ConvertPositionalToNamedPlaceholders.php 5.23 KB
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namespace Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\OCI8;

use Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\Exception;
8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34
use Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\OCI8\Exception\NonTerminatedStringLiteral;

use function count;
use function implode;
use function preg_match;
use function preg_quote;
use function substr;


 * Converts positional (?) into named placeholders (:param<num>).
 * Oracle does not support positional parameters, hence this method converts all
 * positional parameters into artificially named parameters. Note that this conversion
 * is not perfect. All question marks (?) in the original statement are treated as
 * placeholders and converted to a named parameter.
 * @internal This class is not covered by the backward compatibility promise
final class ConvertPositionalToNamedPlaceholders
     * @param string $statement The SQL statement to convert.
     * @return mixed[] [0] => the statement value (string), [1] => the paramMap value (array).
     * @throws Exception
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    public function __invoke(string $statement): array
        $fragmentOffset          = $tokenOffset = 0;
        $fragments               = $paramMap = [];
        $currentLiteralDelimiter = null;

        do {
            if ($currentLiteralDelimiter === null) {
                $result = $this->findPlaceholderOrOpeningQuote(
            } else {
                $result = $this->findClosingQuote($statement, $tokenOffset, $currentLiteralDelimiter);
        } while ($result);

        if ($currentLiteralDelimiter !== null) {
            throw NonTerminatedStringLiteral::new($tokenOffset - 1);

        $fragments[] = substr($statement, $fragmentOffset);
        $statement   = implode('', $fragments);

        return [$statement, $paramMap];

     * Finds next placeholder or opening quote.
     * @param string      $statement               The SQL statement to parse
     * @param int         $tokenOffset             The offset to start searching from
     * @param int         $fragmentOffset          The offset to build the next fragment from
     * @param string[]    $fragments               Fragments of the original statement not containing placeholders
     * @param string|null $currentLiteralDelimiter The delimiter of the current string literal
     *                                             or NULL if not currently in a literal
     * @param string[]    $paramMap                Mapping of the original parameter positions to their named replacements
     * @return bool Whether the token was found
    private function findPlaceholderOrOpeningQuote(
        string $statement,
        int &$tokenOffset,
        int &$fragmentOffset,
        array &$fragments,
        ?string &$currentLiteralDelimiter,
        array &$paramMap
    ): bool {
        $token = $this->findToken($statement, $tokenOffset, '/[?\'"]/');

        if ($token === null) {
            return false;

        if ($token === '?') {
            $position            = count($paramMap) + 1;
            $param               = ':param' . $position;
            $fragments[]         = substr($statement, $fragmentOffset, $tokenOffset - $fragmentOffset);
            $fragments[]         = $param;
            $paramMap[$position] = $param;
            $tokenOffset        += 1;
            $fragmentOffset      = $tokenOffset;

            return true;

        $currentLiteralDelimiter = $token;

        return true;

     * Finds closing quote
     * @param string $statement               The SQL statement to parse
     * @param int    $tokenOffset             The offset to start searching from
     * @param string $currentLiteralDelimiter The delimiter of the current string literal
     * @return bool Whether the token was found
    private function findClosingQuote(
        string $statement,
        int &$tokenOffset,
        string &$currentLiteralDelimiter
    ): bool {
        $token = $this->findToken(
            '/' . preg_quote($currentLiteralDelimiter, '/') . '/'

        if ($token === null) {
            return false;

        $currentLiteralDelimiter = null;

        return true;

     * Finds the token described by regex starting from the given offset. Updates the offset with the position
     * where the token was found.
     * @param string $statement The SQL statement to parse
     * @param int    $offset    The offset to start searching from
     * @param string $regex     The regex containing token pattern
     * @return string|null Token or NULL if not found
    private function findToken(string $statement, int &$offset, string $regex): ?string
        if (preg_match($regex, $statement, $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE, $offset) === 1) {
            $offset = $matches[0][1];

            return $matches[0][0];

        return null;