#!/bin/bash# This script is a small convenience wrapper for running the doctrine testsuite against a large bunch of databases.# Just create the phpunit.xmls as described in the array below and configure the specific files <php /> section# to connect to that database. Just omit a file if you dont have that database and the tests will be skipped.configs[1]="mysql.phpunit.xml"configs[2]='postgres.phpunit.xml'configs[3]='sqlite.phpunit.xml'configs[4]='oracle.phpunit.xml'configs[5]='db2.phpunit.xml'configs[6]='pdo-ibm.phpunit.xml'configs[7]='sqlsrv.phpunit.xml'for i in"${configs[@]}";do if[-f"$i"];thenecho"RUNNING TESTS WITH CONFIG $i" phpunit -c"$i""$@"fi;done