<?php /* * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many individuals * and is licensed under the LGPL. For more information, see * <http://www.doctrine-project.org>. */ namespace Doctrine\Tests\DBAL\Schema; require_once __DIR__ . '/../../TestInit.php'; use Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\Schema, Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\Table, Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\Column, Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\Index, Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\Sequence, Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\SchemaDiff, Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\TableDiff, Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\Comparator, Doctrine\DBAL\Types\Type, Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\ForeignKeyConstraint; /** * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-license.php LGPL * @link www.doctrine-project.org * @copyright Copyright (C) 2005-2009 eZ Systems AS. All rights reserved. * @license http://ez.no/licenses/new_bsd New BSD License * @since 2.0 * @version $Revision$ * @author Benjamin Eberlei <kontakt@beberlei.de> */ class ComparatorTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase { public function testCompareSame1() { $schema1 = new Schema( array( 'bugdb' => new Table('bugdb', array ( 'integerfield1' => new Column('integerfield1', Type::getType('integer' ) ), ) ), ) ); $schema2 = new Schema( array( 'bugdb' => new Table('bugdb', array ( 'integerfield1' => new Column('integerfield1', Type::getType('integer') ), ) ), ) ); $this->assertEquals(new SchemaDiff(), Comparator::compareSchemas( $schema1, $schema2 ) ); } public function testCompareSame2() { $schema1 = new Schema( array( 'bugdb' => new Table('bugdb', array ( 'integerfield1' => new Column('integerfield1', Type::getType('integer')), 'integerfield2' => new Column('integerfield2', Type::getType('integer')), ) ), ) ); $schema2 = new Schema( array( 'bugdb' => new Table('bugdb', array ( 'integerfield2' => new Column('integerfield2', Type::getType('integer')), 'integerfield1' => new Column('integerfield1', Type::getType('integer')), ) ), ) ); $this->assertEquals(new SchemaDiff(), Comparator::compareSchemas( $schema1, $schema2 ) ); } public function testCompareMissingTable() { $schemaConfig = new \Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\SchemaConfig; $table = new Table('bugdb', array ('integerfield1' => new Column('integerfield1', Type::getType('integer')))); $table->setSchemaConfig($schemaConfig); $schema1 = new Schema( array($table), array(), $schemaConfig ); $schema2 = new Schema( array(), array(), $schemaConfig ); $expected = new SchemaDiff( array(), array(), array('bugdb' => $table) ); $this->assertEquals($expected, Comparator::compareSchemas( $schema1, $schema2 ) ); } public function testCompareNewTable() { $schemaConfig = new \Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\SchemaConfig; $table = new Table('bugdb', array ('integerfield1' => new Column('integerfield1', Type::getType('integer')))); $table->setSchemaConfig($schemaConfig); $schema1 = new Schema( array(), array(), $schemaConfig ); $schema2 = new Schema( array($table), array(), $schemaConfig ); $expected = new SchemaDiff( array('bugdb' => $table), array(), array() ); $this->assertEquals($expected, Comparator::compareSchemas( $schema1, $schema2 ) ); } public function testCompareOnlyAutoincrementChanged() { $column1 = new Column('foo', Type::getType('integer'), array('autoincrement' => true)); $column2 = new Column('foo', Type::getType('integer'), array('autoincrement' => false)); $comparator = new Comparator(); $changedProperties = $comparator->diffColumn($column1, $column2); $this->assertEquals(array('autoincrement'), $changedProperties); } public function testCompareMissingField() { $missingColumn = new Column('integerfield1', Type::getType('integer')); $schema1 = new Schema( array( 'bugdb' => new Table('bugdb', array ( 'integerfield1' => $missingColumn, 'integerfield2' => new Column('integerfield2', Type::getType('integer')), ) ), ) ); $schema2 = new Schema( array( 'bugdb' => new Table('bugdb', array ( 'integerfield2' => new Column('integerfield2', Type::getType('integer')), ) ), ) ); $expected = new SchemaDiff ( array(), array ( 'bugdb' => new TableDiff( 'bugdb', array(), array(), array ( 'integerfield1' => $missingColumn, ) ) ) ); $this->assertEquals($expected, Comparator::compareSchemas( $schema1, $schema2 ) ); } public function testCompareNewField() { $schema1 = new Schema( array( 'bugdb' => new Table('bugdb', array ( 'integerfield1' => new Column('integerfield1', Type::getType('integer')), ) ), ) ); $schema2 = new Schema( array( 'bugdb' => new Table('bugdb', array ( 'integerfield1' => new Column('integerfield1', Type::getType('integer')), 'integerfield2' => new Column('integerfield2', Type::getType('integer')), ) ), ) ); $expected = new SchemaDiff ( array(), array ( 'bugdb' => new TableDiff ('bugdb', array ( 'integerfield2' => new Column('integerfield2', Type::getType('integer')), ) ), ) ); $this->assertEquals($expected, Comparator::compareSchemas( $schema1, $schema2 ) ); } public function testCompareChangedColumns_ChangeType() { $column1 = new Column('charfield1', Type::getType('string')); $column2 = new Column('charfield1', Type::getType('integer')); $c = new Comparator(); $this->assertEquals(array('type'), $c->diffColumn($column1, $column2)); $this->assertEquals(array(), $c->diffColumn($column1, $column1)); } public function testCompareRemovedIndex() { $schema1 = new Schema( array( 'bugdb' => new Table('bugdb', array ( 'integerfield1' => new Column('integerfield1', Type::getType('integer')), 'integerfield2' => new Column('integerfield2', Type::getType('integer')), ), array ( 'primary' => new Index('primary', array( 'integerfield1' ), true ) ) ), ) ); $schema2 = new Schema( array( 'bugdb' => new Table('bugdb', array ( 'integerfield1' => new Column('integerfield1', Type::getType('integer')), 'integerfield2' => new Column('integerfield2', Type::getType('integer')), ) ), ) ); $expected = new SchemaDiff ( array(), array ( 'bugdb' => new TableDiff( 'bugdb', array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array ( 'primary' => new Index('primary', array( 'integerfield1' ), true ) ) ), ) ); $this->assertEquals($expected, Comparator::compareSchemas( $schema1, $schema2 ) ); } public function testCompareNewIndex() { $schema1 = new Schema( array( 'bugdb' => new Table('bugdb', array ( 'integerfield1' => new Column('integerfield1', Type::getType('integer')), 'integerfield2' => new Column('integerfield2', Type::getType('integer')), ) ), ) ); $schema2 = new Schema( array( 'bugdb' => new Table('bugdb', array ( 'integerfield1' => new Column('integerfield1', Type::getType('integer')), 'integerfield2' => new Column('integerfield2', Type::getType('integer')), ), array ( 'primary' => new Index('primary', array( 'integerfield1' ), true ) ) ), ) ); $expected = new SchemaDiff ( array(), array ( 'bugdb' => new TableDiff( 'bugdb', array(), array(), array(), array ( 'primary' => new Index('primary', array( 'integerfield1' ), true ) ) ), ) ); $this->assertEquals($expected, Comparator::compareSchemas( $schema1, $schema2 ) ); } public function testCompareChangedIndex() { $schema1 = new Schema( array( 'bugdb' => new Table('bugdb', array ( 'integerfield1' => new Column('integerfield1', Type::getType('integer')), 'integerfield2' => new Column('integerfield2', Type::getType('integer')), ), array ( 'primary' => new Index('primary', array( 'integerfield1' ), true ) ) ), ) ); $schema2 = new Schema( array( 'bugdb' => new Table('bugdb', array ( 'integerfield1' => new Column('integerfield1', Type::getType('integer')), 'integerfield2' => new Column('integerfield2', Type::getType('integer')), ), array ( 'primary' => new Index('primary', array('integerfield1', 