<?php /** * Doctrine_Configurable * the base for Doctrine_Table, Doctrine_Manager and Doctrine_Session * * * @author Konsta Vesterinen * @package Doctrine ORM * @url www.phpdoctrine.com * @license LGPL * @version 1.0 beta2 * */ abstract class Doctrine_Configurable { /** * @var array $attributes an array of containing all attributes */ private $attributes = array(); /** * @var $parent the parents of this component */ private $parent; /** * @throws Exception if the value is invalid * @param integer $attribute * @param mixed $value * @return void */ final public function setAttribute($attribute,$value) { switch($attribute): case Doctrine::ATTR_BATCH_SIZE: if($value < 0) throw new Doctrine_Exception("Batch size should be greater than or equal to zero"); break; case Doctrine::ATTR_CACHE_DIR: if(substr(trim($value),0,6) == "%ROOT%") { $dir = dirname(__FILE__); $value = $dir.substr($value,6); } if(! is_dir($value) && ! file_exists($value)) mkdir($value,0777); break; case Doctrine::ATTR_CACHE_TTL: if($value < 1) throw new Doctrine_Exception("Cache TimeToLive should be greater than or equal to 1"); break; case Doctrine::ATTR_CACHE_SIZE: if($value < 1) throw new Doctrine_Exception("Cache size should be greater than or equal to 1"); break; case Doctrine::ATTR_CACHE_SLAM: if($value < 0 || $value > 1) throw new Doctrine_Exception("Cache slam defense should be a floating point number between 0 and 1"); break; case Doctrine::ATTR_FETCHMODE: if($value < 0) throw new Doctrine_Exception("Unknown fetchmode. See Doctrine::FETCH_* constants."); break; case Doctrine::ATTR_LISTENER: $this->setEventListener($value); break; case Doctrine::ATTR_PK_COLUMNS: if( ! is_array($value)) throw new Doctrine_Exception("The value of Doctrine::ATTR_PK_COLUMNS attribute must be an array"); break; case Doctrine::ATTR_PK_TYPE: if($value != Doctrine::INCREMENT_KEY && $value != Doctrine::UNIQUE_KEY) throw new Doctrine_Exception("The value of Doctrine::ATTR_PK_TYPE attribute must be either Doctrine::INCREMENT_KEY or Doctrine::UNIQUE_KEY"); break; case Doctrine::ATTR_LOCKMODE: if($this instanceof Doctrine_Session) { if($this->getState() != Doctrine_Session::STATE_OPEN) throw new Doctrine_Exception("Couldn't set lockmode. There are transactions open."); } elseif($this instanceof Doctrine_Manager) { foreach($this as $session) { if($session->getState() != Doctrine_Session::STATE_OPEN) throw new Doctrine_Exception("Couldn't set lockmode. There are transactions open."); } } else { throw new Doctrine_Exception("Lockmode attribute can only be set at the global or session level."); } break; case Doctrine::ATTR_CREATE_TABLES: $value = (bool) $value; break; case Doctrine::ATTR_COLL_LIMIT: if($value < 1) { throw new Doctrine_Exception("Collection limit should be a value greater than or equal to 1."); } break; case Doctrine::ATTR_COLL_KEY: if( ! ($this instanceof Doctrine_Table)) throw new Doctrine_Exception("This attribute can only be set at table level."); if( ! $this->hasColumn($value)) throw new Doctrine_Exception("Couldn't set collection key attribute. No such column '$value'"); break; case Doctrine::ATTR_VLD: break; case Doctrine::ATTR_CACHE: if($value != Doctrine::CACHE_SQLITE && $value != Doctrine::CACHE_NONE) throw new Doctrine_Exception("Unknown cache container. See Doctrine::CACHE_* constants for availible containers."); break; default: throw new Doctrine_Exception("Unknown attribute."); endswitch; $this->attributes[$attribute] = $value; } /** * @param Doctrine_EventListener $listener * @return void */ final public function setEventListener(Doctrine_EventListener $listener) { $i = Doctrine::ATTR_LISTENER; $this->attributes[$i] = $listener; } /** * @return mixed the value of the attribute */ final public function getAttribute($attribute) { $attribute = (int) $attribute; if($attribute < 1 || $attribute > 16) throw new InvalidKeyException(); if( ! isset($this->attributes[$attribute])) { if(isset($this->parent)) return $this->parent->getAttribute($attribute); return null; } return $this->attributes[$attribute]; } /** * getAttributes * @return array */ final public function getAttributes() { return $this->attributes; } /** * @param Doctrine_Configurable $component * @return void */ final public function setParent(Doctrine_Configurable $component) { $this->parent = $component; } /** * getParent */ final public function getParent() { return $this->parent; } } ?>