<?php namespace Doctrine\DBAL; use Doctrine\DBAL\Platforms\AbstractPlatform; use Doctrine\DBAL\Types\Type; use Exception; use function get_class; use function gettype; use function implode; use function is_object; use function spl_object_hash; use function sprintf; /** * @psalm-immutable */ class DBALException extends Exception { /** * @param string $method * * @return DBALException */ public static function notSupported($method) { return new self(sprintf("Operation '%s' is not supported by platform.", $method)); } /** * @param mixed $invalidPlatform */ public static function invalidPlatformType($invalidPlatform): self { if (is_object($invalidPlatform)) { return new self( sprintf( "Option 'platform' must be a subtype of '%s', instance of '%s' given", AbstractPlatform::class, get_class($invalidPlatform) ) ); } return new self( sprintf( "Option 'platform' must be an object and subtype of '%s'. Got '%s'", AbstractPlatform::class, gettype($invalidPlatform) ) ); } /** * Returns a new instance for an invalid specified platform version. * * @param string $version The invalid platform version given. * @param string $expectedFormat The expected platform version format. * * @return DBALException */ public static function invalidPlatformVersionSpecified($version, $expectedFormat) { return new self( sprintf( 'Invalid platform version "%s" specified. ' . 'The platform version has to be specified in the format: "%s".', $version, $expectedFormat ) ); } /** * @param string|null $url The URL that was provided in the connection parameters (if any). * * @return DBALException */ public static function driverRequired($url = null) { if ($url !== null) { return new self( sprintf( "The options 'driver' or 'driverClass' are mandatory if a connection URL without scheme " . 'is given to DriverManager::getConnection(). Given URL: %s', $url ) ); } return new self("The options 'driver' or 'driverClass' are mandatory if no PDO " . 'instance is given to DriverManager::getConnection().'); } /** * @param string $unknownDriverName * @param string[] $knownDrivers * * @return DBALException */ public static function unknownDriver($unknownDriverName, array $knownDrivers) { return new self("The given 'driver' " . $unknownDriverName . ' is unknown, ' . 'Doctrine currently supports only the following drivers: ' . implode(', ', $knownDrivers)); } /** * @param string $wrapperClass * * @return DBALException */ public static function invalidWrapperClass($wrapperClass) { return new self("The given 'wrapperClass' " . $wrapperClass . ' has to be a ' . 'subtype of \Doctrine\DBAL\Connection.'); } /** * @param string $driverClass * * @return DBALException */ public static function invalidDriverClass($driverClass) { return new self("The given 'driverClass' " . $driverClass . ' has to implement the ' . Driver::class . ' interface.'); } /** * @param string $tableName * * @return DBALException */ public static function invalidTableName($tableName) { return new self('Invalid table name specified: ' . $tableName); } /** * @param string $tableName * * @return DBALException */ public static function noColumnsSpecifiedForTable($tableName) { return new self('No columns specified for table ' . $tableName); } /** * @return DBALException */ public static function limitOffsetInvalid() { return new self('Invalid Offset in Limit Query, it has to be larger than or equal to 0.'); } /** * @param string $name * * @return DBALException */ public static function typeExists($name) { return new self('Type ' . $name . ' already exists.'); } /** * @param string $name * * @return DBALException */ public static function unknownColumnType($name) { return new self('Unknown column type "' . $name . '" requested. Any Doctrine type that you use has ' . 'to be registered with \Doctrine\DBAL\Types\Type::addType(). You can get a list of all the ' . 'known types with \Doctrine\DBAL\Types\Type::getTypesMap(). If this error occurs during database ' . 'introspection then you might have forgotten to register all database types for a Doctrine Type. Use ' . 'AbstractPlatform#registerDoctrineTypeMapping() or have your custom types implement ' . 'Type#getMappedDatabaseTypes(). If the type name is empty you might ' . 'have a problem with the cache or forgot some mapping information.'); } /** * @param string $name * * @return DBALException */ public static function typeNotFound($name) { return new self('Type to be overwritten ' . $name . ' does not exist.'); } public static function typeNotRegistered(Type $type): self { return new self(sprintf('Type of the class %s@%s is not registered.', get_class($type), spl_object_hash($type))); } public static function typeAlreadyRegistered(Type $type): self { return new self( sprintf('Type of the class %s@%s is already registered.', get_class($type), spl_object_hash($type)) ); } }