$h = new PHP_Highlight();

function render($title,$t,$e) {
    global $h;
    print $e." <a name=\"$e\"><u>".$t."</u></a><br><br>\n";
    $c = "";

    if(file_exists("docs/$e.php")) {
        rename("docs/$e.php","docs/$title - $t.php");
    if(file_exists("docs/$t.php")) {
        rename("docs/$t.php","docs/$title - $t.php");
    if(file_exists("docs/$title - $t.php")) {
        $c = file_get_contents("docs/$title - $t.php");
        if(substr($c,0,5) == "<?php") {
            include("docs/$title - $t.php");
        } else
            print $c."<br><br>";
    $c = "";
    if(file_exists("codes/$e.php")) {
        rename("codes/$e.php","codes/$title - $t.php");
    if(file_exists("codes/$t.php")) {
        rename("codes/$t.php","codes/$title - $t.php");
    if(file_exists("codes/$title - $t.php")) {
        print "<table border=1 class='dashed' cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>";
        print "<tr><td>";
         $c = file_get_contents("codes/$title - $t.php");
        $c = trim($c);

        print $h->toHtml();
        print "</td></tr>";
        print "</table>";
    print "<br>";

function render_block($name) {

    if(file_exists("docs/$name.php")) {
        $c = file_get_contents("docs/$name.php");
        if(substr($c,0,5) == "<?php") {
        } else {
            print $c."<br><br>";
    if(file_exists("codes/$name.php")) {
        $c = file_get_contents("codes/$name.php");
        $c = trim($c);

function renderCode($c = null) {
    global $h;
    if( ! empty($c)) {


        print "<table width=500 border=1 class='dashed' cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>";
        print "<tr><td>";

        print "</td></tr>";
        print "</table>";
function array2path($array, $path = '') {
   $arrayValues = array();

   $index = 1;
   foreach ($array as $k => $value) {
       $p = ($path !== '')?$path.".".$index:$index;

       if (is_scalar($value) || is_resource($value)) {
             $arrayValues[$p] = $value;
       } elseif (is_array($value)) {
             $arrayValues[$p] = $k;
             $arrayValues = $arrayValues + array2path($value, $p);

   return $arrayValues;
$menu = array("Getting started" =>
                        "Starting new project",
                        "Setting table definition" => array(
                                        "Table and class naming",
                                        "Field(Column) naming",
                                        "Data types and lengths",
                                        "Constraints and validators",
                                        "Default values",
                                        "Enum emulation",


                        "Record identifiers" => array(
           "Schema reference" =>
                        "Data types" => array(

           "Basic Components" =>
                                => array("Introduction",
                                         "Opening a new connection",
                                         "Managing connections"),
                                => array("Introduction",
                                         "Creating new records",
                                         "Retrieving existing records",
                                         "Accessing properties",
                                         "Updating records",
                                         "Deleting records",
                                         "Getting record state",
                                         "Getting object copy",
                                         "Checking Existence",
                                => array("Introduction",
                                         "Available drivers",
                                         "Getting a table object",
                                         "Flushing the connection",
                                         "Querying the database",
                                         "Getting connection state"),

                                => array("Introduction",
                                         "Accessing elements",
                                         "Adding new elements",
                                         "Getting collection count",
                                         "Saving the collection",
                                         "Deleting collection",
                                         //"Fetching strategies",
                                         "Key mapping",
                                         "Loading related records",
                                         "Collection expanding",

                        "Table" => array("Introduction",
                                         "Getting table information",
                                         "Finder methods",
                                         "Custom table classes",
                                         "Custom finders",
                                         "Getting relation objects"),

                        "Query" => array("Introduction",
                                         "FROM - selecting tables",
                                         "LIMIT and OFFSET - limiting the query results",
                                         "WHERE - setting query conditions",
                                         "ORDER BY - sorting query results",
                                         //"Fetching strategies",
                                         //"Lazy property fetching",
                                         "Method overloading",
                                         "Relation operators",
                                         "Bound parameters",
                                         "Aggregate functions",
                                         "DQL - SQL conversion"),
                        "RawSql" => array(
                                         "Using SQL",
                                         "Adding components",
                                         "Method overloading"),
                        "Db"     => array(
                                         "Connecting to a database",
                                         "Using event listeners",
                                         "Chaining listeners"),
                        "Statement - <font color='red'>UNDER CONSTRUCTION</font>" => array("Introduction",
                                             "Setting parameters",
                                             "Getting parameters",
                                             "Getting row count",
                                             "Executing the statement"),
                        "Exceptions" => array(
                                    "List of exceptions"
           "Mapping object relations" =>
                        "Composites and aggregates",
                        "Relation aliases",
                        "Foreign key associations" => array(
                                        "One-to-Many, Many-to-One",
                                        "Tree structure"),

