manager.txt 1.79 KB
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++++ Introduction

{{Doctrine_Manager}} is the heart of every Doctrine based application. {{Doctrine_Manager}} handles all connections (database connections).

++++ Opening a new connection

In order to get your first application started you first need to get an instance of Doctrine_Manager which handles all the connections (database connections). The second thing to do is to open a new connection. 

<code type="php">
// Doctrine_Manager controls all the connections 

$manager = Doctrine_Manager::getInstance();

// Doctrine_Connection
// a script may have multiple open connections
// (= multiple database connections)
$dbh  = new PDO('dsn','username','password');
$conn = $manager->openConnection();

// or if you want to use Doctrine Doctrine_Db and its 
// performance monitoring capabilities

$dsn  = 'schema://username:password@dsn/dbname';
$dbh  = Doctrine_Db::getConnection($dsn);
$conn = $manager->openConnection();

++++ Managing connections

Switching between connections in Doctrine is very easy, you just call {{Doctrine_Manager::setCurrentConnection()}} method. You can access the connection by calling {{Doctrine_Manager::getConnection()}} or {{Doctrine_Manager::getCurrentConnection()}} if you only want to get the current connection.

<code type="php">
// Doctrine_Manager controls all the connections 

$manager = Doctrine_Manager::getInstance();

// open first connection

$conn = $manager->openConnection(new PDO('dsn','username','password'), 'connection 1');

// open second connection

$conn2 = $manager->openConnection(new PDO('dsn2','username2','password2'), 'connection 2');

$manager->getCurrentConnection(); // $conn2

$manager->setCurrentConnection('connection 1');

$manager->getCurrentConnection(); // $conn

// iterating through connections

foreach($manager as $conn) {