<?php require_once("Access.php"); /** * Doctrine_Statement * * Doctrine_Statement is a wrapper for PDOStatement with DQL support * * @package Doctrine ORM * @url www.phpdoctrine.com * @license LGPL */ class Doctrine_Statement extends Doctrine_Access { /** * @var Doctrine_Query $query */ private $query; /** * @var PDOStatement $stmt */ private $stmt; /** * @var array $reserved */ private $reserved = array(); /** * constructor * * @param Doctrine_Query $query * @param PDOStatement $stmt */ public function __construct(Doctrine_Query $query, PDOStatement $stmt) { $this->query = $query; $this->stmt = $stmt; } public function set($name, $value) { } public function get($name) { } /** * getCollection * returns Doctrine_Collection object * * @parma string $name component name * @param integer $index * @return Doctrine_Collection */ private function getCollection($name) { $table = $this->session->getTable($name); switch($this->fetchModes[$name]): case Doctrine::FETCH_BATCH: $coll = new Doctrine_Collection_Batch($table); break; case Doctrine::FETCH_LAZY: $coll = new Doctrine_Collection_Lazy($table); break; case Doctrine::FETCH_OFFSET: $coll = new Doctrine_Collection_Offset($table); break; case Doctrine::FETCH_IMMEDIATE: $coll = new Doctrine_Collection_Immediate($table); break; case Doctrine::FETCH_LAZY_OFFSET: $coll = new Doctrine_Collection_LazyOffset($table); break; endswitch; $coll->populate($this); return $coll; } /** * execute * executes the dql query, populates all collections * and returns the root collection * * @param array $params * @return Doctrine_Collection */ public function execute($params = array()) { switch(count($this->tables)): case 0: throw new DQLException(); break; case 1: $query = $this->getQuery(); $keys = array_keys($this->tables); $name = $this->tables[$keys[0]]->getComponentName(); $stmt = $this->session->execute($query,$params); while($data = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)): foreach($data as $key => $value): $e = explode("__",$key); if(count($e) > 1) { $data[$e[1]] = $value; } else { $data[$e[0]] = $value; } unset($data[$key]); endforeach; $this->data[$name][] = $data; endwhile; return $this->getCollection($keys[0]); break; default: $query = $this->getQuery(); $keys = array_keys($this->tables); $root = $keys[0]; $stmt = $this->session->execute($query,$params); $previd = array(); $coll = $this->getCollection($root); $array = $this->parseData($stmt); foreach($array as $data): /** * remove duplicated data rows and map data into objects */ foreach($data as $key => $row): if(empty($row)) continue; $key = ucwords($key); $name = $this->tables[$key]->getComponentName(); if( ! isset($previd[$name])) $previd[$name] = array(); if($previd[$name] !== $row) { $this->tables[$name]->setData($row); $record = $this->tables[$name]->getRecord(); if($name == $root) { $this->tables[$name]->setData($row); $record = $this->tables[$name]->getRecord(); $coll->add($record); } else { $last = $coll->getLast(); if( ! $last->hasReference($name)) { $last->initReference($this->getCollection($name),$this->connectors[$name]); } $last->addReference($record); } } $previd[$name] = $row; endforeach; endforeach; return $coll; endswitch; } /** * parseData * parses the data returned by PDOStatement * * @param PDOStatement $stmt * @return array */ public function parseData(PDOStatement $stmt) { $array = array(); while($data = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)): /** * parse the data into two-dimensional array */ foreach($data as $key => $value): $e = explode("__",$key); if(count($e) > 1) { $data[$e[0]][$e[1]] = $value; } else { $data[0][$e[0]] = $value; } unset($data[$key]); endforeach; $array[] = $data; endwhile; $stmt->closeCursor(); return $array; } } ?>