                        "Join table associations" => array(
                                        "One-to-Many, Many-to-One",
                        "Dealing with relations" => array(
                                        "Creating related records",
                                        "Retrieving related records",
                                        "Updating related records",
                                        "Deleting related records",
                                        "Working with associations"),
                        "Inheritance" =>
                                        array("One table many classes",
                                        "One table one class",
                                        "Column aggregation"
           "Configuration" =>
                        "Levels of configuration",
                        "Setting attributes"    => array(
                            "Table creation",
                            "Fetching strategy",
                            "Batch size",
                            "Session lockmode",
                            "Event listener",
                            "Offset collection limit"

           "Advanced components" => array(
                      "Eventlisteners" =>
                                      "Creating new listener",
                                      "List of events",
                                      "Listening events",
                                      "Creating a logger",
                      "Validators" => array(
                                      "More Validation",
                                      "Valid or Not Valid",
                                      "List of predefined validators"
                      "View"        => array(
                                      "Managing views",
                                      "Using views"
                      "Cache"       => array(
                                      "Query cache"),

                      "Locking Manager" => array(
                                        "Technical Details",
                      "Debugger" => array(
                                        "Debugging actions"),
                      "Library" => array(
                                        "Using library functions"),
                      "Iterator" => array(

           "DQL (Doctrine Query Language)" =>

                                  'SELECT queries',
                                  'UPDATE queries',
                                  'DELETE queries',
                                  'FROM clause',
                                  'WHERE clause',
                                  'Conditional expressions' =>
                                              'Input parameters',

                                              'Operators and operator precedence',
                                              'Between expressions',
                                              'In expressions',
                                              'Like Expressions',
                                              'Null Comparison Expressions',
                                              'Empty Collection Comparison Expressions',
                                              'Collection Member Expressions',
                                              'Exists Expressions',
                                              'All and Any Expressions',
                                  'Functional Expressions' =>
                                        array('String functions',
                                              'Arithmetic functions',
                                              'Datetime functions',
                                              'Collection functions'),

                                  'GROUP BY, HAVING clauses',
                                  'ORDER BY clause',
                                  'LIMIT and OFFSET clauses' =>
                                              'Driver portability',
                                              'The limit-subquery-algorithm',


           "Transactions" => array(
                        "Unit of work",
                        "Locking strategies" =>
                            array("Pessimistic locking",
                                  "Optimistic locking"),

                        "Lock modes",
                        "Isolation levels",

           "Native SQL" => array(
                        "Scalar queries",
                        "Component queries",
                        "Fetching multiple components",
            "Developer components" => array(
                        "DataDict"  => array(
                        "IndexGenerator" =>
                        "Relation"  => array(
                                        "Types of relations",
                        "Null"      => array(
                                        "Extremely fast null value checking"
                        "Access"    => array(
                        "Configurable" => array(
            "Improving performance" => array(
                            "Data types" =>
                            "Primary keys" => array(
                                "When to use surrogate primary keys",
                            "Constraints" => array(
                                "General tips",
                                "Foreign keys",
                            "Data manipulation" => array(
                                "INSERT queries",
                                "UPDATE queries",
                                "DELETE queries",
                            "Indexes" => array(
                                "General tips",
                                "Using compound indexes",
                            "Transactions" => array(
                                "General tips",
                            "Data fetching" => array(
                                "General tips",
                            "Normalization" => array(

                            "Caching" => array(
                                "General tips"
                            "Performance monitoring" => array( "Using the database profiler") 
            "Technology" => array(
                "Design patterns used",
                "Internal optimizations" =>

            "Real world examples" => array("User management system","Forum application","Album lister"),
            "Coding standards" => array(
                            "Overview" => 
                            "PHP File Formatting" => array(
                                    "Maximum line length",
                                    "Line termination"

                            "Naming Conventions" => array(
                                    "Functions and methods",
                                    "Record columns",

                            "Coding Style" => array(
                                    "PHP code demarcation",
                                    "Functions and methods",
                                    "Control statements",
                                    "Inline documentation"


<table width="100%" cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0>
        <td width=50>
        <td align="left" valign="top">
            <table width="100%" cellspacing=1 cellpadding=1>
                <td colspan=2 bgcolor="white">
                <img src="images/logo.jpg" align="left"><b class="title">Doctrine - PHP Data Persistence and ORM Tool</b>
                <td bgcolor="white" valign="top">

                if( ! isset($_REQUEST["index"])) {
                $i = 1;
                $missing = array();
                $missing[0] = 0;
                $missing[1] = 0;
                print "<dl>\n";
                foreach($menu as $title => $titles) {
                    print "<dt>" . $i . ". <a href=\"".$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."?index=$i#$i\">".$title."</a></dt>\n";
                    print "<dd><dl>";
                    $i2 = 1;
                    foreach($titles as $k => $t) {
                        $e = "$i.".$i2."";
                        if(is_array($t)) {
                            print "<dt>".$e." <a href=\"".$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."?index=$i.$i2#$e\">".$k."</a><dt>\n";

