<?php$state=$record->getState();switch($state):caseDoctrine_Record::STATE_PROXY:// data access object is in proxy state, // meaning its persistent but not all of its properties are// loaded from the databasebreak;caseDoctrine_Record::STATE_TCLEAN:// data access object is transient clean,// meaning its transient and // none of its properties are changedbreak;caseDoctrine_Record::STATE_TDIRTY:// data access object is transient dirty, // meaning its transient and // some of its properties are changedbreak;caseDoctrine_Record::STATE_DIRTY:// data access object is dirty, // meaning its persistent and // some of its properties are changedbreak;caseDoctrine_Record::STATE_CLEAN:// data access object is clean, // meaning its persistent and // none of its properties are changedbreak;endswitch;?>