return $this->useResultCache($driver, $timeToLive);

     * useResultCache
     * @param Doctrine_Cache_Interface|bool $driver      cache driver
     * @param integer $timeToLive                        how long the cache entry is valid
     * @return Doctrine_Hydrate         this object
    public function useResultCache($driver = true, $timeToLive = null)
        if ($driver !== null && $driver !== true && ! ($driver instanceOf Doctrine_Cache_Interface)){
            $msg = 'First argument should be instance of Doctrine_Cache_Interface or null.';
            throw new Doctrine_Query_Exception($msg);
        $this->_resultCache = $driver;

        return $this->setResultCacheLifeSpan($timeToLive);

     * useQueryCache
     * @param Doctrine_Cache_Interface|bool $driver      cache driver
     * @param integer $timeToLive                        how long the cache entry is valid
     * @return Doctrine_Hydrate         this object
    public function useQueryCache(Doctrine_Cache_Interface $driver, $timeToLive = null)
        $this->_queryCache = $driver;
        return $this->setQueryCacheLifeSpan($timeToLive);

     * expireCache
     * @param boolean $expire       whether or not to force cache expiration
     * @return Doctrine_Hydrate     this object
     * @deprecated Use expireResultCache()
    public function expireCache($expire = true)
        return $this->expireResultCache($expire);

     * expireCache
     * @param boolean $expire       whether or not to force cache expiration
     * @return Doctrine_Hydrate     this object
    public function expireResultCache($expire = true)
        $this->_expireResultCache = true;
        return $this;

     * expireQueryCache
     * @param boolean $expire       whether or not to force cache expiration
     * @return Doctrine_Hydrate     this object
    public function expireQueryCache($expire = true)
        $this->_expireQueryCache = true;
        return $this;

     * setCacheLifeSpan
     * @param integer $timeToLive   how long the cache entry is valid
     * @return Doctrine_Hydrate     this object
     * @deprecated Use setResultCacheLifeSpan()
    public function setCacheLifeSpan($timeToLive)
        return $this->setResultCacheLifeSpan($timeToLive);

     * setResultCacheLifeSpan
     * @param integer $timeToLive   how long the cache entry is valid
     * @return Doctrine_Hydrate     this object
    public function setResultCacheLifeSpan($timeToLive)
        if ($timeToLive !== null) {
            $timeToLive = (int) $timeToLive;
        $this->_resultCacheTTL = $timeToLive;

        return $this;

     * setQueryCacheLifeSpan
     * @param integer $timeToLive   how long the cache entry is valid
     * @return Doctrine_Hydrate     this object
    public function setQueryCacheLifeSpan($timeToLive)
        if ($timeToLive !== null) {
            $timeToLive = (int) $timeToLive;
        $this->_queryCacheTTL = $timeToLive;

        return $this;

     * getCacheDriver
     * returns the cache driver associated with this object
     * @return Doctrine_Cache_Interface|boolean|null    cache driver
     * @deprecated Use getResultCacheDriver()
    public function getCacheDriver()
        return $this->getResultCacheDriver();

     * getResultCacheDriver
     * returns the cache driver used for caching result sets
     * @return Doctrine_Cache_Interface|boolean|null    cache driver
    public function getResultCacheDriver()
        if ($this->_resultCache instanceof Doctrine_Cache_Interface) {
            return $this->_resultCache;
        } else {
            return $this->_conn->getResultCacheDriver();

     * getQueryCacheDriver
     * returns the cache driver used for caching queries
     * @return Doctrine_Cache_Interface|boolean|null    cache driver
    public function getQueryCacheDriver()
        if ($this->_queryCache instanceof Doctrine_Cache_Interface) {
            return $this->_queryCache;
        } else {
            return $this->_conn->getQueryCacheDriver();

     * getConnection
     * @return Doctrine_Connection
    public function getConnection()
        return $this->_conn;

    public function setConnection(Doctrine_Connection $conn)
        $this->_conn = $conn;

     * Adds a DQL part to the internal parts collection.
     * @param string $queryPartName  The name of the query part.
     * @param string $queryPart      The actual query part to add.
     * @param boolean $append        Whether to append $queryPart to already existing
     *                               parts under the same $queryPartName. Defaults to FALSE
     *                               (previously added parts with the same name get overridden).
    protected function _addDqlQueryPart($queryPartName, $queryPart, $append = false)
        if ($append) {
            $this->_dqlParts[$queryPartName][] = $queryPart;
        } else {
            $this->_dqlParts[$queryPartName] = array($queryPart);

        $this->_state = Doctrine_Query::STATE_DIRTY;
        return $this;

     * Gets the SQL query that corresponds to this query object.
     * The returned SQL syntax depends on the connection driver that is used
     * by this query object at the time of this method call.
     * @param array $params
    abstract public function getSqlQuery($params = array());

     * @deprecated
    public function getQuery($params = array())
        return $this->getSqlQuery($params);