                            $i3 = 1;
                            print "<dd><dl>";
                            foreach($t as $k2 => $v2) {
                                $str = "";
                                if( ! file_exists("docs/$title - $k - $v2.php")) {
                                    $str .= " [ <font color='red'>doc</font> ] ";
                                    //touch("docs/$title - $k - $v2.php");
                                if( ! file_exists("codes/$title - $k - $v2.php")) {
                                    $str .= " [ <font color='red'>code</font> ] ";
                                    //touch("codes/$title - $k - $v2.php");


                                $e = implode(".",array($i,$i2,$i3));
                                print "<dt>".$e." <a href=\"".$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."?index=$i.$i2#$e\">".$v2."</a></dt>\n";
                            print "</dl></dd>";

                        } else {
                            $str = "";
                            if( ! file_exists("docs/$title - $t.php")) {
                                $str .= " [ <font color='red'>doc</font> ] ";
                                //touch("docs/$title - $t.php");
                            if( ! file_exists("codes/$title - $t.php")) {
                                $str .= " [ <font color='red'>code</font> ] ";
                                //touch("codes/$title - $t.php");
                            print "<dt>".$e." <a href=\"".$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."?index=$i#$e\">".$t."</a></dt>\n";

                    print "</dl></dd>";
                print "</dl>\n";

                } else {
                    $i = 1;
                    $ex = explode(".",$_REQUEST["index"]);

                    $paths = array2path($menu);

                    if( ! isset($paths[$ex[0]]))

                    $break = false;
                    $tmp   = $paths;

                    foreach($tmp as $path => $title) {
                        $e = explode(".", $path);
                        if(count($e) > 2) {

                    $prev = 1;
                    foreach($tmp as $path => $title) {

                        if($path === $_REQUEST["index"]) {
                            $break = true;
                        } else {
                            $prev = $path;

                    $index = $_REQUEST['index'];

                    print "<table width='100%'>";
                    print "<tr><td colspan=3 align='center'><b></td></tr>";
                    print "<tr><td colspan=3 align='center'><b class='title'>".$paths[$ex[0]]."</b></td></tr>";
                    print "<tr><td align='left'><b><a href=documentation.php?index=$prev>Prev</a></b></td>";
                    print "<td align='right'><b><a href=documentation.php?index=$path>Next</a></b></td></tr>";
                    print "<tr><td>&nbsp;</td></tr>";
                    print "</table>";

                 $tmp = $ex;
                    if(count($tmp) > 2) {
                    foreach($tmp as $k => $v) {
                        $numbers[] = $v;
                        $curr = implode(".",$numbers);
                        $stack[] = $paths[$curr];
                    if(isset($ex[1])) {
                        $name = implode(" - ", $stack);

                        print "<a name='$path'><b class='title'>".$paths[$curr]."</b></a><hr>";

                        $n = $numbers;

                        $o = $paths[$n[0]];
                        $numpath  = implode(".", array($n[0], $n[1]));
                        $o2 = $paths[$numpath];

                        $value = $menu[$o];
                        if( ! is_array($value))

                        if(in_array($o2, $value)) {
                        } else {
                            $value = $menu[$o][$o2];

                            if(is_array($value)) {
                                foreach($value as $k => $title) {
                                    $numpath2 = $numpath . '.' . ($k + 1);
                                    print "<br \><a name='".$numpath2."'><b class='title'>".$title."</b></a><hr style='height: 1px' \>";

                                    $s = $name." - ".$title;

                    } else {

                        $tmp = $paths[$ex[0]];
                        $i = 1;
                        foreach($menu[$tmp] as $title => $value) {
                            $n = $ex[0].".".$i;

                            if(is_scalar($value)) {
                                print "<dd>".$n.". <a href=\"documentation.php?index=".$n."\">".$value."</a><br \>\n";
                            } else {
                                print "<dd>".$n.". <a href=\"documentation.php?index=".$n."\">".$title."</a><br \>\n";
                <td bgcolor="white" align="left" valign="top" width=300>
                    $i = 1;
                    print "<dd>-- <b><a href=documentation.php>index</a></b><br>\n";
                    foreach($menu as $title => $titles) {
                        print "<dd>".$i.". <a href=\"".$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."?index=$i\">".$title."</a><br>\n";
            <td bgcolor="white" valign="top" colspan="2">

            foreach($menu as $title => $titles) {
                if($i == $ex[0]) {

                print $i.". <b><a class=\"big\" name=\"$i\">".$title."</a></b><hr><br>\n";
                    $i2 = 1;
                    foreach($titles as $k => $t) {
                        $e = "$i.".$i2;

                        if(is_array($t)) {
                            $tmp = "$title - $k";

                            if( ! isset($ex[1]) || $i2 != $ex[1]) {

                            print $e." <b><a class=\"big\" name=\"$e\">".$k."</a></b><hr><br><br>\n";
                            foreach($t as $k2 => $t2) {
                                if( ! isset($ex[1]) || $i2 != $ex[1])
                                $e = "$i.".$i2.".".($k2+1);
                        } else {
                            if( ! isset($ex[1])) {