'integerfield2'), true ) ) ), ) ); $expected = new SchemaDiff ( array(), array ( 'bugdb' => new TableDiff( 'bugdb', array(), array(), array(), array(), array ( 'primary' => new Index('primary', array( 'integerfield1', 'integerfield2' ), true ) ) ), ) ); $actual = Comparator::compareSchemas( $schema1, $schema2 ); $this->assertEquals($expected, $actual); } public function testCompareChangedIndexFieldPositions() { $schema1 = new Schema( array( 'bugdb' => new Table('bugdb', array ( 'integerfield1' => new Column('integerfield1', Type::getType('integer')), 'integerfield2' => new Column('integerfield2', Type::getType('integer')), ), array ( 'primary' => new Index('primary', array('integerfield1', 'integerfield2'), true) ) ), ) ); $schema2 = new Schema( array( 'bugdb' => new Table('bugdb', array ( 'integerfield1' => new Column('integerfield1', Type::getType('integer')), 'integerfield2' => new Column('integerfield2', Type::getType('integer')), ), array ( 'primary' => new Index('primary', array('integerfield2', 'integerfield1'), true) ) ), ) ); $expected = new SchemaDiff ( array(), array ( 'bugdb' => new TableDiff('bugdb', array(), array(), array(), array(), array ( 'primary' => new Index('primary', array('integerfield2', 'integerfield1'), true) ) ), ) ); $actual = Comparator::compareSchemas( $schema1, $schema2 ); $this->assertEquals($expected, $actual); } public function testCompareSequences() { $seq1 = new Sequence('foo', 1, 1); $seq2 = new Sequence('foo', 1, 2); $seq3 = new Sequence('foo', 2, 1); $c = new Comparator(); $this->assertTrue($c->diffSequence($seq1, $seq2)); $this->assertTrue($c->diffSequence($seq1, $seq3)); } public function testRemovedSequence() { $schema1 = new Schema(); $seq = $schema1->createSequence('foo'); $schema2 = new Schema(); $c = new Comparator(); $diffSchema = $c->compare($schema1, $schema2); $this->assertEquals(1, count($diffSchema->removedSequences)); $this->assertSame($seq, $diffSchema->removedSequences[0]); } public function testAddedSequence() { $schema1 = new Schema(); $schema2 = new Schema(); $seq = $schema2->createSequence('foo'); $c = new Comparator(); $diffSchema = $c->compare($schema1, $schema2); $this->assertEquals(1, count($diffSchema->newSequences)); $this->assertSame($seq, $diffSchema->newSequences[0]); } public function testTableAddForeignKey() { $tableForeign = new Table("bar"); $tableForeign->addColumn('id', 'integer'); $table1 = new Table("foo"); $table1->addColumn('fk', 'integer'); $table2 = new Table("foo"); $table2->addColumn('fk', 'integer'); $table2->addForeignKeyConstraint($tableForeign, array('fk'), array('id')); $c = new Comparator(); $tableDiff = $c->diffTable($table1, $table2); $this->assertInstanceOf('Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\TableDiff', $tableDiff); $this->assertEquals(1, count($tableDiff->addedForeignKeys)); } public function testTableRemoveForeignKey() { $tableForeign = new Table("bar"); $tableForeign->addColumn('id', 'integer'); $table1 = new Table("foo"); $table1->addColumn('fk', 'integer'); $table2 = new Table("foo"); $table2->addColumn('fk', 'integer'); $table2->addForeignKeyConstraint($tableForeign, array('fk'), array('id')); $c = new Comparator(); $tableDiff = $c->diffTable($table2, $table1); $this->assertInstanceOf('Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\TableDiff', $tableDiff); $this->assertEquals(1, count($tableDiff->removedForeignKeys)); } public function testTableUpdateForeignKey() { $tableForeign = new Table("bar"); $tableForeign->addColumn('id', 'integer'); $table1 = new Table("foo"); $table1->addColumn('fk', 'integer'); $table1->addForeignKeyConstraint($tableForeign, array('fk'), array('id')); $table2 = new Table("foo"); $table2->addColumn('fk', 'integer'); $table2->addForeignKeyConstraint($tableForeign, array('fk'), array('id'), array('onUpdate' => 'CASCADE')); $c = new Comparator(); $tableDiff = $c->diffTable($table1, $table2); $this->assertInstanceOf('Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\TableDiff', $tableDiff); $this->assertEquals(1, count($tableDiff->changedForeignKeys)); } public function testTablesCaseInsensitive() { $schemaA = new Schema(); $schemaA->createTable('foo'); $schemaA->createTable('bAr'); $schemaA->createTable('BAZ'); $schemaA->createTable('new'); $schemaB = new Schema(); $schemaB->createTable('FOO'); $schemaB->createTable('bar'); $schemaB->createTable('Baz'); $schemaB->createTable('old'); $c = new Comparator(); $diff = $c->compare($schemaA, $schemaB); $this->assertSchemaTableChangeCount($diff, 1, 0, 1); } public function testSequencesCaseInsenstive() { $schemaA = new Schema(); $schemaA->createSequence('foo'); $schemaA->createSequence('BAR'); $schemaA->createSequence('Baz'); $schemaA->createSequence('new'); $schemaB = new Schema(); $schemaB->createSequence('FOO'); $schemaB->createSequence('Bar'); $schemaB->createSequence('baz'); $schemaB->createSequence('old'); $c = new Comparator(); $diff = $c->compare($schemaA, $schemaB); $this->assertSchemaSequenceChangeCount($diff, 1, 0, 1); } public function testCompareColumnCompareCaseInsensitive() { $tableA = new Table("foo"); $tableA->addColumn('id', 'integer'); $tableB = new Table("foo"); $tableB->addColumn('ID', 'integer'); $c = new Comparator(); $tableDiff = $c->diffTable($tableA, $tableB); $this->assertFalse($tableDiff); } public function testCompareIndexBasedOnPropertiesNotName() { $tableA = new Table("foo"); $tableA->addColumn('id', 'integer'); $tableA->addIndex(array("id"), "foo_bar_idx"); $tableB = new Table("foo"); $tableB->addColumn('ID', 'integer'); $tableB->addIndex(array("id"), "bar_foo_idx"); $c = new Comparator(); $tableDiff = $c->diffTable($tableA, $tableB); $this->assertFalse($tableDiff); } public function testCompareForeignKeyBasedOnPropertiesNotName() { $tableA = new Table("foo"); $tableA->addColumn('id', 'integer'); $tableA->addNamedForeignKeyConstraint('foo_constraint', 'bar', array('id'), array('id')); $tableB = new Table("foo"); $tableB->addColumn('ID', 'integer'); $tableB->addNamedForeignKeyConstraint('bar_constraint', 'bar', array('id'), array('id')); $c = new Comparator(); $tableDiff = $c->diffTable($tableA, $tableB); $this->assertFalse($tableDiff); } public function testCompareForeignKey_RestrictNoAction_AreTheSame() { $fk1 = new ForeignKeyConstraint(array("foo"), "bar", array("baz"), "fk1", array('onDelete' => 'NO ACTION')); $fk2 = new ForeignKeyConstraint(array("foo"), "bar", array("baz"), "fk1", array('onDelete' => 'RESTRICT')); $c = new Comparator(); $this->assertFalse($c->diffForeignKey($fk1, $fk2)); } public function testDetectRenameColumn() { $tableA = new Table("foo"); $tableA->addColumn('foo', 'integer'); $tableB = new Table("foo"); $tableB->addColumn('bar', 'integer'); $c = new Comparator(); $tableDiff = $c->diffTable($tableA, $tableB); $this->assertEquals(0, count($tableDiff->addedColumns)); $this->assertEquals(0, count($tableDiff->removedColumns)); $this->assertArrayHasKey('foo', $tableDiff->renamedColumns); $this->assertEquals('bar', $tableDiff->renamedColumns['foo']->getName()); } /** * You can easily have ambiguouties in the column renaming. If these * are detected no renaming should take place, instead adding and dropping * should be used exclusively. * * @group DBAL-24 */ public function testDetectRenameColumnAmbiguous() { $tableA = new Table("foo"); $tableA->addColumn('foo', 'integer'); $tableA->addColumn('bar', 'integer'); $tableB = new Table("foo"); $tableB->addColumn('baz', 'integer'); $c = new Comparator(); $tableDiff = $c->diffTable($tableA, $tableB); $this->assertEquals(1, count($tableDiff->addedColumns), "'baz' should be added, not created through renaming!"); $this->assertArrayHasKey('baz', $tableDiff->addedColumns, "'baz' should be added, not created through renaming!"); $this->assertEquals(2, count($tableDiff->removedColumns), "'foo' and 'bar' should both be dropped, an ambigouty