<?php class Doctrine_Cache_Sqlite { /** * STATS_FILE constant * the name of the statistics file */ const STATS_FILE = "stats.cache"; /** * SELECT constant * used as a base for SQL SELECT queries */ const SELECT = "SELECT object FROM %s WHERE id %s"; /** * INSERT constant * used as a base for SQL INSERT queries */ const INSERT = "REPLACE INTO %s (id, object) VALUES (?, ?)"; /** * DELETE constant * used as a base for SQL DELETE queries */ const DELETE = "DELETE FROM %s WHERE id %s"; /** * @var Doctrine_Table $table */ private $table; /** * @var PDO $dbh */ private $dbh; /** * @var array $fetched an array of fetched primary keys */ private $fetched = array(); public function __construct(Doctrine_Table $table) { $this->table = $table; $dir = $this->table->getSession()->getAttribute(Doctrine::ATTR_CACHE_DIR); if( ! is_dir($dir)) mkdir($dir, 0777); $this->path = $dir.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; $this->dbh = $this->table->getSession()->getCacheHandler(); try { $this->dbh->query("CREATE TABLE ".$this->table->getTableName()." (id INTEGER UNIQUE, object TEXT)"); } catch(PDOException $e) { } /** * create stats file */ if( ! file_exists($this->path.self::STATS_FILE)) touch($this->path.self::STATS_FILE); } /* * stores a Doctrine_Record into cache * @param Doctrine_Record $record record to be stored * @return boolean whether or not storing was successful */ public function store(Doctrine_Record $record) { if($record->getState() != Doctrine_Record::STATE_CLEAN) return false; $clone = clone $record; $id = $clone->getID(); $stmt = $this->dbh->query(sprintf(self::INSERT,$this->table->getTableName())); $stmt->execute(array($id, serialize($clone))); return true; } /** * fetches a Doctrine_Record from the cache * @param mixed $id * @return mixed false on failure, Doctrine_Record on success */ public function fetch($id) { $stmt = $this->dbh->query(sprintf(self::SELECT,$this->table->getTableName(),"= ?")); $stmt->execute(array($id)); $data = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_NUM); if($data === false) throw new InvalidKeyException(); $this->fetched[] = $id; $record = unserialize($data[0]); if(is_string($record)) { $this->delete($id); throw new InvalidKeyException(); } return $record; } /** * fetches multiple records from the cache * @param array $keys * @return mixed false on failure, an array of Doctrine_Record objects on success */ public function fetchMultiple(array $keys) { $count = (count($keys)-1); $keys = array_values($keys); $sql = sprintf(self::SELECT,$this->table->getTableName(),"IN (".str_repeat("?, ",$count)."?)"); $stmt = $this->dbh->query($sql); $stmt->execute($keys); while($data = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_NUM)) { $array[] = unserialize($data[0]); } $this->fetched = array_merge($this->fetched, $keys); if( ! isset($array)) return false; return $array; } /** * deletes all records from cache * @return void */ public function deleteAll() { $stmt = $this->dbh->query("DELETE FROM ".$this->table->getTableName()); return $stmt->rowCount(); } /** * @param mixed $id * @return void */ public function delete($id) { $stmt = $this->dbh->query(sprintf(self::DELETE,$this->table->getTableName(),"= ?")); $stmt->execute(array($id)); if($stmt->rowCount() > 0) return true; return false; } /** * count * @return integer */ public function count() { $stmt = $this->dbh->query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ".$this->table->getTableName()); $data = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_NUM); // table has two columns so we have to divide the count by two return ($data[0] / 2); } /** * @param array $keys * @return integer */ public function deleteMultiple(array $keys) { if(empty($keys)) return 0; $keys = array_values($keys); $count = (count($keys)-1); $sql = sprintf(self::DELETE,$this->table->getTableName(),"IN (".str_repeat("?, ",$count)."?)"); $stmt = $this->dbh->query($sql); $stmt->execute($keys); return $stmt->rowCount(); } /** * getStats * @return array an array of fetch statistics, keys as primary keys * and values as fetch times */ public function getStats() { $f = file_get_contents($this->path.self::STATS_FILE); // every cache file starts with a ":" $f = substr(trim($f),1); $e = explode(":",$f); return array_count_values($e); } /** * clean * @return void */ public function clean() { $stats = $this->getStats(); asort($stats); $size = $this->table->getAttribute(Doctrine::ATTR_CACHE_SIZE); $count = count($stats); if($count <= $size) return 0; $e = $count - $size; $keys = array(); foreach($stats as $id => $count) { if( ! $e--) break; $keys[] = $id; } return $this->deleteMultiple($keys); } /** * saves statistics * @return boolean */ public function saveStats() { if( ! empty($this->fetched)) { $fp = fopen($this->path.self::STATS_FILE,"a"); fwrite($fp,":".implode(":",$this->fetched)); fclose($fp); $this->fetched = array(); return true; } return false; } /** * autoClean * $ttl is the number of page loads between each cache cleaning * the default is 100 page loads * * this means that the average number of page loads between * each cache clean is 100 page loads (= 100 constructed Doctrine_Managers) * @return boolean */ public function autoClean() { $ttl = $this->table->getAttribute(Doctrine::ATTR_CACHE_TTL); $l1 = (mt_rand(1,$ttl) / $ttl); $l2 = (1 - 1/$ttl); if($l1 > $l2) { $this->clean(); return true; } return false; } /** * @param mixed $id */ public function addDelete($id) { $this->delete[] = $id; } /** * destructor * the purpose of this destructor is to save all the fetched * primary keys into the cache stats and to clean cache if necessary * */ public function __destruct() { $this->saveStats(); $this->autoClean(); } } ?>