<?php namespace Doctrine\DBAL\Schema; use Doctrine\DBAL\Platforms\AbstractPlatform; use function array_merge; /** * Schema Diff. * * @link www.doctrine-project.org */ class SchemaDiff { /** @var Schema */ public $fromSchema; /** * All added namespaces. * * @var string[] */ public $newNamespaces = []; /** * All removed namespaces. * * @var string[] */ public $removedNamespaces = []; /** * All added tables. * * @var Table[] */ public $newTables = []; /** * All changed tables. * * @var TableDiff[] */ public $changedTables = []; /** * All removed tables. * * @var Table[] */ public $removedTables = []; /** @var Sequence[] */ public $newSequences = []; /** @var Sequence[] */ public $changedSequences = []; /** @var Sequence[] */ public $removedSequences = []; /** @var ForeignKeyConstraint[] */ public $orphanedForeignKeys = []; /** * Constructs an SchemaDiff object. * * @param Table[] $newTables * @param TableDiff[] $changedTables * @param Table[] $removedTables */ public function __construct($newTables = [], $changedTables = [], $removedTables = [], ?Schema $fromSchema = null) { $this->newTables = $newTables; $this->changedTables = $changedTables; $this->removedTables = $removedTables; $this->fromSchema = $fromSchema; } /** * The to save sql mode ensures that the following things don't happen: * * 1. Tables are deleted * 2. Sequences are deleted * 3. Foreign Keys which reference tables that would otherwise be deleted. * * This way it is ensured that assets are deleted which might not be relevant to the metadata schema at all. * * @return string[] */ public function toSaveSql(AbstractPlatform $platform) { return $this->_toSql($platform, true); } /** * @return string[] */ public function toSql(AbstractPlatform $platform) { return $this->_toSql($platform, false); } /** * @param bool $saveMode * * @return string[] */ protected function _toSql(AbstractPlatform $platform, $saveMode = false) { $sql = []; if ($platform->supportsSchemas()) { foreach ($this->newNamespaces as $newNamespace) { $sql[] = $platform->getCreateSchemaSQL($newNamespace); } } if ($platform->supportsForeignKeyConstraints() && $saveMode === false) { foreach ($this->orphanedForeignKeys as $orphanedForeignKey) { $sql[] = $platform->getDropForeignKeySQL($orphanedForeignKey, $orphanedForeignKey->getLocalTable()); } } if ($platform->supportsSequences() === true) { foreach ($this->changedSequences as $sequence) { $sql[] = $platform->getAlterSequenceSQL($sequence); } if ($saveMode === false) { foreach ($this->removedSequences as $sequence) { $sql[] = $platform->getDropSequenceSQL($sequence); } } foreach ($this->newSequences as $sequence) { $sql[] = $platform->getCreateSequenceSQL($sequence); } } $foreignKeySql = []; foreach ($this->newTables as $table) { $sql = array_merge( $sql, $platform->getCreateTableSQL($table, AbstractPlatform::CREATE_INDEXES) ); if (! $platform->supportsForeignKeyConstraints()) { continue; } foreach ($table->getForeignKeys() as $foreignKey) { $foreignKeySql[] = $platform->getCreateForeignKeySQL($foreignKey, $table); } } $sql = array_merge($sql, $foreignKeySql); if ($saveMode === false) { foreach ($this->removedTables as $table) { $sql[] = $platform->getDropTableSQL($table); } } foreach ($this->changedTables as $tableDiff) { $sql = array_merge($sql, $platform->getAlterTableSQL($tableDiff)); } return $sql; } }