exists which one could be renamed to 'baz'."); $this->assertArrayHasKey('foo', $tableDiff->removedColumns, "'foo' should be removed."); $this->assertArrayHasKey('bar', $tableDiff->removedColumns, "'bar' should be removed."); $this->assertEquals(0, count($tableDiff->renamedColumns), "no renamings should take place."); } public function testDetectChangeIdentifierType() { $this->markTestSkipped('DBAL-2 was reopened, this test cannot work anymore.'); $tableA = new Table("foo"); $tableA->addColumn('id', 'integer', array('autoincrement' => false)); $tableB = new Table("foo"); $tableB->addColumn('id', 'integer', array('autoincrement' => true)); $c = new Comparator(); $tableDiff = $c->diffTable($tableA, $tableB); $this->assertInstanceOf('Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\TableDiff', $tableDiff); $this->assertArrayHasKey('id', $tableDiff->changedColumns); } /** * @group DBAL-105 */ public function testDiff() { $table = new \Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\Table('twitter_users'); $table->addColumn('id', 'integer', array('autoincrement' => true)); $table->addColumn('twitterId', 'integer', array('nullable' => false)); $table->addColumn('displayName', 'string', array('nullable' => false)); $table->setPrimaryKey(array('id')); $newtable = new \Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\Table('twitter_users'); $newtable->addColumn('id', 'integer', array('autoincrement' => true)); $newtable->addColumn('twitter_id', 'integer', array('nullable' => false)); $newtable->addColumn('display_name', 'string', array('nullable' => false)); $newtable->addColumn('logged_in_at', 'datetime', array('nullable' => true)); $newtable->setPrimaryKey(array('id')); $c = new Comparator(); $tableDiff = $c->diffTable($table, $newtable); $this->assertInstanceOf('Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\TableDiff', $tableDiff); $this->assertEquals(array('twitterid', 'displayname'), array_keys($tableDiff->renamedColumns)); $this->assertEquals(array('logged_in_at'), array_keys($tableDiff->addedColumns)); $this->assertEquals(0, count($tableDiff->removedColumns)); } /** * @group DBAL-112 */ public function testChangedSequence() { $schema = new Schema(); $sequence = $schema->createSequence('baz'); $schemaNew = clone $schema; /* @var $schemaNew Schema */ $schemaNew->getSequence('baz')->setAllocationSize(20); $c = new \Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\Comparator; $diff = $c->compare($schema, $schemaNew); $this->assertSame($diff->changedSequences[0] , $schemaNew->getSequence('baz')); } /** * @group DBAL-106 */ public function testDiffDecimalWithNullPrecision() { $column = new Column('foo', Type::getType('decimal')); $column->setPrecision(null); $column2 = new Column('foo', Type::getType('decimal')); $c = new Comparator(); $this->assertEquals(array(), $c->diffColumn($column, $column2)); } /** * @param SchemaDiff $diff * @param int $newTableCount * @param int $changeTableCount * @param int $removeTableCount */ public function assertSchemaTableChangeCount($diff, $newTableCount=0, $changeTableCount=0, $removeTableCount=0) { $this->assertEquals($newTableCount, count($diff->newTables)); $this->assertEquals($changeTableCount, count($diff->changedTables)); $this->assertEquals($removeTableCount, count($diff->removedTables)); } /** * @param SchemaDiff $diff * @param int $newSequenceCount * @param int $changeSequenceCount * @param int $changeSequenceCount */ public function assertSchemaSequenceChangeCount($diff, $newSequenceCount=0, $changeSequenceCount=0, $removeSequenceCount=0) { $this->assertEquals($newSequenceCount, count($diff->newSequences), "Expected number of new sequences is wrong."); $this->assertEquals($changeSequenceCount, count($diff->changedSequences), "Expected number of changed sequences is wrong."); $this->assertEquals($removeSequenceCount, count($diff->removedSequences), "Expected number of removed sequences is wrong."); } }