ManyToManySelfReferentialAssociationTest.php 4.65 KB
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namespace Doctrine\Tests\ORM\Functional;

use Doctrine\Tests\Models\ECommerce\ECommerceProduct;
use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\AssociationMapping;
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require_once __DIR__ . '/../../TestInit.php';

 * Tests a self referential many-to-many association mapping (from a model to the same model, without inheritance).
 * For simplicity the relation duplicates entries in the association table
 * to remain simmetrical.
class ManyToManySelfReferentialAssociationTest extends AbstractManyToManyAssociationTestCase
    protected $_firstField = 'product_id';
    protected $_secondField = 'related_id';
    protected $_table = 'ecommerce_products_related';
    private $firstProduct;
    private $secondProduct;
    private $firstRelated;
    private $secondRelated;

    protected function setUp()
        $this->firstProduct = new ECommerceProduct();
        $this->secondProduct = new ECommerceProduct();
        $this->firstRelated = new ECommerceProduct();
        $this->secondRelated = new ECommerceProduct();

    public function testSavesAManyToManyAssociationWithCascadeSaveSet()
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    public function testRemovesAManyToManyAssociation()
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    public function testEagerLoadsOwningSide()
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        $products = $this->_findProducts();

    public function testLazyLoadsOwningSide()

        $metadata = $this->_em->getClassMetadata('Doctrine\Tests\Models\ECommerce\ECommerceProduct');
        $metadata->getAssociationMapping('related')->fetchMode = AssociationMapping::FETCH_LAZY;

        $query = $this->_em->createQuery('SELECT p FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\ECommerce\ECommerceProduct p');
        $products = $query->getResult();
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    public function assertLoadingOfOwningSide($products)
        list ($firstProduct, $secondProduct) = $products;
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        $this->assertEquals(2, count($firstProduct->getRelated()));
        $this->assertEquals(2, count($secondProduct->getRelated()));
        $categories = $firstProduct->getRelated();        
        $firstRelatedBy = $categories[0]->getRelated();
        $secondRelatedBy = $categories[1]->getRelated();
        $this->assertEquals(2, count($firstRelatedBy));
        $this->assertEquals(2, count($secondRelatedBy));

        $this->assertTrue($firstRelatedBy[0] instanceof ECommerceProduct);
        $this->assertTrue($firstRelatedBy[1] instanceof ECommerceProduct);
        $this->assertTrue($secondRelatedBy[0] instanceof ECommerceProduct);
        $this->assertTrue($secondRelatedBy[1] instanceof ECommerceProduct);
        $this->assertCollectionEquals($firstRelatedBy, $secondRelatedBy);

    protected function _createLoadingFixture()
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    protected function _findProducts()
        $query = $this->_em->createQuery('SELECT p, r FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\ECommerce\ECommerceProduct p LEFT JOIN p.related r ORDER BY,');
        return $query->getResult();
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