<?php class Doctrine_Query_Parser { /** * The minimum number of tokens read after last detected error before * another error can be reported. * * @var int */ const MIN_ERROR_DISTANCE = 2; /** * A scanner object. * * @var Doctrine_Query_Scanner */ protected $_scanner; /** * An array of production objects with their names as keys. * * @var array */ protected $_productions = array(); /** * The next token in the query string. * * @var Doctrine_Query_Token */ public $lookahead; /** * Array containing syntax and semantical errors detected in the query * string during parsing process. * * @var array */ protected $_errors = array(); /** * The number of tokens read since last error in the input string * * @var int */ protected $_errorDistance = self::MIN_ERROR_DISTANCE; /** * A query printer object used to print a parse tree from the input string. * * @var Doctrine_Query_Printer */ protected $_printer; /** * Creates a new query parser object. * * @param string $input query string to be parsed */ public function __construct($input) { $this->_scanner = new Doctrine_Query_Scanner($input); $this->_printer = new Doctrine_Query_Printer(true); } public function getProduction($name) { if ( ! isset($this->_productions[$name])) { $class = 'Doctrine_Query_Production_' . $name; $this->_productions[$name] = new $class($this); } return $this->_productions[$name]; } /** * Attempts to match the given token with the current lookahead token. * * If they match, updates the lookahead token; otherwise raises a syntax * error. * * @param int|string token type or value */ public function match($token) { if (is_string($token)) { $isMatch = ($this->lookahead['value'] === $token); } else { $isMatch = ($this->lookahead['type'] === $token); } if ($isMatch) { //$this->_printer->println($this->lookahead['value']); $this->lookahead = $this->_scanner->scan(); $this->_errorDistance++; } else { $this->syntaxError(); } } public function syntaxError() { $this->_error('Unexpected "' . $this->lookahead['value'] . '"'); } public function semanticalError($message) { $this->_error($message); } protected function _error($message) { if ($this->_errorDistance >= self::MIN_ERROR_DISTANCE) { $message .= 'at line ' . $this->lookahead['line'] . ', column ' . $this->lookahead['column']; $this->_errors[] = $message; } $this->_errorDistance = 0; } /** * Returns the scanner object associated with this object. * * @return Doctrine_Query_Scanner */ public function getScanner() { return $this->_scanner; } public function getPrinter() { return $this->_printer; } /** * Parses a query string. * * @throws Doctrine_Query_Parser_Exception if errors were detected in the query string */ public function parse() { $this->lookahead = $this->_scanner->scan(); $this->getProduction('QueryLanguage')->execute(); $this->match(Doctrine_Query_Token::T_EOS); if (count($this->_errors)) { $msg = 'Query string parsing failed (' . implode('; ', $this->_errors) . ').'; throw new Doctrine_Query_Parser_Exception($msg); } } }