<?php namespace Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\SQLAnywhere; use Doctrine\DBAL\DBALException; use Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\AbstractSQLAnywhereDriver; use function array_keys; use function array_map; use function implode; /** * A Doctrine DBAL driver for the SAP Sybase SQL Anywhere PHP extension. */ class Driver extends AbstractSQLAnywhereDriver { /** * {@inheritdoc} * * @throws DBALException If there was a problem establishing the connection. */ public function connect(array $params, $username = null, $password = null, array $driverOptions = []) { try { return new SQLAnywhereConnection( $this->buildDsn( $params['host'] ?? null, $params['port'] ?? null, $params['server'] ?? null, $params['dbname'] ?? null, $username, $password, $driverOptions ), $params['persistent'] ?? false ); } catch (SQLAnywhereException $e) { throw DBALException::driverException($this, $e); } } /** * {@inheritdoc} * * @deprecated */ public function getName() { return 'sqlanywhere'; } /** * Build the connection string for given connection parameters and driver options. * * @param string|null $host Host address to connect to. * @param int|null $port Port to use for the connection (default to SQL Anywhere standard port 2638). * @param string|null $server Database server name on the host to connect to. * SQL Anywhere allows multiple database server instances on the same host, * therefore specifying the server instance name to use is mandatory. * @param string|null $dbname Name of the database on the server instance to connect to. * @param string|null $username User name to use for connection authentication. * @param string|null $password Password to use for connection authentication. * @param mixed[] $driverOptions Additional parameters to use for the connection. * * @return string */ private function buildDsn($host, $port, $server, $dbname, $username = null, $password = null, array $driverOptions = []) { $host = $host ?? 'localhost'; $port = $port ?? 2638; if (! empty($server)) { $server = ';ServerName=' . $server; } return 'HOST=' . $host . ':' . $port . $server . ';DBN=' . $dbname . ';UID=' . $username . ';PWD=' . $password . ';' . implode( ';', array_map(static function ($key, $value) : string { return $key . '=' . $value; }, array_keys($driverOptions), $driverOptions) ); } }