Mapping object relations - Join table associations - Many-to-Many.php 1.23 KB
class User extends Doctrine_Record { 
    public function setUp() {
    public function setTableDefinition() {

class Group extends Doctrine_Record {
    public function setUp() {
    public function setTableDefinition() {

class Groupuser extends Doctrine_Record { 
    public function setTableDefinition() {

$user = new User();

// add two groups
$user->Group[0]->name = "First Group";

$user->Group[1]->name = "Second Group";

// save changes into database

// deleting the associations between user and groups it belongs to


$groups = new Doctrine_Collection($conn->getTable("Group"));

$groups[0]->name = "Third Group";

$groups[1]->name = "Fourth Group";

$user->Group[2] = $groups[0];
// $user will now have 3 groups

$user->Group = $groups;
// $user will now have two groups 'Third Group' and 'Fourth Group'
